Illustrated maps shows Hungary’s top-selling souvenir

A new study by Club Med has revealed the top-selling souvenirs from around the world on an illustrated map to help people relive their favourite holiday memories, and it found that Pálinka is Hungary’s most popular souvenir!

Although it’s currently difficult to travel between countries, we can explore far off lands from home and discover the kinds of souvenirs we way bring home once we can travel freely again. From hammocks to chocolate, rum to tea, find out exactly which souvenirs you’re most likely to come home with.

The top souvenir travellers leave Hungary with is Pálinka, the traditional fruit spirit we all know and love.

Regarding other Europen countries, with its famously unpredictable weather, it’s no surprise that the UK’s most popular souvenir is an umbrella! Belgium, France and Ireland all have chocolate as the top takeaway souvenir, whilst Latvia, Lithuania and Poland all prefer something sparkling other something sweet, with the top souvenir being amber jewellery.

top souvernirs of the world
Photo: Club MED

Germany’s most popular souvenir is beer, with Cyprus also having a tipple as the top souvenir – Cypriot wine.

North America has a lot of different cultures, but the two largest countries on the map have souvenirs that tantalise the tastebuds.

People who visit the U.S are most likely to come away with American sweets as their gift of choice, taking the unique flavours back to their family and friends. Whereas Canada’s souvenir is emblazoned on their flag, maple syrup.

top souvernirs of the world
Photo: Club MED

Central America and along the equator has the perfect weather and heat to make one of the world’s most loved souvenirs, coffee. Jamaica in particular grow the famous Blue Mountain variety, often regarded as some of the best in the world.

Souvenirs from Asian countries are great reflections of each country’s unique culture.

Origami paper is the top souvenir in Japan, a nod to the traditional origami cranes. Calligraphy sets are the top souvenir from China and Korean tea is the most popular keepsake from South Korea. Carved masks are highly sought after in Sri Lanka and Bhutan, whilst a belted DAGGER is the top souvenir in Yemen. Try getting that home in your carry on!

Discover the full list of top souvenirs from around the world HERE!


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