New world ranking: 5 Hungarian universities listed among the top ones!

Five Hungarian universities have been added to the latest list of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University) and the University of Szeged are considered to be the best this year.

The creators of the ARWU ranking categorised the included Hungarian universities in the following groups: Eötvös Loránd University ranked 601-700, the University of Szeged ranked 601-700, Semmelweis University ranked 701-800, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics ranked 801-900, and the University of Debrecen ranked 901-1000.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) was published in 2003 by Jiao Tong University in Shanghai. The survey has been conducted since 2009 by an independent organisation, ShanghaiRanking.

When compiling the list, experts examined the scientific work of nearly three thousand higher education institutions.

According to Eduline, the institutions were assessed for the ranking on the basis of six indicators, including the professional recognition of lecturers, researchers, and former students, publications, citations of research papers, and per capita academic performance.

Which are the best universities in the world?

Harvard has been in the first place for 18 years, followed by Stanford and Cambridge. The top 10 includes mostly US-based universities.

The best European university is Paris-Saclay University, in 13th place.

From the Central European region, the University of Vienna ranked 151-200, while the Austrian Medical University is listed in 201-300th place. Three Croatian universities are also on the list, the best of which is the University of Zagreb in 600-701th place. From the Polish universities, the Jagiellonian University became the best (401-500), while the Charles University of Prague (201-300) is the best from the Czech Republic. Two Romanian universities were also added to the list.

The rankers examine specialities separately. Hungarian universities were also excellent in this aspect – check it out below.

Source: Eduline


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