Masses of people, including Hungarians, are leaving the UK writes that there is a massive decrease in the number of people immigrating to the United Kingdom, while those already living there, including masses of Hungarian workers, are now fleeing from the country. Yet, it does not mean they are returning to Hungary.

As the majority of people in the UK voted to leave the EU, several things have to be considered and quite some changes will become unavoidable. Apparently, there seems to be only a few weeks left until the UK makes it compulsory for non-British citizens to have a visa. The EU might have a say in that, though, the free movement will eventually stop.

Based on the data of the British statistical office, the site writes that the net number of immigration, especially from the EU8 Eastern European countries (those granted the right of free movement in 2011) has majorly decreased since Brexit was voted for. Compared to the mid-2016 data when 650 thousand people immigrated to the UK within three months, this number fell below 600 thousand, which means a decrease of 10%.

The emigration on the other hand stayed unchanged, therefore, a continuous trend since 2012 has ceased now: the ratio between immigration and emigration is now 1.85, whereas the number of immigrants used to be twice as much as of those emigrating.

The major part of the decrease within the EU8 countries is given by Hungary, for 20 thousand less (now 58 thousand) people immigrated to the UK, while 8 thousand more (now 39 thousand) people emigrated from the UK compared to the previous data.

The net immigration decreased from 42 thousand to 19 thousand, meaning a 55% decrease. Earlier the EU8’s immigration/emigration ratio was 2.3, but now it changed to 1.5. Hungarians, Bulgarians, Rumanians, and Polish people all contributed to this number.

Many of the Hungarians told Pénzcentrum earlier that they would not come back to Hungary even if they were kicked out of the UK, they would rather look for another EU country. Notably though, the latest analysis ended in September, wherefore, the data may only depict the beginning of the decrease.

Thus, by 2017, the number of people fleeing the country might be far more than of those settling there. Although, employees will still be needed after Brexit and citizens of the EU would automatically be able to reside permanently after five years of living in the UK.

This right might still be valid after the negotiations on Brexit, so those who have been living there for more than five years could get the right of permanent residency.

ce: bm


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