Invasion of stink bugs to be represented on brand-new map of Hungary

Two years ago, stink bugs were an unknown species in Hungary in the sense that they were rarely seen. In the past two years, though, their numbers increased rapidly due to climate change that makes living conditions more appropriate for them in the country.
HVG reported that stink bugs – several species – are flooding the country with the beginning of autumn. During the summer season, people can “meet” these animals outside, but, as stink bugs also feel the cold, they move into indoor places like our living room, for the lack of a better option.

Mostly alone, but even in small groups, stink bugs can make our lives difficult in our own home.
The Facebook page called Sokk Rovar is trying to measure under two weeks which are the areas of Hungary where the most stink bugs are seen. Some species cannot be found in some parts of the country as of yet, but it is only a question of time until they flood these areas too. By filling out an online form, everyone can report the stink bug situation in Hungary.

The other aim of the map is to help the work of scientists and biologists, as these animals only appeared in the past two years in Hungary. Several types of research and more samples are needed to get to know more stink bugs.
Mostly green- and brown-coloured stink bugs can be found in Hungary, but as living conditions are getting better for them, it is inevitable to report about new species that appear in the country suddenly.
I moved to Budapest in the spring of 2016. In the summer of 2016 I soon realised that opening my windows or the balcony door was not a good idea because these insects (note to author – they are insects, not animals) were coming in from the trees across the road. So they have been around in quantities a lot longer than the 2 years stated in the article.
I have lived in Csemó Zöldhalom for 12 years, the stink bug problem began here in 2016 and is getting very bad, we are unable to go out of the house as there are millions of them. We are surrounded by forrest and they’re all over our house and outbuildings. It’s a very stressful situation.
We are surrounded by these insects in Pécel area as well. Yet I never felt any release of bad smell from the brownish species differently from the green ones.
#Gary: if they do not feel threatened they do not release the pungent liquid. I let them have a nap and then quickly (and gently) pick them up and encase them in loo roll and flush them down the toilet. It sounds cruel but they have a chance of surviving!