Official gazette: Govt issues decree giving employers power to require Covid jabs
Hungary’s government has issued a decree giving employers the power to require their workers to be inoculated against the coronavirus “as a condition of working” in the latest issue of the official gazette Magyar Közlöny.
Employers may require Covid jabs of their staff “if they deem it necessary in the interest of the safety of people working there”, according to the decree.
Employers who instruct their workers to be inoculated must give them 45 days to get their first jab.
Workers must get the second jab on the date assigned by the physician administering the inoculation.
Employees who do not comply may be put on unpaid leave for a period of one year and may be terminated after that period if they still have not been inoculated.
Employees who can produce a doctor’s certification showing inoculation against the coronavirus would put them at risk because of a health condition are exempt from the new rule.
Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister’s chief of staff, announced the measure at a weekly press briefing on Thursday.
He said the step was necessary to boost the inoculation rate amid the fourth wave of the pandemic.
A separate decree published in the official gazette requires masks to be worn on public transport as well as at stops and stations from November 1.
Read also Budapest mayor orders masks to be worn in metropolitan venues
Source: MTI
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I approve.
Az oltás életet ment!
First – 1000% disagree with vaccine mandate. 2nd – I have a question – So what happens if 50% of my work forces decides to not be vaccinated … I place them on one years leave without pay – Who is going to do the work for me? Do I have to replace them with other work force members who I will then have to subsequently fire once my original workers decide to be vaxed – I cannot possibly hire double the work force. Who thinks this crap up? It does not surprise me we are in the mess we are – we have morons making rules based on science they suck out of thin air. Oh and by the way – vaccinations DO NOT SAVE LIVES … in fact they are doing the opposite. There is going to be a wake up day when all will be revealed to the horror of those who are blindly following the rules.
Terrible news for freedom! Mandating untested experimental vaccines…time to go vállakozó.
But of course Istvan, you approve.
I wouldn’t expect anything less by someone who keeps happily blurting out the same authorithy propaganda you have been fed daily. Go Istvan, go! 😉
Meg kell akadályozni az olyan személyekkel szembeni közvetlen vagy közvetett hátrányos megkülönböztetést, akiket például orvosi okok miatt nem oltanak be, mert nem tagjai annak a célcsoportnak, amelynek jelenleg beadják a Covid19-oltóanyagot, vagy amely számára jelenleg a Covid19-oltóanyagot engedélyezik – például a gyermekek –, vagy akik még nem kaptak lehetőséget az oltásra, vagy akik úgy döntöttek, hogy nem oltatják be magukat. Ezért az oltási igazolvány vagy egy Covid19-oltóanyagot feltüntető oltási igazolvány birtoklása nem lehet előfeltétele a szabad mozgáshoz való jog gyakorlásának, továbbá a határokon átnyúló személyszállítási szolgáltatások, például légijáratok, vonatok, távolsági buszok, kompok vagy egyéb közlekedési eszközök igénybevételének. E rendeletet továbbá nem lehet úgy értelmezni, mint amely az oltás beadatására való jogot vagy kötelezettséget állapít meg.
“Official gazette: Govt issues decree giving employers power to require Covid jabs
I don’t see the problem with this Government decree. The Government gives employers the option of protecting their employees.
It is a free country.
If you don’t like your employer requiring you to get vaccinated, find another employer.
It is a similar rule to keeping smoking out of public places. Very good rule.
It’s not even comparable István.
It’s so wrong of an employer to demand that the workers take an experimental drug that has prooven to be so ineffective that you have to take 3-4 jabs/year.
The science simply does not back it up!
Israel who has vaccinated among the highest % in the world has more sick nog than 2020, because the ”vaccin” DOESNT WORK very well.
There are whole countries who has vaccinated less than 1% of the population, and still has almost no C19-deaths! Because they all are takibg the SAFE and EFFECTIVE drug Ivermectin!
But Ivermectin doesn’t give $ billions $ to Big Pharma, the ”vaccine” does.
I approve, Jonas Blair because unlike you, I want to save Hungarian lives.
Az oltás életet ment!
Mikael Broström, you missed the most important point of my letter:
It is a free country.
If you don’t like your employer asking you to vaccinate, you go to work for an employer who doesn’t require vaccination.
It is that simple.
We are not required to post under our real name but you are using a Finnish name. What is it to you if Hungarians vaccinate or not?
It’s certainly not that simple. If all employers are pushed to this you soon have no option.
And what if you have climbed in your carrier for decades, and now you are forced to quit because people with no knowlage are saying so?
That’s really not fair or all right.
