Hungary rejects attempts to ban punishment of organisations helping migrants
Hungary rejects all attempts in the European Union to ban the punishment of organisations aiding illegal migration “citing humanitarian reasons”, the justice minister said in Brussels on Tuesday.
Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of EU justice ministers, Bence Tuzson said organisations aiding illegal migration were engaging in “people smuggling”.
Tuzson noted that in 2018, Hungary adopted the “Stop Soros” package of laws that included legislation which criminalises sharing information with illegal migrants. “Hungary doesn’t want to change this,” he added.
“We will not adopt the proposal banning liability, because we don’t want organisations aiding illegal migration to be able to continue their activities without repercussions,” he said.
The minister cited an EU regulation allowing member states the decision not to punish organisations providing humanitarian assistance. But for the first time in the bloc’s history, there is a proposal that would mandate member states to scrap the measures in their criminal law that concerned “civil groups that organise and aid illegal migration“, he added.
Detailing the proposal, Tuzson said it called for limiting criminal liability to those who can be proven to be aiding illegal migration in exchange for money. He said that under the proposal, those who aid migrants in exchange for “proportionate financial compensation” could not be punished, either, adding that the proposal failed to clarify what “proportionate financial compensation” meant.
Tuzson said that though certain member states had expressed “shock” at the proposal at Tuesday’s meeting, Hungary was the country that recommended rejecting the package in its entirety, sticking consistently to its earlier position.
He said this plan had been “another in a series of plans that the European Commission rushed before member states without consultation or an impact study”.
As we wrote earlier, In 2023, over two thousand foreign traffickers were set free from Hungarian prisons, details HERE
Our Politicians just LOVE to label everyone an illegal immigrant …
Why the regulation should come as “a shock” is beyond me, given that Hungary has been pushing the envelope and already incurred adverse judgments in this area:
I guess certain people are sick of other people abusing the legal system to do as they please, as if they are above the law?
Migrants are only legal if they meet the specification laid out in the Dublin Regulations. There are Hungarian Consulates all over the world, applications are possible. Today’s migrants rather pay smugglers. Many migrants refuse to assimilate, thereby causing extra burden. EU has not profited by the 2015 migrant horde. Hungary does not tolerate beheading of priests, rape of women, murder, etc. committed by the illegal criminals. Hungary does not tolerate antisemitism of Muslim migrants.
Hungary has tons of experience of foreigners, Muslims, Habsburgs, Russians occupations were not beneficial to the country.
The country is for Hungarians, The decision that does not accept foreign supported NGOs, that work against the benefits of the citizens, is the right one. NGOs should be outlawed.
I was going to write a long, fulminating comment, but Maria’s post summed it all up nicely. The E.U. can go suck rope.
Of course Michael agrees with Maria and the nonsense she wrote!
Germany and Sweden had the biggest advantages welcoming refugees back in 2015
Hungary itself and all other EU members do not survive without migrants support!
Hungary itself is among the biggest exporters of workers in western EU
unreliable nonsense
Larry, supporting 30% of illegal aliens of 2015 is not an advantage. Crime committed by illegal migrants is also detrimental to the nation. The rise of antisemitism due to the Muslim invasion is only causing more problems and future extra expanse to the taxpayers in Germany.
Sweden has no-go-zones, I am sure that the Swedes love that. It is really an advantage to be able to keep out citizens from parts of their homeland. Then there are terrorists’ attacks. Concerts cancelled because of the high % of rapes of women and young girls by illegal males. The cost of supporting these people is also high.
The last election reflected the disgust of citizens in Sweden by throwing out the previous socialist government. It will take centuries to correct the problems or mass deportations.
Since you are such a supporter of illegal migration, you should move to a country that allows this and does not enforce the Dublin Regulations that the countries have signed.
There is hope for Hungary by having a savvy and smart citizen that understand world politics. I do support all of Mr. Steiners’ comments.
Theresa, do you know that Mr.Steiner is himself is not Hungarian and migrated here!
secondly, you do not have the right to say to anyone where they should allocate!
thirdly, I think from demographical prospect, those who are so partonic and does not want anyone to come to their country and they are not married and have at least 2 children to maintain the Hungarian nation from disappearing soon, they should be sentenced for their nonsense !
@mariavontheresa – the Dublin Regulation’s aim is to determine rapidly the Member State responsible for an asylum claim. It DOES NOT define who is eligible to apply for asylum:
The “Embassy” procedure you mention does not work – and the statistics also support this sobering evaluation:
The statistics – play around a bit and keep your eye on Hungary …
Re No Go or Vulnerable areas in Sweden … You know I love data and facts, so fun statistic on number of police officers per jurisdiction – when it comes to enforcement. We are apparently now getting extra Chinese folks to clamp down!
… Which is quite necessary:
I know for a fact people do not generally enjoy walking around the VII., VIII. and my IX at night … Also consider women, alone. In Budapest, it is not “immigrants” making them feel uncomfortable – and the likelihood of victims reporting anything to our esteemed police is very low!