PM Orbán calls for fight against the Empire of Brussels, talks about “Weber minions”

The “masters of Europe” have decided that Ukraine must continue the war no matter the costs, “and in exchange, it will receive quick EU membership at our expense,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a speech marking the March 15 national holiday. “We only have one answer to that: the Union but without Ukraine,” he said. The prime minister vowed to “eliminate the financial machine that has bought politicians, judges, journalists, pseudo-civil organisations and political activists with corrupt dollars.”
Speaking in front of the National Museum marking the 177th anniversary of the 1848-49 revolution and freedom fight on Saturday, Orbán said Hungarians would have the opportunity to voice their opinion on Ukraine’s European Union aspirations. “There is no European decision without Hungary,” he said. “A year ago, the question was whether we wanted to die for Ukraine. Now it is whether we want to be bankrupted by its accession,” Orbán said, urging “my dear friends” to respond to the government’s public survey on the question.
Colonizing Ukraine
Quoting Ferenc Deák, the justice minister of the first Hungarian government during the freedom fight, Orbán said: “We may risk everything for the homeland but we must not risk the homeland for anything.” “Europe jumped head-first into the Russia-Ukraine war,” Orbán said. “We must not cause greater harm than what we want to prevent, and we cannot help anyone if we ruin our own homeland. So we did not jump in with them but stayed on the side of peace,” he said.

Orbán said the “empire” wanted to colonise Ukraine rather than helping it. “War is a tool of colonisation,” he added. Regarding the 1848 revolution, Orban said: “The idea of Hungarian freedom is timeless and eternal.” The prime minister said that 177 years ago this day, the ideal of Hungarian freedom “took shape, was embodied and came to walk among us; March 15 remains a special day for all generations of Hungarians…”
Orbán said: “In 1848, they said the future belonged to the shining empire in Vienna; in 1956 they said that the future belonged to the red Soviet empire; and now they’re saying that the future belongs to the rainbow-coloured worldwide empire.” “But there was a turnabout across the [Atlantic], and it turns out that we are the future; that the future does not belong to empires but to patriots and independent nations,” Orbán said.
Hungary not isolated
“It has also been said that we’re isolated,” Orbán said. “They said that in 1848, too. Then, the whole of Europe was abuzz with Hungarians, even the revolutionary forces in Vienna was led by a citizen of Buda.” “They said the same thing in 1956, then Hungary was the first to knock a brick out of the Berlin wall, which brought freedom for the whole of Europe.” “They are saying now that we are isolated, and yet now, everyone is curious about us,” he said.

Orbán said freedom was the “natural element” of Hungarians. “Hungarians are in their element when fighting for their freedom. We are freedom fighters: we know how to obtain and preserve freedom,” he said. “This knowledge is ours, we have been amassing it for a thousand years … this is what the world needs now more than ever,” he added.
Recently, “we have stayed on our feet in the face of a world empire… We have the secret, the alchemy of the modern era. That is why half the world is coming to us, from Vienna to Washington,” Orbán said. “Our fight for freedom, like in 1848, is not just a matter for Hungarians,” he said. “Today’s fight is in fact for the soul of the Western world.”
The empire wants a mixed population, says Orbán
“The empire wants to mix the indigenous inhabitants of Europe with invading masses from a foreign civilisation and then replace them,” Orbán said. He added that “the empire” also sought to drive “our children and grandchildren away from a healthy” way of life towards “the chaos of unnatural lifestyles” and “kick away the order and culture of Christian life”.

