Officers in police and fire stations will freeze in Hungary
A recent regulation limited the maximum temperature in state institutions. This also affects the police and fire stations, so the barracks cannot be heated to proper temperatures. Not only that but private heating appliances cannot be used either. The only option for officers and firefighters is to dress as warmly as possible.
According to the National Catastrophe Prevention Directorate (Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság), as the state finances all stations, all regulations apply to them as well, reports The regulation limits the maximum temperature inside all state-financed institutions and facilities to eighteen degrees. Zsaruellátó.hu posted a letter on their Facebook page, which says that until 15 October, the heating cannot be turned on and no heating appliances can be used. However, the Hungarian National Bank is exempted from this regulation.
The exemptions include social boarding houses, health- and childcare facilities, also in indoor public swimming pools. In elementary schools, the temperature can even reach twenty degrees.
Punishment for service
In the letter, it is also stated that heating can only be turned on if the regional police station permits it. Independent action is strictly prohibited in this case, reports The advice for police officers was that the protection against cold should be assured by proper clothing and regular exercise. Another post details the negative effects of this regulation and the potential health risks.
It is also a problem that electricity usage will be limited, therefore officers cannot charge their phones or equipment. Officers are angered by these actions, stating that it limits their abilities to efficiently do their jobs. Others just made fun of the surreal situation with memes and poems as it is just too ridiculous to bear. The government again let down those who have an important duty to society. They are also the ones who did not complain about anything, yet they are the ones who got punished.
In previous reports, medical professionals explained that heat perception can vary by the individual and the work environment. Universally maximising temperatures is just not the most efficient way to limit gas and electricity usage. In the long run, it could have consequences for the well-being of workers.
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The government has told us we have enough gas, they have signed another deal for gas with Russia, we have more in reserve than most EU countries. In fact we are doing better than most other countries (apparently), so what is it the government’s not telling us.
Why is it after only two months of the new tariffs that businesses seem to be closing down, or closing for winter when it’s not even October. Why are there restrictions if we supposedly have enough? Is the government going to tell people to run round the office or do star jumps every ten minutes just to keep warm.
It’s because we’re all set regarding Russian oil and gas, the bold choices of our Politicians. We are Protected! Not to worry
We know the times we are living in, and sacrifices that are deemed rightfully necessary, but the balance, to find a “middle ground” and not an over-kill of these horrendous challenging times – that’s the conundrum / difficulty.
The DEFINING – the prioritization – we all have our opinions, that personally, this commentator takes a Humanitarian approach as to who and what is a PRIORITY situation or environment.
Police & Fire Officers and Ambulance Stations – (3) three I see as NEEDED public Services.
Do we permit heating say to 19% – then add additional Clothing – if temperature drops below 19% ?
Remember – thermal underwear & garments – quality ones should be seriously considered.
Humanitarian Focused Approach – must be PARAMOUNT going into Winter, that we ALL must “share” – in the difficult & challenging times we live.
The intelligence level of most police officers is so low that they are useless anyway…if they are fired tomorrow no one will notice.