Metro line M3 in Budapest may stop because of the war

Everyone feels the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In addition to migration and rising food prices, transportation in the Hungarian capital may also be affected. The entire M3 metro line could even be shut down due to the war. 

There are no parts for the subway

Népszava writes that in the last 30 days, no parts have arrived for the trains of metro line M3 in Budapest. Russian Metrowagonmash (MWM) manufactures the fittings. It is not only spare parts but also the specialists of the Russian company who did not come to Budapest.

The Russian invasion does not yet affect the maintenance and operation of the trains.

However, according to the Budapest Transport Company (BKV), the current supplies are sufficient for a maximum of a few months. It is not possible to know the exact time as it depends on the rate at which the parts need to be replaced. The problem may be that the Russian factory may not even produce parts now. After all, the same factory also produces war equipment, and the Russian government says it may be more important.

Storage is expensive

For this reason, it is not customary to stock up on various parts for many years to come. This is the case at BKV, too. The stocks are enough for a few months, but the supply is uncertain.

Poor-quality Russian vehicles

Experts have identified 18 serial faults in the poor-quality Russian vehicles in a 2020 independent report.

In addition, experts found that Russian vehicles are particularly in need of maintenance. In 2019, BKV sued MWM, but the Russian company has not even accepted the legal documents in the last two years.

The war also stalled the lawsuit.

The failure rate during the aforementioned study was 15 per cent, while 84 per cent of the vehicles are required for the normal operation of the system. Already at the time, the team of experts drew attention to the fact that the Russian manufacturer is in a monopoly position. Items made according to special Russian standards are manufactured only in Russia.

According to BKV, there is currently no need to fear public transport being shut down, writes However, domestic and other sources and delivery options are constantly being explored and sought. Gergely Karácsony, the Lord Mayor of Budapest, asked BKV to look into all alternative procurement options.


Source:, Népszava


  1. No surprises there. If I remember correctly, the purchase of these trains was highly questionable in the first place in that that it broke EU sanctions against Russia. There was the story given that they are not new trains but the old ones that have been renovated – seemingly only parts of the driver cab are renovated from the old trains, the rest is all new and sanctions breaking. Further, there was a better (and less expensive bid) from a train maker in another EU country but that was turned down and preference given to the Russian manufacturer. No need to be a genius to work out why.

  2. What an ABSOLUTE additional disgrace on the present Government of Hungary – the History – the Russian connection – of the “ill fated” – rolling stock purchase and and “other” – used on the M3 – if it was Closed Down.
    The degree of Fact – that is contained in the history of the M3 – especially under the present Government of Hungary – Stacks in favour of being FACT – other than exaggerated gossip – lacking and without substance.

    The on-going Up-grade of the M3 – the costs outlayed and remember we are Still without half of the use as a public metro service in Budapest, through the NEED of up-grade and bringing the function and operation of the M3 – up to 21st century Safety & Operational Standards – an exercise what – that is nearing 3 years since its commencement – the cost outlayed by the present Government of Hungary – through its FAILURE – securing in particular – higher and proven quality Metro Rolling & Passenger Carriage Stock – instead of the Russian “tin cans” – that in number had not been in service or had been and had proven a FAILURE, that from the outset of being put into service on the M3 – have been a Costly Nightmare – ongoing.
    Want a FREE Sauna in Budapest on top of your fare cost in the Summer months – we ALL know, take the M3 – FACT.
    History – from the commencement of this present Government of Hungary – read it, and its FACT – the favouring and way the dealings with Russia where conducted – and what arrived to be our mode of metro transport on the M3 – “smothered” in and “veiled” – that was and is – the Abuse and misuse of citizens taxes – that PAY for our Public Transport System.
    Those “Greasy Palms” – who was on the take – don’t need to be a Rhodes Scholar to get a pass mark on that question.

    History – NEVER Lies and come April 3rd – we have an opportunity to express our opinions and possible right situations that have FESTED – possible turned Gangrenous – that through the decisions made by the present Government of Hungary – we have and still are paying Heavily – for there ERROR.

  3. If memory serves me, Mayor István Tarlós (was it 2014?) wanted to buy NEW trains for the M3.

    Tarlós was OVERRULED by the Orbán government, who insisted on using the original Russian manufacturer Metrowagonmash (MWM). Hence the old /// was refurbished and the issues followed… More deep Russia connections – and people failing to connect dots…

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