“It wants us to serve the gods of war instead of peace,” he declared. Orbán said the Western world was being wrecked by “the imperial machine”. “But we’ve managed to stop this at the borders of Hungary,” he said. “We haven’t given up.”
“We haven’t allowed them to occupy the country, parliament or the government, either,” he said, adding that for 15 years “all their weapons” of “blackmail, threats, mercenaries, and Brussels” targeting Hungary had not succeeded in undermining it. “We have won four elections in a row, and our lines of defence have not been eroded in fifteen years,” the prime minister added.
Soros empire
He said that perseverance was due to the conviction “that the wind would change at some point”. “And the wind has changed, patriots of the western world have become stronger … and after Italy, the Netherlands and Austria, they won in the US, too. We are flying in formation, and we are winning in the fight for the soul of the western world,” he said. He said Hungary was proud to have been in “the vanguard, the initiator of this worldwide freedom fight, and that we were the trailblazers.”
“Glory to all Hungarians who didn’t back down in the face of the Soros empire, who didn’t bend the knee to Brussels, who didn’t bow to the liberal empire in the US,” he said. “The Hungarian flag is still flying proudly today. We can account [for our actions] to our children and grandchildren. We have much to continue pursuing,” Orbán said.
Empires do not want free Hungarians
Orbán said that now, as in the past, the fight for freedom was the same: Hungarians “never fight only on their own behalf but for the nation, too”. Freedom and the nation, he said, were intertwined. “This is something we live for and, if necessary, will die for,” he said. “[W]e won’t abandon this; they cannot take it from us either by force or using threats…” He called the nation “eternal”, but the nature of “empires do not change”.
The empire, whatever its shape or form, “only wants conquest, subjects and taxpayers; it never wants free Hungarians,” he said. The prime minister said Brussels was “abusing its power, just as Vienna did back then”. “They want to rule us just like the governors of the Vienna court used to,” he said, adding that the remedy “is not to turn our backs on the European Union and walk away from it, but rather we should go further in, occupy it and change it.”
Brussels-paid vassals
He said history would take a turn in Brussels, too, “and the time will come when we will settle all scores.” “We will break down all the excesses, reclaim our rights unlawfully taken away from nation states, and send back their Brussels-paid vassals…” “By their nature empires are ravenous, and their stomachs are bottomless,” he said. Empires hankered after money and new colonies, he added.
Hungarians, he declared, knew the “uplifting” and “rewarding” feeling of freedom, but “work, prosperity and security only come to us if oppressors do not rob us.” “Slavery impoverishes, freedom enriches: this is the law of Hungarian prosperity,” Orbán declared.
“We have built Europe’s only patriotic national economy in the shadow of the battles fought with the empire,” he said. “We sent the IMF home, regulated multinationals and banks, reclaimed Hungary’s energy network” and ensured the economy “serves the Hungarian people”, he added.
Biggest tax cuts
Orbán said the Russia-Ukraine war over the past three years had made Hungary suffer “the biggest economic loss” in the EU. Even so, the government is making the biggest tax cuts in Europe, “and indeed in the entire Western world”, opening a new chapter in the Hungarian economy by creating “the world’s first family-centered economy”, he insisted.
“One task is left: to defend ourselves over and again against the attacks from Brussels,” which wanted to “take away our [reduced] utility bills, our 13th month pension and at other times money belonging to our families”. The prime minister vowed to “eliminate the financial machine that has bought politicians, judges, journalists, pseudo-civil organisations and political activists with corrupt dollars.”
This “shadow army”, he said, comprised “modern-day scoundrels” and “Brussels and Weber minions” who used “the empire against the homeland for money”. Orbán said there was a “special place in hell” for such people.
“We know who you are, even if you’ve disguised yourself in the new European party garb,” he said. “Your masters are the same; your plans are the same…” “We will defeat you again and again, because the sword is brighter than the chain,” the prime minister said.
The revolutionary 12 points of Orbán
Listing a set of demands, Orbán said: “We want a Europe of nations, national sovereignty, a strong veto for national governments, the exclusion of Soros agents from the [European] Commission, and the removal of corrupt lobbyists from parliament.”
Further, he demanded that “our national guard should not be hampered from protecting our borders, migrants should not be brought in, and those who have arrived illegally should be taken away from us.” Also, “the unnatural re-education of our children should be banned,” he said. Many in the crowd waved Hungarian flags, while there were also Polish and German flags visible.
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