Your argument is just as stupid as ”start your own facebook/youtube if you don’t like the censuship”
Istvan … it is you who is missing the point. You speak about a free country – you can only have a free country if the people within it are FREE and forcing any employee to be injected with an experimental gene therapy that may cause endless harm to mortality – IS NOT FREEDOM. It is my body and I should have the freedom to make my choice as to what goes into it without having my life / way of feeding my family being threatened, especially when 1. – You are vaccinated so therefore you are fine (and don’t give me the crap of the health service being overloaded by my choice not too). 2. There are other drugs on the market that can rid this world of CV19 without the vax – Ivermectin, HCQ etc. There is no pro argument for this force of action.
In 1896 in Philadelphia the preacher Robert F. Y. Pierce used the phrase “your liberty ends where my nose begins.”
Mikael Broström and FedUp don’t understand the meaning of liberty/freedom.
Liberty does not mean tat you have the right to invade my home. In American heartland, you get killed if you try it.
A closed, privately owned factory is not the Government. It is the home of those that work there. Your freedom is not diminished if you are not allowed to go there and infect the family of workers because of your irresponsibility. They are free to tell not to infect them.
I agree with István. If your work is within the healthcare sector, to the best of your ability you have an obligation to keep yourself and others around you safe. I’m out of touch now but I know hepatitis vaccines are given as a matter of course, and no doubt others, COVID vaccines should be too. Yes, it doesn’t stop you contracting the disease, but the symptoms aren’t as life threatening, and yes you can still pass to others, but hopefully they will have been vaccinated.
This is happening in the UK, it will happen in other countries too. If those in healthcare haven’t been inoculated they’ll either need to be vaccinated or look for another job. So many people have spoken out whilst in hospital wishing they had taken the vaccine, some of these are fit healthy people and can barely breathe. It’s destroyed them, plus there’s the long covid which brings its own problems. Yes, it’s people’s choices whether they take the vaccine but for those who don’t there will be certain restrictions.
If you want to research the science, then familiarise yourself with The Lancet. There’s enough scientific data around, if you’re unsure about a specific vaccine then ask for one that’s been approved by other agencies. The cold weather’s coming and the virus thrives in that. This is a global pandemic. It’s real and is something we’ll have to live with for who knows how long. No government has handled it particularly well but then we’ve never been through this before. No economy can’t afford to shut down again. We learn from our mistakes to take precautions in the future. Look at Romania, we’re having to take some of their cases now.
Oh, I understand freedom better than you my friend.
And what you support and advokate for will result in the opposite of freedom.
People like I, who lived under communist tyranny understand what freedom is better than anyone else. I was trying to educate you but it seems to be a lost cause with Western Europeans.
I find it interesting that we have so many foreigners on DNH, trying to tell us how to run our own country.
Nope, sorry but you have no clue.
If you did you’d see that the pandemic is stripping us of our rights and freedoms, and you applaude!?
Btw, I live in Hungary, moved from socialist-corrupt Sweden.
Besides lockdowns and vaccine rules, everything else mr. Orbán does is fantastic, compared to the Swedish government.
In Sweden the government does everything to ruin the country and destroy the lives of the swedish people.
I have a clue about you because it appears that you are one of the few people who post under their real name. I commend you for it because you are one of very few who post using their real name. It is something. Some anti-Hungarian western trolls use multiple fake names.
You may live in post-Soviet Hungary now but you are not Hungarian. You know nothing about our lives under Soviet rule. Life was horrible for decent Hungarians. We were slaves with no freedom. That is why we rose up against the Soviets and their “Hungarian” communist monsters. I lived it. You have no clue.
WOW! Istvan … so placing your name on a comment makes your argument more relevant … My name is Istvan … has that made any difference. Nope!
No my name is not Istvan and it does no matter what it is.
2. I am not Hungarian … my partner is. This in itself again, does not make my argument any less relevant. Neither does all above mentioned – Hungarian or not. I’m not sure on your perspective but this is affecting the entire world … this is not about Hungary or Hungarians – THIS IS ABOUT THE HUMAN RACE.
3. You are right, I have not lived under communism and therefore cannot speak of it.
I do stand in awe however, and I say this with all due respect – that you did and apparently learnt very little.
Today you stand on your tower of “lack of freedom and the understanding of it” and state what you do believe that you have a right to protect yourself from me the unvaccinated. First, the logic is all wrong – if you are vaccinated what worries you – That I may “pick” it up just like you and infect you with a virus you yourself can still get from breathing air or that I may spread it just like you …. mmmmm. When you can prove to me the existence of a natural Sars-Cov2, isolate it and make it pass Koch Postulates …. I will then believe you and anyone else – until then … nope! Try it – some have and have failed.
