Hungarian far-right Mi Hazánk protests against inviting Israeli PM Netanyahu after ICC arrest warrant

Opposition Mi Hazánk protests against Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s decision to invite Benjamin Netanyahu, “his friend”, to visit Hungary after the International Criminal Court’s issuance of an arrest warrant against the Israeli prime minister on war crime charges, the party said on Friday.

In a statement, the party said that Orbán had withheld the fact that the court had also issued an arrest warrant against the leaders of Hamas.

Viktor Orbán would normally not be this tough with various other international tribunals when the matter concerns Hungary’s interests,” Mi Hazánk said.

“Despite all the show of strength, Hungary keeps paying compensation to criminals released from prison if the Strasbourg court so rules,” the party said.

Orbán Netanyahu Israel Europe
PM Orbán and PM Netanyahu. Photo:

Here’s the reaction of Netanyahu

Orbán is inviting Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu to visit Hungary, the PM said in an interview to public radio on Friday. Referring to an arrest warrant against the Israeli prime minister issued by the International Criminal Court on Thursday, Orbán called the move “outrageously brazen and cynical”, amounting to “interference in an ongoing conflict in legal disguise” and motivated by politics.

Orbán said this was in itself wrong and would completely discredit the reputation of international law and could “add fuel to the fire”. He said he had “no other choice but to oppose” the ruling. Referring to the invitation, Orbán said he would guarantee that

the ICC ruling would not be applied in Hungary, adding that “we will not follow its provisions”.

“We solely consider the quality and state of Israel-Hungary ties … Israel’s prime minister will be surrounded by suitable security to conduct substantive talks in Hungary,” he said.

Netanyahu on Friday afternoon thanked the Hungarian prime minister for the invitation, saying: “I thank Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for the warm support for me and the State of Israel”.

Benjamin Netanyahu
Photo: FB/Benjamin Netanyahu

“Against the shameful weakness of those who have lined up alongside the outrageous decision against the State of Israel’s right to defend itself, Hungary – like our friends in the US – has shown moral clarity and steadfastness on the side of justice and the truth,” he said.

Anti-Semitism, violence emerged in W European cities alongside migration, Orbán’s secretary says

Anti-Semitism, violence and the threat of terrorism has emerged in western European cities alongside migration, the “brutal and terrifying” consequences of pro-immigration policies, Balazs Hidveghi, the parliamentary state secretary of the prime minister’s cabinet office, said on Thursday.

“Jews and homosexuals” in Germany are told by the police to avoid Arab neighborhoods in Berlin “for their own safety”, while Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam were recently attacked “brutally”, he said, adding that order was restored only after several days.

The Brussels and left-wing pro-immigration policy “is ruining Europe irretrievably”, he said, adding in the video that “they want to install a puppet government in Budapest”.

He referred to “self-confessed Soros agents” who would “betray the Hungarian people and allow migrants in at any time”.

Hidveghi said the public can insist on Hungary’s right to opt out of the acceptance and distribution of migrants by responding to the National Consultation questionnaire. “Only this way can we preserve our country’s security,” he added.

Read also:

  • Hungarian President talked about anti-Semitism in Hungary in Vienna
  • Most W European countries have seen a renewed of modern-day antisemitism, but not Hungary, says Foreign Minister


  1. Jewish people should always be welcomed and be safe in Hungary. P.M. Netanyahu qualifies. There is absolutely no good reason to betray Israel, a great ally of Hungary. The ICC has yet to issue a sane verdict. ICC should be disbanded; it has never earned the money it cost the taxpayers.

  2. Orban should invite his other friend under ICC arrest warrant Vladimir Putin at the same time as Netanyahu and together they can have a love fest celebrating their impunity to mass murder innocent civilian populations.

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