New animated film on one of the most significant Hungarian battles announced

The Hungarian company in question is the Digitális Legendárium. A relatively young company that make historically accurate short animations for museums, events and municipalities. They are renowned for their attention to detail and precise representation of historical eras.

Újkor interviewed one of the founders of the Digital Legendárium, Ödön Hajnal. Interestingly Ödön has finished his studies as an architect, but he was always fascinated by history and military history. He told the portal that his first steps on this path were when he and his friends wanted to make a historically accurate Hungarian army in a videogame. They asked many professional historians and other experts, who, to their surprise, gladly helped them.

Since then, Digital Legendárium became more and more well-known in Hungary. They have primarily created short 3D or 2D animations for exhibitions, but Ödön mentioned that sometimes they make backdrops or shorts for events.

Their work has received positive feedback not only from fans, clients but also from the general public and especially from teachers of Hungarian history.

Marcell Jankovics, graphic artist and film director and Dr Lajos Négyesi from the Hungarian Military History Institute and Museum also spoke positively about Digital Legendárium, says the report. Another exciting endeavour was taken on by a Hungarian man, who develops an entire videogame about the Siege of Budapest.

Many of their work can be seen on their Youtube channel, but as most of them are under the ownership of their clients those are not uploaded to their own channel. If this is the case, they try to add those to their playlists so visitors can check them out as well.

This is one of their videos with an English subtitle

Ödön Hajnal said in the interview that about 6-15 people can work on a single short animation. This is because they always consult experts on the matter at hand, be it an event of military history or a livery.

They pride themselves on their attention to detail; in one of their most recent works, they even looked up road signs of the period, and if they can, they will use military commands and music from the period.

They have become very popular among teachers as well because their short yet precise videos make it easier for students to understand some historical events. Recently, they have come to the foreground of the scene again, as they have uploaded a teaser trailer about their upcoming movie about the Battle of Breadfield.

The Battle of the Breadfield is an important event in both Hungarian and Turkish history. It was the most significant conflict fought in Transylvania between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

The battle ended in Hungarian victory, and after the conflict in 1479, the Ottoman forces did not attack the Hungarians for many years. The movie will be fully available in the Csíkszépvízi Határőr Museum. Hopefully, the film will be available online as well, but until then, enjoy the trailer:

Source: Ú

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