Hungary not to acknowledge same sex marriage despite European Parliament resolution

Justice Minister Judit Varga has called the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on the rights of the LGBTQ community to same sex marriage and a registered partnership “a completely unfounded political resolution”.
In her English-language comments published on Facebook on Tuesday evening, Varga said: “It seems like they don’t give up. It still hurts the EP that Hungary, thanks to its Child Protection Act, does not let any sexual propaganda into our educational institutions, schools and kindergartens. They are frustrated because we resist their pressure and the LGBTQ lobby”.
She reiterated the Hungarian government’s position that raising children remains the sole responsibility of parents, and this concept is enshrined in Article 14 of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights.
“With the resolution voted by the European Parliament today, they want to tell what shall we consider as a marriage, a family and child-parent relationship.
Again, they want to instruct us from above on issues that fall within national competence. It is only icing on the cake that the EP once again points at the Article 7 procedure,” Varga said.
She cited Hungary’s basic law which states that “the inviolable and inalienable fundamental rights of man must be respected”, adding that it is the primary duty of the state to protect these rights.
Varga said Hungary protects human rights at the highest possible level, “which is why this political hysteria in the European Parliament is meaningless”.
“Facts justify us,” she said.
“In Hungary, adults are free to live in the way they want, according to their own will and beliefs. However, parents have the exclusive right to determine how their children shall be raised. We are not going to give up on that!,” the justice minister said.
Source: MTI
The pervert EU wants to destroy all those who don’t comply with LGBTQ perversion.
“In Hungary, adults are free to live in the way they want, according to their own will and beliefs”. You think? This law will come back and haunt them one day, when the very youngsters they are trying to protect leave this country because the way they want to live is not acceptable in Hungary. Suppressing something doesn’t make it go away.
Yet again the narrative has been twisted by the government. The EU is not asking for same sex marriage to be recognised in the way that they are making out. The EU wants certain legal niceties to apply in all member states such as the right to inherit etc etc if such a couple move to an Ebb country where same sex marriage is not recognised. It the portability of those rights which are being discussed. A very different kettle of fish.
Hungary should be able to decide for its own laws and cultural decisions. On the other hand, there is no denying that countless gay and lesbian couples have loyal, loving relationships. There should be no dogma attached to that. – and marriage needs to be a human right for all consenting adults. Hopefully governments across the globe will stop sticking their heads in the sand and accept this. Having said this, the EU has no right to force such decisions down the throat of member countries. Especially not cultural and social decisions. EU Central Command keeps trying!!! Hungarians are a proud nation – and should absolutely continue their brave resistance against EU woke cultural and social policies!
Hungary is right!
Dictatorship whether from Vienna, Moscow or Brussels is unacceptable. The EU countries should fix their own problems and stop interfering in Hungary.
The University of Debrecen produced a detailed report and the VAST majority of sexual abuse of children in Hungary is commuted by men against girls. The report can be downloaded and is called ‘The sexual abuse of female children in Hungary, 20 years’ experience’.
Seventy-eight percent of the victims were primary school students, and 45% of them were between 11 and 14 years of age. The perpetrator knew the victim in 67% of the cases and was a stranger in 33%. Seventy-five (28%) perpetrators were members of the victims’ families. In 14% of cases, the perpetrator was the victim’s father and in 9% her stepfather. The abuse had occurred on multiple occasions in 29% of the cases. The occurrence rate of abuse was highest in the summer season (54%).
If you want to protect the children, you are looking at the wrong people, it’s not the LGBTQ groups that you need to worry about.
Pointing at others dos not give LGBTQ perverts license to abuse children. Protect the children from all perverts, including LBGTQ perverts. I would like to see an ethnic breakdown of child abuse cases because most of them probably occur amongst minorities where it is the norm. The Debrecen report probably mum on that. -:(
“Never Give Up Never Surrender!”
To think all LGBTQ are perverts is ignorant. Your research? Or is it you just don’t like people who choose to live their lives differently to you. The earlier response to your comment sets out statistics clearly. I suggest you download and read the report.
All adults are free to live their private lives without interference by the government in Hungary. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and sex registered at birth is banned in the country. Registered partnership for same-sex couples was legalized in 2009, but same-sex marriage remains banned. When checking statistics of violence against LGBT members, although no numbers are given, it is very low. It is a sad fact that there is a large number of domestic violence in the LGBT members relationships. The violence against LGBT members is greatly increasing in EU countries with large number of Muslim population.
Hungary does want to increase the birth rate, only by Hungarian couples in Hungary. LGBT relationships are not coducive to achieve this goal. However, the Children’s Protective Law must be taken at face value, because all the law wants to ensure that children are protected.
The EU countries, instead of threatening Poland and Hungary with Article 7, should work at reducing violence against the LGBT communities in their countries.
All adults are free to live their private lives without interference by the government in Hungary. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and sex registered at birth is banned in the country. Registered partnership for same-sex couples was legalized in 2009, but same-sex marriage remains banned. When checking statistics of violence against LGBT members, although no numbers are given, it is very low. It is a sad fact that there is a large number of domestic violence in the LGBT members relationships. The violence against LGBT members is greatly increasing in EU countries with large number of Muslim population.
Hungary does want to increase the birth rate, only by Hungarian couples in Hungary. LGBT relationships are not coducive to achieve this goal. However, the Children’s Protective Law must be taken at face value, because all the law wants to ensure that children are protected.
The EU countries, instead of threatening Poland and Hungary with Article 7, should work at reducing violence against the LGBT communities in their countries.
All adults are free to live their private lives without interference by the government in Hungary. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and sex registered at birth is banned in the country. Registered partnership for same-sex couples was legalized in 2009, but same-sex marriage remains banned. When checking statistics of violence against LGBT members, although no numbers are given, it is very low. It is a sad fact that there is a large number of domestic violence in the LGBT members relationships. The violence against LGBT members is greatly increasing in EU countries with large number of Muslim population. Hungary does want to increase the birth rate, only by Hungarian couples in Hungary. LGBT relationships are not coducive to achieve this goal. However, the Children’s Protective Law must be taken at face value, because all the law wants to ensure that children are protected.
University of Denver publishes many reports but I couldn’t find anything on the internet supporting the claims of “Response to protect the children”. At this point, I consider the claims bunk but may be persuaded to look at the “report” if one exists. The post could be just unsubstantiated bunk produced by LGBTQ to cover for LGBTQ perversion. The other likely possibility is that the “report” (if exists) does not break down the finding by ethnic minorities. What if most of these reported abuses by “Hungarians” were committed by Roma? Would the “report” dare identify the wide spread and accepted child abuse by Roma or is it less controversial and convenient to just lay it on Hungarians? I would have to read the “report” for myself, if exists, to determine that. Where is the “report”?
University of Debrecen NOT University of Denver.
What was I thinking? -:)
It’s the University of Debrecen you want, not Denver.
This is the title: The sexual abuse of female children in Hungary: 20 years’ experience
It is not the article. Only an abstract. Useless without the full text. I strongly suspect that most of child abuse occurs in Roma communities. There is an article “Two girls attempted to rape their peer with an iron rod in Ózd, Hungary” that also fails to identify the ethnicity of perpetrators and victim. They are Roma; Hungarians have nothing to do with these crimes. They have their own “culture”. Not mainstream. More like LGBTQ perversion.