Interactive adventures at the mysterious György Ráth Villa
As Funzine reports, besides their permanent and temporary exhibitions, the recently renovated György Ráth Villa, which opened on 13 September, offers family-oriented events and some others related to museum education as part of the Year of Families program.
The permanent exhibition titled ART NOUVEAU – A HUNGARIAN PERSPECTIVE is brough to life with 600 precious artifacts by an audio installation, a museum education room, and a hands-on table of objects. The atmosphere of Art Nouveau and the turn of the century can be seen, touched and heard wandering aroung Ráth Villa.
Additionally, children may explore the exhibition halls with the help of a custom-made creative book on decor and furnishing.
Along with the family-friendly tools, the exhibition is completed with an exciting program series and museum education activities. Family days are monthly held on Saturdays, and a family picnic will take place during the spring.
The Mystery in the Villa interactive adventure, which is organized in cooperation with Mare Temporis Foundation for Historic Traditions that aims to inform all about the historic traditions of 9-19th centuries in an interesting and fun way, will be held on 27 October. The venue will take you back to the Budapest of the previous century, where not only art and poetry boomed but also lawbreaking.
In the rapidly developing city the life of the residents was filled with bank robbery and art heist news.
The goal of the adventure is to solve the art heist case which is not an easy job to do, as everyone seem suspicious, including the myterious restaurateur, the know-it-all butler, the talkative housemaid and the rigid soldier.
Venue: 1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 12.
Date: Saturday, 27 October 2018, 10am-12am, and 1pm-4pm (with a one hour break)
Ticket information: The tickets can be purchased online or at the scene. In advance registration is not required.
For further information, click HERE. Join the Facebook event HERE.
Featured image:űvészetiMúzeum