Minister talks about liberal witch-hunt against certain politicians

Politicians who openly oppose the international liberal mainstream and stand up for their national interests have become targets of a worldwide witch-hunt, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Facebook on Saturday.

In the United States, efforts are underway to undermine the most promising candidate in the next presidential election by bringing new charges against him, and in Slovakia, a senior politician of the party with the best chances going into the autumn parliamentary election has been arrested, Szijjarto said. Meanwhile, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, charges have been brought against the democratically-elected leader of the Serb community there, he added.

“The international liberal mainstream doesn’t shy away from any kind of harsh intervention, even using the tools of the courts and law enforcement if it feels that its power is under threat. They fear the will of the people like fire,” the minister said. “Why don’t Transparency International, Amnesty or the Helsinki Committee speak out at times like these? Obviously because they’re on the payroll of the international liberal mainstream,” he added.

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  1. Oh Peter, such a victim. It seems that you and your ilk have perfected the witch hunt. Like with the teachers, and insisting that somehow gay activity is associated with pedophilia, a thing mostly perpetuated with your group, heterosexual men. And then there are the constant accusations of outside influence in elections when you and your ilk have handed out passports like candy to unknown duel passport holders who vote in our elections and yet do not live here. Witch hunt, fake news, do you have any words that haven’t come out of Trumps mouth, a criminal and sexual deviate that you and you ilk idolize?

  2. That is pretty bold… Mr. Trump is being held to account for his actions. The facts are currently doing the talking.

    Given what is known, now, taking the position that Mr. Trump has done “nothing wrong” is … Interesting.

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