Jobbik MEP Gyöngyösi: How could Hungary and Europe actually get rid of Orbán?
Remarks from Jobbik MEP Márton Gyöngyösi:
Viktor Orbán’s policies have sparked yet another heated debate recently. We have heard many thunderous statements on how we should get rid of Orbán eventually. The growing outrage caused by
Europe’s most corrupt prime minister
is clearly shown by the progressive warnings: a few years ago, his colleagues just wanted to chat with him, then they drew red lines for him and nowadays they are openly talking about Hungary having no place in the European Union. Meanwhile we, Hungarians just keep sighing: will it ever end? How could Hungary and Europe actually get rid of Orbán?
Sorry if I am raining on your parade, but if you thought it’s going to happen the way it went with the Brits, you are about to be bitterly disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I am not downplaying the complications caused by the Brexit. However, there are a few differences that I should like to point out to anyone who is sick and tired of Viktor Orbán and his party for one reason or another.
Although Europe would certainly have been better off without the Brexit (and as it later turned out, the UK would, too), but even if the ties between London and the continent weakened,
the United Kingdom still remains a democratic country and our close partner both politically and economically.
While our relations will inevitably weaken due to the UK’s departure from the European Union, we don’t need to worry about the present and future British governments acting as the vanguard of counter-interested powers, trolling international politics or trying to convince others to follow their example and leave the EU, too.
Viktor Orbán, on the other hand, is a horse of a different colour. That’s why the pleas, demands and even “red line” warnings aimed at him from European capitals have remained ineffective over the years. As a matter of fact, we only wish they had remained ineffective, but the bad news is that Orbán have used every criticism to his advantage in domestic politics, thus driving his fans into the illusion of a permanent “freedom fight” in which the enemy is the whole of Europe. He was able to do so because Hungary has hardly any independent media outlets left, while the supposedly independent bodies of the Hungarian state are openly serving the now authoritarian Fidesz, just like they served the Communist regime before 1990.
So let me use this opportunity to inform my European colleagues how useless this approach is.
They will never force Orbán to back down by any warnings or ideological issues, because he has had no real ideology for a long-long time.
Neither will they stop him by withholding the EU funds from Hungary, because Orbán would not suffer from that. On the contrary, it would only cause suffering to the Hungarian people who would be told by Fidesz’ propaganda machine that the EU wants to harm Hungary.
Europe won’t get rid of Orbán even if they perhaps show him the door sooner or later (although he likely pulls Hungary out of the EU before letting them kick him out), because Hungary is a part of Europe both geographically and economically. If they push Hungary out of the EU, all they can achieve is that Moscow’s and Beijing’s sphere of interest expands that much closer to Europe, since Orbán will obviously run to those powers for help.
So what’s the solution then? Orbán must be ousted from the government.
That’s the only way, and that’s where Hungarian people expect help from Europe, for example, in the form of establishing a European public media that is accessible for everyone and provides objective information.
At present, Fidesz’ propaganda channel is the only accessible media outlet in a significant part of Hungary…
Hungarian people are no fools, and neither do they like being tyrannized over by crazy dictators. It’s just that many of them don’t even know that things could be done differently. So let’s bring the news to them! It would be worth more than a hundred tough communiqués and warnings.
Seems like the Jobbik MEP Márton Gyöngyösi thinks that he should rule Hungary for his benefactor Gyorgy Soro’s. The problem with him and his benefactor is the Hungarian People do not seem to agree with that choice. Furthermore seems like Jobbik lapdog os Soro’s is making accusations that could be seen as slanderous by many people.
There is no such thing as a perfect politician but Victor Orban and Fidesz are doing an excellent job for the Hungarian people and most Voters agree.
So maybe Jobbik MEP Márton Gyöngyösi would like some cheese to go with his whine? Jobbik and all the rest of the sausage coalition are in the employe of Globalist financier Gyorgy Soro’s and if they could take over the Hungarian government soon Hungarians would be the minority in their own country after the wave of Brown over run the border. Soro’s and his crew want a Marxist one world planet wide dictatorship and to turn the planet into a hell one earth. No thanks.
It is a well recognised fact that failed politicians are eagerly welcomed into the European Parliament – and Márton Gyöngyösi is yet another prime example.
In the ‘good old days’, he (plus several E.U. Commissioners and other M.E.P.s) would have suffered the same fate as György Dózsa.
What a pity ……
To use the old Hungarian saying: Mr. Gyöngyösi most certainly “kimutatta fogafehérjét”.
What a pity!!!!!!
I for one am deeply disappointed.
You have sold out.
I thought you were an intelligent person and someone who loves his country and not conniving to
destroy it.
I will never read your articles again.
“ONLY” people of Hungary have the right to chose their Prime Minister.
For a Politician to call for help from foreign countries to interfere in an election and try to overthrow a duly elected leader bring back the memories of the 1930’s.
We have German press taking an active part in spreading the odious Liberal propaganda in Hungary
We have the Dutch Prime Minister abusing the Hungarian people and its leader openly.
We have Der Layden deliberately lying about the Hungarian child protection law
We have Obama stirring up discontent in Hungary just as he did encourage BLM etc in USA under Trump.
Surely this call by Marton for help from outside Hungary is a sign he and his coalition know they cannot win the argument!
When a tyrannical political party controlling everything, press, faculties , economy, health, judicial system , etc, we need help from outside.
When majority of people are seeing only 1 side of the story because the other views are blocked\censored, then we need help from outside.
When election laws are changed to benefit a specific political party, then we need help from outside.
Basically when we have a dictator posing as a Hero then we need help from the outside.
Hopefully we wont need to go that far(get help from the outside) and Hungarian people will take back their country from this tyrants next year.
We dont need 1 leader we need leaders(multiple) , decisions based on debates , facts and expertise not political agenda.
Democracy not Totalitarianisms ( which is exactly where Hungary is heading).