Hungary’s first university was founded 657 years ago – Here are the country’s oldest universities

The University of Pécs, Hungary’s first university, is celebrating its 657th anniversary. To mark this special occasion, we have gathered some information about the country’s most historic universities.

Hungary’s first university

The University of Pécs, established in 1367, proudly holds the title of Hungary’s first university and is recognised as a distinguished institution of higher education in Europe. Founded during the reign of King Louis I of Hungary, Hungary’s first university was established out of a growing desire to promote higher education within the kingdom, following the model of the great medieval universities of Europe. At that time, some Hungarian students could not afford the time to travel abroad to study at esteemed institutions in other countries, so having a university within the country proved to be highly beneficial.

University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities Hungary's first university
Photo: Facebook / PTE BTK

Located in the culturally rich city of Pécs, the university initially offered courses in church law and Latin, reflecting the educational priorities of the era. Despite periods of disruption, including closure during the Ottoman occupation, the university has endured. The University of Pécs has evolved into a modern centre of academic excellence while continuing to honour its medieval roots.

However, it is interesting to note that the official legal predecessor of today’s University of Pécs was not the medieval institution itself but the Royal Hungarian Elizabeth University of Bratislava, founded in 1912. Hungary’s first university continues to contribute significantly to the intellectual and cultural life of the nation. It is highly popular among both Hungarian and international students from all around the world.

Pécs. Photo: FB/Gál-Busz Utazási Iroda

The oldest Hungarian universities

According to Uniside, Óbuda University, established in 1395 by Sigismund of Luxembourg, holds the distinction of being Hungary’s second university and the first in the capital. At the time of its founding, the University of Pécs was not in operation. Moreover, it is quite curious to note that following the closure of Sigismund’s university, Budapest was without a university for several centuries.

Meanwhile, the University of Debrecen, whose origins date back to the Reformed College founded in 1538, is the oldest continuously operating higher education institution in Hungary in terms of legal continuity.

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Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is Hungary’s longest continuously operating university, with its origins dating back to 1635 when it was founded by the Jesuit Archbishop Péter Pázmány in Trnava (Nagyszombat). Initially, the university only had Faculties of Arts and Theology, but it expanded to include Law in 1667 and Medicine in 1769. After moving to Buda in 1777 and later to Pest in 1784, the institution underwent several name changes. It was only in 1950 that the university adopted its current name, Eötvös Loránd University.


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