Does Hungarian pálinka cure flu?

In Hungary, it is a widespread opinion that in case you have a headache, you catch the flu, or your stomach ruffles you should drink pálinka with (or without) tea.
Science already proved that in many cases belief in itself can cure people. Especially in the case of illnesses that heal in a couple of days without any treatment thanks to the defence mechanisms of our immune system.
In Hungary, many people think that pálinka is a treatment for almost all diseases. Even in the case of coronavirus, much fake news appeared saying that since sterilisers contain alcohol, strong pálinkas are good to extinguish the virus. It is true that bacteria die from an alcohol level higher than 60 pc – reported. Moreover, provided that alcohol
exceeding 70 pc has even a sterilising effect.
Pálinkas having 40 pc alcohol content can destroy bacteria in the mouth, but even so, this traditional Hungarian spirit is unable to heal anybody.
It is also a misbelief that cold drinks or meals help viruses and bacteria to multiply. Similarly, hot tea or meals are also unable to warm the body and extinguish alien microorganisms as a fever does. However, researchers say that
green tea can help to reduce the risk of getting infected.
Vitamin C does not help if the virus is already in the body. However, it can help to avoid catching a cold, and it strengthens the immune system. Meat soup does not have any effect on the disease, but it feels good to eat when one is ill. Based on the findings of a research, the soup helps neutrophils move, and thus, it is beneficial in reducing inflammation.
Hungarian people think that garlic protects them from vampires and a lot of diseases, as well. Clinical tests say that
garlic is beneficial for the heart and the cardiovascular system
but does not help the immune system’s struggle against infections.