More visitors to Lake Balaton – New plans ahead
Next year’s developments would like to increase the number of visitors to Lake Balaton. For this approximately 370 billion Hungarian forints are available which equal 1 billion Euros – said Henrik Hoffman, the director of Balaton Tourism Association.
According to napi.hu, by next year the Balaton brand would be created, which would represent the whole Balaton region and present it to the international market, hoping to break new records in the future.
In general, the Balaton is a famous destination in Hungary. In the last few years the lake’s area and popular destinations have gone through many changes and its popularity increased. Because of that it is important to continue these developments – said the director.
A few weeks ago, several hotels got the opportunity to be part of these developments. More than 20 hotels will be renovated, expanded and renewed with more services. Also, more than 700 pensions would be renovated as well, many of them located around Hungary’s biggest lake.
The ‘Balaton brand’ would be created by using our country’s brand as an example. This means: simply communication, positioning, and a successful marketing, which would make the Balaton region like other touristic regions abroad – added Henrik Hoffman.
For creating this kind of brand approximately 3 million Euros are available for civil organisations like the Balaton Tourism Association, the Hungarian Tourism Agency and the Lake Balaton Development Council, in the following two years.
Featured image: www.facebook.com/KardosIldikóPhotography
Source: napi.hu