Let’s see the most liveable towns of Hungary

Just like last year, Districts I and V are the ones where it is the best to live in Budapest in 2017, but Districts VI, II and XII are also among the leaders, according to portfolio.hu. The bigger cities of the country show some change compared to 2016, this year Veszprém, Szekszárd and Eger are the ones where it is the most pleasant to live. This data is based on the most recent ‘quality-of-life-indicator’ of Otthon Centrum.
The survey examined the districts of the capital and all the towns of Hungary which have more than 20 thousand inhabitants with a view to educational and working opportunities. These aspects created the ‘quality-of-life-indicator’. It is not surprising that the leading places are the ones that have the highest house prices, as the central districts of the capital have the highest house prices in the country.
The bigger a town is, the better employment, health service and education it has, while the smaller towns and the central districts of the capital are the best regarding how fast one can travel to work. The agglomeration and the county towns take place in middle-ranking positions, but both Budaörs and Dunakeszi performed above the average. In addition to the central districts of the capital, Districts VI, VII, VIII, IX and XIII on the Pest-side, while Districts II and XII on the Buda-side provide the highest quality of life. Among the country towns, the values of Veszprém, Szekszárd and Eger are the best, as people can travel to work the fastest in these towns.
The last districts on the list are some of the outer ones in Pest, because people from Districts XVII, XVIII, XXI and XXIII travel a lot to work. Érd performed below the average in the agglomeration. Here the values of health service and education were weaker than that of the county towns.
If we compare the results with the house prices – with the average prices of the used flats – we get a very similar ranking list to the list that indicates the quality of life in the Hungarian towns. This means that house prices are strongly influenced by the values that indicate the quality of life in certain places. House prices are the highest in the central districts of the capital. Districts I, V and VI are outstanding not only in the aspect of the quality of life, but also these districts are characterised by the highest house prices.
Ce: bm
Source: portfolio.hu