Jobbik launches signature drive for ‘slave law’ repeal

Conservative Jobbik has started a nationwide signature drive for the repeal of the labour code amendments tightening overtime rules in an attempt “to fight back” against “the governing parties that seek to eliminate Hungary’s strongest opposition force”, the deputy leader of the party said on Sunday.

Jobbik has already turned to Hungary’s supreme court, the Kúria, over the National Election Committee’s ruling rejecting the party’s national referendum initiative for the legislation’s withdrawal.

“We have chosen this form of action at a time when at stake is Jobbik’s survival,” Dániel Z Kárpát said, arguing that the party’s operation had been “practically paralysed by the State Audit Office” and “decisions by [ruling] Fidesz”.

“Fidesz and the Audit Office both know that Jobbik will not be able to pay the unreasonably excessive fine ASZ has levied on the party,” he added.

Z Kárpát said Jobbik would continue to fight for its survival as the “last remaining defender of democracy”.

As we wrote a few days ago, Tamás Sneider, the chairman of Jobbik, called together an extraordinary party congress because the State Audit Office fined the party for 270 M HUF (EUR 844 thousand). According to Sneider, they are going to discuss two topics: the termination of their parliamentary group which would raise further financial questions and the continuation of the national resistance announced by the party last year, read more details HERE.

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. Jobbik does this, Jobbik does that but in fact Jobbik doesn’t do anythinmg for their country and its people. Jobbik, like MSZMP are only thinking about themselves. The more mony comes in the more they can have a good life an drink and eat as much as possinle. Is this democray to hem? They should be ashamed of themselves because they know how poor people have to life without house/bed/ clean water. What kind of people are they? If I may use the word people? Is this their democracy? Poor people of Hungary talking without saying something = nothing!

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