Multinationals in trouble: Hungarian government imposes new special tax, keeps excess profit tax

Last year, the Hungarian government promised to abolish the “excess profit tax” on banks, multinationals and energy companies in 2024. However, instead of doing so, it is now imposing a new excess profit tax on these companies. In addition to the transaction tax, the government is imposing extra charges on foreign exchange transactions.
Multinationals to have an even harder time in Hungary
During Monday morning’s Cabinet Briefing, Gergely Gulyás, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, said that
a “defence contribution” will have to be paid to multinationals that made “excess profits” during the war.
The same applies to the banking sector and energy companies, Economx reports.
The government negotiated a reduction of the bank tax, but according to Gulyás, many financial institutions took advantage of a loophole in the purchase of government securities, with all banks that did not increase their total holdings of government securities having to pay the bank tax in full.
In effect, the measure means that the government will not eliminate the special taxes on multinationals, banks and energy companies. What is more, it will impose extra charges on foreign exchange transactions in addition to the transaction tax.
Budget deficit reaches HUF 2,656.4 billion at end-June
Hungary’s cash flow-based budget deficit reached HUF 2,656.4 billion (EUR 6.8 billion) at the end of June, the finance ministry said in a preliminary release of data on Monday.
The central budget had a 2,640.1 billion forint deficit at the end of the month and the social security funds were 161.9 billion in the red, but separate state funds were 145.6 billion forints in the black.
The budget deficit reached 107.8 billion forints for the month of June alone.
Interest expenditures, which included large payments on retail government securities, came to 2,009.5 billion forints in January-June, up 649.4 billion from the same period a year earlier, the ministry said.
Expenditures for European Union-funded programmes reached 945.7 billion forints, while transfers from Brussels came to 578.2 billion forints, the ministry said.
Read also:
- German investors fed up with Orbán’s policies: will they leave Hungary?
- Establishment of foreign-owned companies to be simplified by Hungarian government
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It’s a WORRY.
Mihaly Varga, the Finance Minister of the Orban – Fidesz Government, a Minister under “mammoth” increasing PRESSURIZATION, through on-going Financial & Economic failings of his POLICY introductions, inclusive of “about turns” reverting back financial policies, because of WRONGFULNESS of changes made, is an embarrassment.
Varga, is STOOGE like in his Behaviour that worsens, as the Economic & Financial position of Hungary worsens, that continues to confirm these “preliminary” result figures, that his performance as the Orban – Fidesz Government, the Political Party he was a “Founding Father” with Victor Mihaly. Orban – that as the Finance Minister of Hungary – is Atrocious.
Very good.
Late-stage capitalism, which is where we’re at now, is not even capitalism; it’s corporatism. We no longer have true competition while barriers to entry are insurmountable for any prospective newcomers, both because of the power of the few oligarchic M.N.C.s that control the market and due to government regulations that only the big and the strong can afford to comply with.
Anything to level the playing field a little is very welcome.
Taxation must be equal for foreign and local businesses. Hungary will chase away foreign company’s.
What will also happen is that your export markets will see this as protectionism and impose large import taxes on Hungarian origin goods and services.
You cannot be an isolationist in a global world.
So much for our Politicians “low tax!” mantra. Just impose all kinds of add on taxes when MNCs are here. Because you can!
Re interest expenditures … Our Politicians just LOVE to borrow. You know. Buy an airport, I say.
Considering MNCs have their profits for the most part in EUR and/or USD and the growing gap in exchange rates to HUF, they’ll still be paying less in taxes in HUF than before, so if anyone continues to support oligarchies and nepotistic privileges and preferences is the current government… anything else is simply propagandistic smokescreens…
@michaelsteiner – socialism and communism are very adept at “leveling the playing field”…
Governments need to step in! #thebenefitsarewellknown