4. I do not know what line of work you were in in your younger years but I am in the digital technocracy field and I understand AI, the metaverse, etc. If you think communism was bad … you have no idea what is coming.
You think “The Matrix” was a movie – it was a documentary – they were telling you what is coming.
You think “The Borg” in “Star Trek” was just a movie – “Resistance is futile and you will be assimilated”
If you live over the next few years – you are going to wish you were still under communism – Under communism you still could THINK for yourself even if you kept those thoughts to yourself … and that my friend was a good thing. Your children and grandchildren may not be as lucky.
Pray that humanity wakes up in time.
Moderator, please replace my earlier post with this one. Thank you.
I wasn’t talking about using my real name because István is as common in Hungary as John in America or Mohamed in Western Europe. I was talking about Mikael Broström who posts under his full name. That makes his comments and opinions more legitimate than your FedUp or my István.
István is a little more legitimate than FedUp because I consistently post under István, and a few times under Protect the children.
You don’t have to be FedUp. if you don’t love this country, you should leave.
“I am not Hungarian … my partner is.”
Just as I suspected. Most of the commenters posting here are foreigners who presume to tell Hungarians how we should live our lives. Hungary is fighting the Soviet like EU because Hungarians don’t to let in the illegal migrants in our country and the LGBTQ perverts in our schools.
Magyarország a magyaroké!
I agreed with your comments István. I am also a dual national. I hope your comment wasn’t directed to me too. I love Hungary.
Istvan – I do not care about your Hungarian status. I happen to be here at this present time and I am here as a human standing up for humanity. Time to wake up the sheep is long gone … you my dear Istvan are so fast asleep you are in a coma. This thread has come to an end … it is time for the lions to roar.
PS – I am not FedUp with Hungary or its people … I am fed up with the sheep
Amy, your love for Hungary comes through your posts, loud and clear. God bless you.
FedUp, you are not a lion but a coward. You hide behind animosity and call the Hungarian people sheep. I suspect that you are a paid Soros agent and do whatever your master tells you. I consider you a security risk.
Sad news. So many admiring Hungary around the world for their resolve in terms of liberty and raising the middle finger to the EU.
You were doing so well. It looks as if another country has read their copy of the Nuremberg protocol and consciously decided to rip it apart and throw it away.
Merkely: kizárólag oltatlanok vannak lélegeztető gépen
Az egyetemi klinikák adatai szerint szinte kizárólag oltatlan betegek vannak lélegeztetőgépen, akik jellemzően 65 év alattiak.
Az oltás életet ment.
Thank you István. For you too.
Istvan … ha ha … who are you? How do I even know you to be Hungarian. You could be anyone. You are as an unknown as “Istvan” as I am as “FedUp” so please stop making out you are any better than I – you hide behind Istvan too. You keep coming back with arguments that are not arguments … could you please get back onto CV19 rather than attack my name or citizenship. Please do not put words in my mouth either. I did not say that all Hungarians are sheep … I implied that you are and you are – you have no facts / your arguments make no sense / you follow orders you do not understand you make out you understand freedom when you have no clue what Agenda2020/30 and what transhumanism is all about. I also did not imply that I am a lion … I am not – I am just a simple person who can see through the bull, trying to make sense of the madness. As for Soros … DO NOT use his name and mine in the same sentence … EVER. I do not associate myself with satan’s child. Now please go away until you can get back to me with something that does not attack me personally.
FedUp, go back to the hole you crawled out from. Take your “partner” with you. You are an idiot who knows nothing about computer science and tries to tell us that communism is good. You are a paid Soros agent for sure.
Magyarország a magyaroké!
ohhhh Little Istvan is upset … sob sob … and again your little pea great matter does not allow you to come back with an argument that is worth any salt. All you have is insult after insult. Hungary is not just for Hungarians – I am here and have every intention of sticking around. My partner and children have every right to be here and it is for them that I will not back down. In fact – your rudeness only drives me more.
If I were an agent of pig face HUNGARIAN Soros … you most likely would have stopped your insults by now. Just saying …
Again stop putting words in my mouth – I never said communism was good. Not my problem you cannot or will not understand. I said, communism will appear to have been a good thing if the NEW World Order has its way and it will if people like you keep sleeping – I say what I mean for I do understand what I am talking about. Lastly, I do understand computer science – I have been in the field for most of my life. That said – you do not have to understand computer science to see what is heading like a snowball in our direction … all you need is some common sense, two eyes and a little bit of grey matter between your ears. Now I will say my goodbye – on my term – NOT YOURS. May we never meet in this beautiful country called Magyarorszag.