Hungary’s highest paying jobs and where to find them

Have you ever wondered which ordinary job pays the most in Hungary? Data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office revealed that one can find the highest paying job in Hungary in Csongrád county, reports. The good wages are due to the oil and natural gas fields located in the Southern part of the country.
Statistics revealed that people working in the power generating industry earn the most in the whole country.
The majority of the energy generating products found in Hungary is located in Csongrád county, which explains the county’s good ranking.
Out of all the ordinary professions (apart from politicians, movie stars, etc.), people working in the quarrying and mining industries in Csongrád county earn the highest gross wages in Hungary.
Based on the numbers from the first three quarters of last year, people working in the quarrying and mining industry in Csongrád county earn an average gross wage of HUF 590,211.
Of course, it is mostly white-collar workers within the industry who earn above HUF 590,000 a month, but blue-collar workers cannot complain either.
Even blue-collar workers (quarries and roughnecks) earn a solid gross wage of HUF 511,514 in Csongrád county, which is way above the national average.
The second highest paying jobs in Hungary can be found in Tolna county, where the Paks Nuclear Power Plant is located. Here, people working in the electrical industry have a gross wage of HUF 532,012.
People have the third highest paying jobs in Békés county, which also has a flourishing electrical industry. In Békés county, people working in the electrical industry earn a net wage of HUF 457,133, statistics reveal. This area of the country is also rich in hydrocarbon.
Interestingly, Pest county finished fourth on this list. People working in the electrical business in Pest county earn an average gross wage of “only” HUF 446,134. The good wages definitely have something to do with MOL’s oil refinery located in Százhalombatta. also compared how workers’ average wages in the building industry differ in the different counties:
- Somogy county: HUF 265 594
- Budapest county: HUF 258 408
- Vas county: HUF 257 873
- Jász-Nagykun county: HUF 254 363
- Zala county: HUF 213 374