Opposition has no chance to win?

The joint opposition’s candidate for prime minister at the April 3 election, Péter Márki-Zay, continued to lose popularity in February, with 62 percent of Hungarians having a negative view of him, according to a poll by the Századvég Foundation, a government-close think tank, released on Thursday.

The ratio was up from 59 percent in January and 47 percent last October when he became the opposition’s candidate, Századvég said in a statement.

Sympathisers made up 33 percent of respondents, unchanged from January and down from 42 percent in October, the report said.

Századvég said the fall was likely due to “recent remarks by Márki-Zay in which he set aside generally accepted staples of political culture, made statements that offended certain groups of voters and supported very unpopular proposals”.

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Source: MTI, DNH

One comment

  1. Marki-Zay and his Soros backed sausage coalition stand no chance because they have openly promised to adopt the Euro, allow open borders and non traditional sexual deviants to polute the minds of our children with their toxic sexual perversions.

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