Is Hungarian easy to learn? – here are some videos to help you, Part 2

So you have decided to give learning Hungarian a try, but feels like you are just trying to tackle a mountain? Do not worry, there are plenty of ways you could learn Hungarian, and we collected you some videos to help you achieve your goal.
If you want to start from the very beginning, you should read the first part of this series, or if you would like to pick from some of our other bite-sized articles to learn more about the Hungarian language, you can do it with that HERE. Now let us move on to the videos.
Learning can be a challenge, especially in the case of foreign languages, but the most important thing is to learn from your mistakes. Still, there is an even a better way to do it: learn from other people’s mistakes. In this video, you can find the six most common mistakes people make when learning Hungarian. In the video, you can find subtitles simultaneously in Hungarian and English as well as hearing the speaker in Hungarian. Apart from equipping you with the knowledge of what to look out for, you can practice your hearing and understanding Hungarian speakers as the instructor speaks relatively slow compared to most Hungarians.
In this video, Lindie, who is very good at a dozen languages if not more, helps you by showing how you can start learning Hungarian without any textbooks or other forms of written materials. This is an excellent resource of websites and methods to try out and kickstart your journey of learning Hungarian. There are quite a few tips and tricks definitely worth trying out which do not require any money on lessons or anything, just the devices and resources you certainly already have.
If you are curious about what words in the English dictionary come from Hungary, check out THIS article. If you want to learn and read a bit of wordplay, in THIS article you can see a few examples of words that sound the same in English and Hungarian.
If you plan to visit Hungary when it will be possible to travel again or are just merely curious, this video might help you to better navigate in shops and stores and will help you to learn a few phrases which are usually said in Hungarian stores. Because only a relatively low percentage of Hungarians speak foreign languages, this knowledge might come in handy. Unfortunately, since this video was made, the Hungarian banknotes were renewed, but they basically look the same, with the same people on them, basically only their colour has been changed. If you have any of these banknotes or even older ones, the Central Bank of Hungary will undoubtedly exchange them.
For English speakers, hearing a Hungarian say goodbye on the phone might be surprising to hear the first time, but it is not what you think it is; it is quite innocent. In this video, the instructor clears up the misconceptions and differences about Hungarian greetings. This video too has both the Hungarian and English subtitles on the bottom of the frame, so you can easily follow what she is saying in Hungarian. Her other videos are handy for people trying to learn Hungarian, as she has a lot of other videos where you can see other people’s progress learning Hungarian.
And last but not least, in this video, a Hungarian girl living abroad tries to teach a few words and phrases to an American who has never spoken any Hungarian before. If you liked her content, you could read our article about her experience living in the US.
Source: Daily News Hungary