Israeli–Palestinian conflict: Council of Arab Ambassadors to Hungary held an urgent meeting in Budapest

The Council of Arab Ambassadors to Hungary held an urgent meeting at the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Hungary. Arab ambassadors affirmed their solidarity with Palestine against the ongoing Israeli attacks, which deliberately targeted civilian facilities, hospitals, and sacred places killing thousands of Palestinians, mostly children and women.
As stated in a statement sent to Daily News Hungary, the Council of Arab Ambassadors condemned the attacks and any attempts meant to forcefully displace the Palestinian people. In the same context, the Council of Arab Ambassadors agreed to coordinate embassies’ cooperation and work through diplomatic channels to call for international intervention to stop the ongoing massacres in Gaza and provide a humanitarian corridor to bring food, medicine and fuel into Gaza Strip.
As a result, Arab Ambassadors sent letters requesting urgent meetings with the speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Minister of European Affairs, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Hungarian Parliament.

The Arab ambassadors lit candles outside the Embassy to mourn and commemorate the lost lives of the Palestinians killed by the Israeli attacks.
In addition to the Palestinian Ambassador, the Ambassadors of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen attended the event.
Did these Arab ambassadors light any candles for the men women children and babies massacred by Hamas? Palestinians have been hard done by but we cannot ignore what Hamas did or else we condone TERRORISM.
They can meet all they want and go fly a kite. Why didn’t they meet two weeks ago, after the gravest atrocity perpetrated against the Jewish nation since the 1940s? If they cared about “Palestine,” they’d have made serious efforts to come up with ways to annihilate Hamas themselves, which harms the Palestinians even more than it does Israelis. The bottom line is that if they could, Hamas and its supporters would rape, behead, incinerate, gas, and execute us (Israelis and Jews) all. Israel is our home, we have nowhere to go, and we will eradicate Hamas once and for all. And these ambassadors can cry us a river.
A zsidók évtizedek óta irtják a palesztinokat, nem ismerik el az államukat, hogy elfoglalhassák a földjeiket! Gettóba zárva tartják az embereket, nincs víz és áram csak időszakosan,mert nem adnak nekik! Az arab-zsidó ellentét a cionisták miatt alakult ki évszázadokkal ezelőtt! Egyiptomból se azért űzték ki a zsidókat mert olyan aranyosak voltak! Az egyetlen valóban raszista és náci vallási etnikum, ami már világuralomra törekszik!
A palesztinoknak joguk van a szabadságra és az önrendelkezésre!
Amit csinálnak velük, az maga a holokauszt, a foszforbombákkal, amik elől nincshova menekülniük!
Legyilkolni egy népet, aztán sírni éa jajgatni ha visszatámadnak, tipikus zsidó mentalitás!
lebombázni keresztény kórházakat és arab mecseteket puszta gyűlöletből? Ezt lehet?
A zsidóknak állama se lehetne,mert nem jött el a várva várt messiásuk, aki elvinné őket az “ígéret földjére”. A Szent hegyen ezért rombolták le a templomjukat, hogy soha ne tudják ott felépíteni!
Senkit nem utálnakaz emberek ok nélkül,talán ebből kellene kiindulni! És nem köpködni az utcán a keresztények után és a templomjaiknál!