One month to go until the World Athletics Championships Budapest: ticket sales booming

With star performers and super finals, the Budapest Athletics World Championships will kick off in a month, on August 19. Sales are booming, already 250,000 tickets have been purchased by fans.
Biggest sporting event in history
The organiser team has already occupied their offices in the National Athletic Centre to make sure that everything will go according to plan in the remaining one month – revealed Balázs Németh, CEO of Budapest 2023 Nonprofit Plc., the organiser of the event, at a press conference. He added that the World Cup will be the biggest sports event in history, not only if we take Hungary but the entire Central Europe. It will be attended by about 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries. And the competitions will be followed by hundreds of thousands of fans and more than one billion TV viewers.
Ticket sales are booming
The Outdoor Athletics World Cup is the third largest sporting event in the entire world, and since neither the Summer Olympics nor the FIFA World Cup will be held in 2023, it will be the biggest this year.
Ticket sales have picked up in recent days, for example groups from India, Japan and Chile signed up on Wednesday morning. In total, more than 250,000 tickets have already been sold, but a limited number of tickets can still be purchased for all nine race days.
World Athletics Championships will be broadcast
The opening night will inarguably be the hottest party of the year. The spectators will be welcomed by star guests and receive surprise gifts on the first day of the World Cup. The highly-anticipated grand opening will start at 7:15 PM, writes The names of the performers haven’t been released yet.
Next to the National Athletic Centre, the television base that will broadcast the World Cup is already under construction. Four hundred trucks have already arrived at the site, and another 20 broadcasting vehicles from various TV companies are expected in the coming weeks.