Mini language lesson #25: essential words to know during a pandemic
In this episode, we are going to cover a few essential health-related words that will come in handy in case you need to pick up a few things from the pharmacy or consult a doctor.
Before we jump into learning those new words, let’s discuss why this language lesson is so needed right now.
The number of people confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus in Hungary has grown to 300. A total of 100 people are in quarantine and a total of 9,275 test samples have been taken. The epidemic in Hungary is at the stage of group infections spread in communities. Infected people can be found everywhere in the country, and anyone could be already infected.
Remember that there are many things we can do to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. If you can, isolate yourself and try to leave your home only if you need to go to the pharmacy, a doctor’s appointment, or get some groceries. Wash your hands often for at least 20-30 seconds, and stand at least 1.5 meters from other people at all times.
Now let’s look at those words.
gyógyszertár – pharmacy
gyógy – curative, medicinal
szer – 1) tool, instrument 2) remedy, drug
tár – 1) storehouse 2) cabinet, collection (in museums) 3) magazine (in guns) 4) to open wide
patika – apothecary (a drugstore)
pzs, pézsé[ˈpeːʒeː] – tissue paper (slang)
papírzsebkendő [ˈpɑpiːrʒɛbkɛndøː] – tissue paper, paper handkerchief
[Literally: paper-pocket-kerchief]
papírzsepi [ˈpɑpiːrʒɛpi] – tissue paper (slang)
papír [ˈpɑpiːr] – paper
zsebkendő [ˈʒɛbkɛndøː] – handkerchief
[Literally: pocket-kerchief]
zseb [ˈʒɛb] – pocket
kendő[ˈkɛndøː] – kerchief, cloth, shawl