It will be hard to drive on 1st May in Budapest

According to the BKK’s announcement, it will be hard to drive on 1st May in the Buda side of the city and in the center of Pest.
The says that on 1st May, the Big Drift: the air and race car show, will be held on Buda side, on the upper and lower wharf between the Batthyány square and Erzsébet Bridge. Because of the preparations, the Chain Bridge street and the Ybl Miklós square will be closed from 28th April – announced the BKK.
The BKK says that on 1st May, a lot of Buda’s transportation route will be limited: pedestrians cannot cross the Chain Bridge and the following routes will be closed for car drivers: Buda’s lower wharf, Szent Gellért wharf, Bárkert wharf, Bem wharf. These places won’t be wholly accessible; only a part of them. Besides this, BKK will also close down a part of Clark Ádám square, the Alagút Street, the Fő street, the Jégverem street and the Erzsébet Bridge’s Attila street turn down.
Moreover, in Old Buda and in Rákosmente further limits in transportation will be on 1st May because of the programs. Due to this limitation, a lot of line will be running in a shorter route or will be diverted. The following routes will be changed:
On 30th April: the 19 tram
On 1st May: the D13 ship, the 2 and 18 tram, the 5, 16,46, 98, 105, 134, 178, 923 and 980 bus
The rest of the public transportation will be in service as in any other holiday.
On 1st May, programs will be held at Városliget, too. Because of this the M1 metro will be operating more frequently and on the routes of 70 and 75 trolley buses and on the 30A and 230 buses will be bigger vehicles to take into more people.
The BKK asks the car drivers that on 1st May try to avoid on Buda the Irinyi József street, the Október Huszonharmadika street, the Bocskai street, the Karolnia street, the Budaörsi street, the Alkotás street, the Szél Kálmán square, the Margit boulevard’s area; on Pest they should avoid the Nagykörút’s routes.
Due to the closure of the Buda’s wharf, the Northern part of the city will not be accessible with car from the South. Thus, it is advisable to car drivers to turn to Alkotás street or if they go from Pest to Buda, use one of the Northern Bridges.
based on article of
translated by Andrea Toth