Minister: ‘We will stop the LGBTQ lobby at the school fence’

Justice Minister Judit Varga on Tuesday welcomed parliament’s decision to order a referendum on child protection, and pledged to “protect the rights of Hungarian children and parents, and stop the LGBTQ lobby at the school fence.”

“Only a common will can stop the violent LGBTQ lobby and pressure of Brussels, which is why the Government has initiated a referendum on child protection,” Varga said in a bilingual Facebook post. Varga said the referendum would contain the following questions:

  1. Do you support the holding of presentations in public education institutions to introduce minors to topics on sexual orientation without the authorization of their parents?
  2. Do you support the promotion of gender reassignment treatments for minors?
  3. Do you support minors being shown, without any restriction, media content of a sexual nature that is capable of influencing their development?
  4. Do you support minors being shown media content that demonstrates gender reassignment?
“We believe that with the support of the Hungarian people, we can go through the thickest wall.
The future of our children is at stake, thus we are committed to protecting them,”
Varga said.
Kids to the Sky Miskolc 3
Read alsoBreaking – parliament orders referendum on child protection law!

Source: MTI


  1. Justice Minister Judit Varga on Tuesday welcomed parliament’s decision to order a referendum on child protection, and pledged to “protect the rights of Hungarian children and parents, and stop the LGBTQ lobby at the school fence.”

    Judit Varga is 100% rght.

  2. Interesting content. The questions differ from those in the other article. More articulate for the EU and more basic for Hungarians. The use of the word ‘minor’ instead of ‘children’ hasn’t gone unnoticed. So when the questionnaire is returned with nearly 100% in the government’s favour, they can present their findings to the EU with “we told you so”. Why not use the same wording for both. Shows what they really think of their fellow Hungarians!

  3. Hungary – overdue trendsetters to righten what for decades has been a “sorbid” existance within society.
    This infestation that has become widespread within society has been possible through the lack of Governments taking actions to introduce Laws that where directed and centered on Protection of Society.
    Society – the age groups that are the “tiers” of Society through age group classification.
    The lowest tierage is Children, who in there formulative years of developement are like plastacine, or a piece of clay – that is easily shaped or moulded into a figure or image, not always by the use of there own imagination but influenced by “other” occurances and happenings – that they are exposed to – as part of the journey of live, that are embarking.
    Hungary – this is what AGAIN – is getting ” right up the noises” – of Brussels and the LGBTQ lobby group, that a Democratic Led Government under “The Strong Man of European Politics” – Prime Minister – Victor Orban, has invested such time & energy that is supported by Fact, to “clean up” – set up and introduce clear Legal guidelines under Policies & Procedures – that will remove the “sorbidness” of this conduct of behaviour and subject – that has been permitted to function in the past decades in Hungary – without Control & Monitoring under Laws that govern its position & promotion – within Hungarian Society.
    Parenthood – the vastness of Responsibilities that come under the banner of Parenthood – besides the Moral Rightness aspect of it being – “Cleaned Up” – the, Government is saying to Parents – you see what we have done and NOW its up to you – to Educate your children – its called Parential Guidance – in the conduct of Sexual Conversation, introducing them taking them through, being there at all times for them – through the stages they journey – in there sexual developemental years.
    Believe it or not – but I’m really a Liberal type “Franchised” Catholic – not always agreeing with Pope Francis.
    Parents – if they think take the Responsibility up to Educate there Chidren on Sex and Sexuality – around the dinner table – as a Family – or wherever – it can be a Lot of Fun, and not like being sent to the Priests House – to be told the story of the “birds and the bees”///
    Example – (3) three nuns tragically killed in a car accident.
    They come before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates – who welcomes them.
    St. Peter then saids – Sisters, before I can let you enter the Stairway to Heaven – and open these gates, I have to ask each one of you a question.
    St. Peter saids – if you answer it correctly – the Angle Gang – will open the gate and on and up-wars you go.
    If you do not get the question Right – you will have to go downstairs into Purgatory for a short bit, to do bit more Biblical reading or whatever, and when the time in the eyes of the lord is Right – be bought up to the Pearly Gates and be re-examined.
    St. Peter asks the Sisters – is this understood to which – hands “clasped” in prayer postion – they All replied – YES.
    Sister (1) – your question being the “novice” – what was the fruit that was Wrongfully eaten – against the Commands of God ?
    Sister (1) answers – it was an Apple.
    St. Peter saids – correct – and instructs the Angle Gang – to open those gates and let the Lady through ///
    Sister (2) – your question – older in your years of Vocation as a Nun – what wae te name of the Garden that the Forbidden Fruit was eaten – by Adam & Eve ?
    Sister (2) – answers – it was the Garden of Eden.
    St. Peter said correct – and issues instructions to the Angle Gang as same Sister (1).
    Sister (3) – the Most Reverned Mother of this Religious House – which means the question that I ask you is to a degree little more difficult – that those asks to your Sisters.
    St. Paul – proceeds to read the question – to Sister (3) – the Most Reverned Mother – what, standing to-gether in the Garden of Eden, under the Tree of the Forbidden Fruit – what where the FIRST words that Eve said to Adam ?
    Sister (3) – surprisingly deliberated for some time on this question, then raising her head beneath her Religious veil – looking St. Peter in the eye replied – Thats a HARD one ???
    St. Peter – overtaken with Joy replied Sister (3) – that is the Correct Answer and instructed the Angle Gang – to open them gates, let the lady through making her way joing her fellow Sisters as thet proceeded up the Stairway to Heaven.
    You can have INNOCENT fun – in the education of sexual developement and sexuality – that is not Sorbid.

  4. I can’t understand why people seem unable to distinguish paedophiles from LGBTQ. Are they stupid or something. Only the ignorant and brainwashed think they’re the same thing.

  5. Perverts after Hungarian children are afraid of referendum because it will again show that Hungarians will protect their children from perverts. Perverts don’t like it.

  6. Today, Canadian House of Commons, unanimously passed a bill outlawing “CONVERSION THERAPHY” The bill will be passed to Senate for approval. Canada cannot be called as a discriminating country against the LGBT community. There must be a logical and medical reason for this action.

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