In the nest of Putin’s supporters in Hungary

Russian ambassador to Hungary, Yevgeny Stanislavov helped the journalists of HVG to have permission to enter the lecture-discussion of the Hungarian Community for Peace (Magyar BékeKör). The president of the community presented Russia’s position and answered questions on various matters, clearing many conspiracy theories.
It was hard to get access to the private event
The president of the Hungarian Community for Peace said “You can’t report, just leave. If you report, there will be problems”. Luckily, the journalist had a chance to talk to the ambassador, explaining that they want to tell the world about the Russians’ position. Having read previous HVG articles, they were somewhat not convinced. However, mentioning freedom of press finally worked.
End of the unipolar world
During the lecture, the Russian ambassador spoke about Russia’s idea of the new multipolar world. According to them, until now, practically only the interests of the United States prevailed. This is over now, and new world order is forming, on the base of the sovereignty of peoples. According to Moscow, the leading role will belong to those who are able to stand up for their own interests. These states will not only have most of the economic and military power but will set moral examples too.
According to Russia, the new world order will form naturally: “we must let it be a natural way to create this multipolar world, without anyone interfering in it by force” – he says. These words would be more persuasive if it was not the 200th day of Russia’s military attack against Ukraine. He talked about how the connections broke beyond repair, and Russia turned away from the West controlled by the US, towards Asia, South America, and Africa. He also mentioned that the Hungarian policy is responsible and that Hungary understands the Ukrainian events because the Hungarian national community in Transcarpathia is also facing similar problems. Later he added that the Hungarian leaders who stated that Russia was an aggressor, were not truly Hungarians.
Who can have sovereignty?
Russia, for example. Talking about the states that formerly belonged to the Soviet sphere of interest or the Soviet Union, Yevgeny Stanislavov stated that NATO and the EU appeared to attack Russia’s legitimate interests in Eastern Europe and other regions. Moscow only sees the end of the crisis if Russia’s conditions are fully met. This means Ukraine giving up Crimea and the Donets Basin. The country must stay neutral in any conflict and should refrain from joining any military alliance.
Elders of Zion, Covid-19 and bio-weapons
After the lecture, the audience’s questions gave the journalists an idea about who supported Russia’s actions. We can find inspiration from all kinds of conspiracy theories behind their thoughts, ranging from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to the speculation that COVID-19 was developed in Ukraine by the US. Someone also asked if the Americans had indeed developed pathogens in Ukrainian biological laboratories that were specifically effective against the Slavic population. The fact that Ukrainians are also Slavic was ignored though.
Source: HVG
Any Hungarian who believes that Russia is a friend of Hungary is either an idiot or a traitor. Hungary should have good diplomatic relations with as many countries as possible, however, carrying water for the Putin regime is disgraceful.
I agree with “a horvath”, there are no agreement that envolves Russia without direct use of force.
Every aspect of this so called “community for peace” is a lie, from the beginning.
When the Russians are defeated in Ukraine and Putin is removed from office Orban Viktor and the Putinists in Hungary are going to find themselves completely isolated inside Europe. No one will want to do Hungary any favours for obstructing the EU from supporting Ukraine and for pressuring the EU to soften sanctions on Russia. Fidesz has taken Hungary down a terrible path.