Beaches at Lake Balaton: Entrance ticket prices increased by 50% in some places

Summer is officially here, making holiday planning essential. When choosing the perfect destination, finances play a significant role. Previously, we discussed the cost of food and drinks at Lake Balaton. Now, we are examining beach entrance fees at the “Hungarian Sea” and comparing them to the 2023 prices.
Prices at Lake Balaton
According to Pénzcentrum, beach ticket prices at Lake Balaton have generally increased. However, the extent of this price hike varies significantly across different locations. It is common for beaches to raise prices by a few hundred forints, but in some cases, the price difference is around 50 percent compared to 2023. Let’s review the popular Lake Balaton destinations one by one.
The Mayor of Balatonvilágos, Károly Béla Takács, has provided updated information on the prices for the municipal beaches in Balatonvilágos. At the Municipal Paying Beach on Zrínyi Avenue, daily tickets are priced at HUF 1,200 (EUR 3.01) for adults, HUF 1,000 (EUR 2.51) for pensioners and students, and HUF 800 (EUR 2.01) for children aged 3–6 years. A family ticket for two adults and two children under 14 costs HUF 3,500 (EUR 8.79).
From 5 p.m., all tickets are half-price. Residents can use the beach for free with proof of address and photo ID. Notably, the adult entrance fee has increased by 50 percent from last year, when it was HUF 800 (EUR 2.01). Additionally, the beach has been renovated for the new season. However, there is a municipal beach that remains free of charge.
In 2023, Esterházy Strand’s entrance fee was HUF 2,100 (EUR 5.27), which rose by HUF 150 (EUR 0.38) this year, resulting in a 7 percent increase. Meanwhile, Kisfaludy Strand’s fee increased by HUF 200 (EUR 0.50), an 11 percent rise. Esterházy Strand is building a multifunctional cabin with bathrooms, a baby-mama room, and guest cabins. Kisfaludy Strand has renovated its pergola, outdoor changing rooms and promenade area. Both beaches have improved their green area irrigation, installed eco-friendly robotic lawnmowers and renovated playgrounds.
In Szántód, Lake Balaton beach fees remain unchanged for 2024: HUF 1,500 (EUR 3.77) for adults and HUF 500 (EUR 1.26) for children aged 3 to 18 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. There are no other discounts, but residents can use the beach for free, and holiday homeowners can buy discounted seasonal tickets.
The entrance fees for the central beach in Balatonszárszó have not increased in 2024: adult tickets are HUF 1,300 (EUR 3.26), children’s and pensioner’s tickets are HUF 700 (EUR 1.76), and family tickets are HUF 3,200 (EUR 8.03). Additionally, Balatonszárszó has two free beaches. Moreover, parking is free throughout the town.
In Balatonszemes, all three beaches remain free. In recent years, modernisation and improvement have been prioritised to make these beaches more appealing to visitors.
The season at Siófok’s main beach runs from 15 June to 1 September, with unchanged entrance fees: HUF 2,500 (EUR 6.28) for adults, HUF 2,000 (EUR 5.02) for Siófok residents, HUF 800 (EUR 2.01) for children and HUF 1,500 (EUR 3.77) for students.
In Gyenesdiás, adult admission on weekdays is HUF 150 (EUR 0.38) and on weekends HUF 1,700 (EUR 4.27). A family ticket on weekdays is HUF 3,500 (EUR 8.79), while on weekends it is HUF 4,200 (EUR 10.55). A ticket for children on weekdays is HUF 1,100 (EUR 2.76) and on weekends HUF 1,200 (EUR 3.01). Student and pensioner tickets are HUF 1,100 (EUR 2.76) on weekdays and HUF 1,200 (EUR 3.01) on weekends. Adult admission increased by HUF 200 (EUR 0.50) compared to 2023.
In Fonyód, prices remain unchanged: HUF 950 (EUR 2.38) for an adult ticket, HUF 480 (EUR 1.20) for a pensioner and a student ticket, and HUF 2,400 (EUR 6.02) for a family ticket (2 adults and 2 children).
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- Are eateries and ice cream shops at Lake Balaton trying their best to keep prices low?
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