Hungary skin cancer cases double in last 20 years

The number of skin cancer cases in Hungary has doubled in the past 20 years, experts of the Hungarian Dermatology Society (MDT) told an online press conference on Tuesday.

MDT head Norbert Wikonkal, a dermato-oncologist, pointed to the importance of prevention and early detection of skin cancer, and said the society was active in promoting regular checks, and providing counselling services and on-site screening at public events. At Budapest’s recent Sziget Festival the society’s activists tested 600 participants, of which 6 proved to be positive for skin cancer, he added.

According to Wikonkal, increased UV radiation, a result of global warming, was hazardous for exposed human skin, and he said skin cancer was especially frequent among young women and older men.

Rolland Gyulai, the society’s former head, said currently an annual 2,500 cases of melanoma, 4,500 cases of epithelioma, and 17,000 cases of basalioma were diagnosed.

Source: MTI

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