Orbán: Brussels wants to plant puppet government in Hungary
Brussels wants to oust Hungary’s national government which pursues an independent policy which they find intolerable and plant a puppet government in the country, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a speech of commemoration in Budapest’s Millenaris Park on Wednesday, marking the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom fight.
Orbán said Hungary was faced with a decision about whether to “bow to the will of foreigners, the will of Brussels” or to resist it. “This grave decision awaits Hungary right now,” he added. “Our reaction must be as clear and unambiguous as it was in 1956,” he declared. Orbán said Hungary would not take part in struggles between empires.

“We want one thing only, to live in peace here in the Carpathian Basin … according to our rules while seeking our own happiness.” Referring to the Russia-Ukraine war, he said Europe’s economy was “falling into the war” and “millions of families” would be “ruined” unless action was taken to stop the tendency. “Let’s not drop this, my friends!”
Orbán: 1956 shows ‘we must fight solely for Hungary’s freedom’
PM Orbán said at the commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the anti-Soviet uprising in 1956 that the revolution had shown that “we must only ever fight for Hungary and Hungarians’ freedom”.
Pressure from Brussels was growing on Hungary and its government, Orbán told the event held at the Millenaris Park in Budapest. “We Hungarians also have to decide whether we want to go to war against Russia.” “Our political opponents think that we should: they say the moral of 1956 was that we should fight for Ukraine; indeed in Ukraine.” The world is closer to a world war than ever in the past 70 years, Orbán said.
“Everyone pretends not to see that the emperor has no clothes.” He said Europe’s leaders, “the Brussels bureaucrats”, had led the West into a “hopeless war”. “Their heads are addled by the hope of victory and they see this as the West’s war against Russia that they have to win, bring the enemy to its knees and squeeze them for everything they’ve got.” Orbán said they were trying to push the entire EU into the war. “They have published the new victory plan which amounts to expanding the war,” he added.
Orbán: Empires will do everything to guarantee there’s a Hungarian who invites them in
“Hungarians are a freedom-loving and freedom-fighting people”, Orbán said. He declared that no occupier had succeeded in taming Hungarians. He said that empires preferred to be invited in and “will do everything to guarantee there’s a Hungarian who calls them in”. But Hungarians, he added, did not “tolerate humiliation”. “All puppet governments and empires should understand and never forget that we waged the brightest freedom fight of world revolutions. We taught them forever: never hurt Hungarians,” he said. The prime minister thanked special guests at the event who helped to protect the country during the recent floods.
Orbán: Hungary not afraid of ‘imperialist blackmail’
Hungarians have proven “a hundred times” that they will not give in “if the current empire blackmails them”, Orbán said.
“We know they want to force us into war,” Orbán said in Budapest’s Millenaris Park. “We know they want to dump migrants on us. We know they want to hand our children over to gender activists.” Referring to the opposition Tisza Party and its leader, Péter Magyar, Orbán said Hungarians knew that “they have picked the puppet government and party they want to install, and they have their man for the job … the ideal candidate to head a puppet government”.
Orbán: ‘We shall not allow Hungary to be turned into a vassal of Brussels’
“We shall not allow Hungary to be turned into a puppet state, a vassal of Brussels,” Orbán said. Speaking at the celebration at Budapest’s Millenaris Park, Orbán said the 1956 revolution had created unity and a common will but had lacked the strength necessary to take sovereign action. “Today, the right-wing government has the backing of strong national unity, a common will and strength,” he said. “Today, there’s an opportunity to take sovereign action, and I promise you that we shall use it.” “To be Hungarian means to fight; this is the message and the demand of the heroes of fifty-six.” “We Hungarians can and will do it. We will do it again,” Orbán said.
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Orban is a rat who has found himself in a corner and will say or do anything to escape the end that he knows is coming. I just hope that for Hungarians this does not end in violence and that a peaceful transition of power takes place in 2026 to the Tisza Party. Can Hungarians even wait that long to rid themselves of this corrupt government of Russian ass kissers.
The “Strong Man” of European Politics – Victor Mihaly. Orban.
Orban – continues to BLAME, never accepting that from the massive WRONGFULNESS of his Political Ideas and Philosophy – Ideology, his “blame Game(s)” are muchly all centered on his being PROVEN wrong, discovered being FOUND out, roles that he has been the instigator of – that have DISGRACED / Humiliated him and Hungary.
Orban – continues the DISTILLATION process of DEMOCRACY in Hungary.
Orban – has caused the separation – the isolation of Hungary – from being held in any form of RESPECT with the European Union, N.A.T.O. inclusive of Schengen, – the United States of America, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Globally country’s that are Governed under DEMOCRACY.
BLAMING – is a “veiling” process used by Orban, in an attempt to hide conceal his proven GUILT of his exposed multitude of FAILINGS – through his Political “Dogma” – that has Failed – FLAWED him.
Orban – we know his DRIVE in building partnerships and relationships with China and Russia.
Orbans relationship with China and Russia is a “Riddle” wrapped in a mystery, inside an Enigma.
Orban we know, has taken a massive u-turn, from his aim taking Hungary, under DEMOCRACY, into becoming a market economy based on the Rule of Law and Private Ownership.
Orban in a dramatic change of course, over his time as Prime Minister of Hungary – 15 years, has systematically been dismantling DEMOCRACY – destroying its PLACE – in the Governance of Hungary, and replacing it, with practices that are of a Dictatorship, under Laws of Communism.
Hungary – we have been DELIVERED by the Orban – Fidesz Government – to a place resembling a cataclysmic DISASTER.
Orbans – in his FAILINGS to the Hungarian people to Hungary our country, we are just not in Economic and Financial – CHAOS, but right across the entire spectrum of our country, especially those of Public Services – the day to day NEEDS of the public.
The Orban – Fidesz Government are DEBT – strangulated.
The Orban -Fidesz Government have NO funds for INVESTMENT into Hungary.
The Orban – Fidesz Government continue to RISE taxes – personal and business taxes in Hungary.
The Orban – Fidesz Government – have “driven” to un-acceptable % of our population 1.1 million living in POVERTY.
Orban talks – Puppets and we FACTUALLY talk – besides them being puppets to China and Russia, the GOFER role, the Orban – Fidesz Government – ARE – to China and Russia in there Sell – Off handover of Hungary to China and Russia.
The DOWNFALL of this “Regime” under the Leadership of Victor Mihaly. Orban – through the SOLIDARITY of growing MILLIONS of Hungarians, realizing they have been FAILED and ABUSED – will sooner than later CRUSH the name Orban and Fidesz – there names, in Hungary.
The biggest fear for me is that the Russians will kill Peter Magyar to try to keep their control of Hungary through Orban and Fidesz. The government will want to look the other way and allow it to happen if Putin does this. Peter Magyar is at very high risk because if he is taken out there is no obvious candidate that can take his place who would have anything like the same appeal. The opposition that can remove Fidesz from office is literally focused into one man.
Orban Victor: no One can lecture us about democracy and freedom
Orban Balasz: we should not have russian in 1956.
What a lecture!
It’s awful how ’56 gets co-opted this way. Those freedom fighters and their legacy deserves better than this. It would be better to not have these commemorative speeches than to disrespect them this way. None of these politicians has earned the right to speak in their memory, especially not these current Russian-loving, West-hating liars.
The US and Europe have lost patience with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán, whose authoritarian leadership style denigrates his partners. Being persona non grata may impress Putin and Xi, but it alienates many Hungarians—and forces the West to take action.
Janos Kadar, Hungary’s communist leader, responded to the 1956 revolution with a softer kind of regime that became known as “goulash communism.” Almost seven decades later, his successor, Viktor Orbán, responded to the “color revolutions” in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union with a regime worthy of the name “goulash dictatorship.”
Goulash communism had several components. Kadar allowed small-scale private entrepreneurship, encouraged the production of consumer goods, relaxed secret police controls, and allowed some Hungarians to travel abroad. He changed the Stalinist dictum “Whoever is not with us is against us” to “Whoever is not against us is for us.”
All of these measures made Hungary a comparatively more open and prosperous society, which, not surprisingly, was the first of the Eastern European states to abandon communism in 1989.
The goulash dictatorship is a far cry from the kind of muscular fascism that Italy’s Benito Mussolini would have advocated. While Orbán appears to be seeking lifelong tenure, and he hopes to exude a certain level of masculinity and charisma, he is clearly no Mussolini – at least not yet.
But Orbán has revanchist aspirations, for example in Romania and Ukraine. He manipulates history to emphasize the greatness of his nation. He exerts an illiberal influence on the media, the electoral system and the courts. He seeks to maintain the closest possible relations with openly tyrannical states such as Vladimir Putin’s Russia and Xi Jinping’s China. And he does all this while denigrating European democracies and their values.
The Soviet Union’s communist leaders always viewed Kadar and his experiments with skepticism. They grudgingly accepted his concessions to the popular will because the alternative – a mass uprising – was unacceptable. Orbán’s friends in Moscow and Beijing (and Mar-a-Lago?) probably see him as one of their own, but not without reservations. After all, Orbán is clearly megalomaniacal and could easily involve his older brothers in a crazy plan. On the other hand, both Putin and Xi appreciate Orbán’s anti-EU and anti-NATO stance and his fostering of disunity in the ranks of the two institutions.
The wily Orbán wants to eat his goulash and have it too. He clearly hates the EU and everything it stands for, while he is only too happy to take its money. Orbán also hates NATO and its policy towards Ukraine, although he knows full well that membership in the alliance gives him leverage that a small state like Hungary could never have on its own.
In the meantime, Orbán is doing his best to help Russia defeat Ukraine – at least in the long term. As the American ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman, put it in March: “Does Hungary really believe that Russia will come to the negotiating table if our partners and allies stop our military support for Ukraine, which is fighting for its survival on its own territory? … Hungarian policy is based on the notion that disarming Ukraine will stop Putin.”
Given Hungary’s history with Russia—it was Russian troops that crushed Hungarian uprisings in 1848 and 1956—one would expect Orbán to side with Ukraine, especially since a Russian occupation of all of Ukraine would extend Russia’s borders into Hungary. Many suspect Orbán is more than just Putin’s compliant sidekick. The Kremlin may have serious compromising material that has led Orbán to make a geopolitically suicidal decision to ally with the Kremlin.
Unfortunately for Orbán, the goulash dictatorship may be a winning formula at home for a while, but abroad it is a lost cause. The United States and Europe have lost patience with Orbán. Being persona non grata in the West may suit Putin and Xi, but it alienates many Hungarians, strengthens the opposition and forces the West to do something about the Hungarian bull in the European china shop.
Kadar’s successors have realized that you can have either goulash or communism; in 1989 they chose the former. Sooner or later Orbán will have to make a similar choice.
DIE WELT: Alexander J. Motyl is a professor of political science at Rutgers University
Wow, The CIA crew at the US Embassy in BP has been busy posting their anti Orban rhetoric today. Time for Orban to send home all but 20 of the estimated 200 employees. NO need for these CIA and other operatives who are here to subvert the will of the people of Hungary.
LOL re CIA. Paranoid much? I suggest there has been a subversion of the will of the Hungarian people… but not by the CIA. The people have consistently been pro-Europe and even pro-EU.