Orbán cabinet: Brussels will not protect the EU’s borders, carries out Soros plan

Brussels has no intention of protecting Europe’s borders against illegal migrants, the EU affairs state secretary said on Wednesday, calling a recent remark by the head of European border agency Frontex “disappointing”.

Barna Pál Zsigmond called it “absurd” that the head of Frontex, the agency in charge of shielding Europe against mass migration, stated in a recent interview in German Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag that “nothing can stop people from crossing a border, no wall, no fence, no sea, no river”.

“It is rather saddening that the Frontex chief considers the agency he leads overall unfit to fulfil its duty of protecting Europe’s borders,” the state secretary said on Facebook.

He said if Brussels should finally stop insisting on its pro-immigration policy, “illegal migrants would not be able to cross the borders either through the wall or fence, or on sea or river.”

Read also:

  • Foreigners replace Hungarian workforce in Hungary – Read more HERE
  • Illegal migration: police launch special checks at train stations, on trains, deploy dogs – Details in THIS article

Brussels’ current leaders and the left wing are committed to executing the Soros plan

Zsigmond said “Brussels’ current leaders and the left wing are committed to executing the Soros plan”, adding that it became clear from their recent statements that Hungary’s immigration policy was one of the main reasons of “the political attacks” against the country.

“Hungary has a consistent immigration policy which works, Hungary has not let itself be turned into an immigrant country,” he said.

“We have built a fence, we keep protecting our borders … and we reject the EU’s policy promoting migration,” the state secretary said, adding that the Hungarian government would continue to insist on its sovereignty and the protection of its borders.

Migration problem, not solution

Mass immigration “is the problem rather than the solution”, the state secretary for international communication and relations said on Wednesday, responding to an opinion piece in the Financial Times.

In an English-language post published on abouthungary.hu, Zoltán Kovács said that Gideon Rachman’s piece, In praise of mass immigration, argued that “even without mass immigration, there would be no ‘social peace’; and the lack of immigration would come with immense social and economic costs.”

“Nobody has ever said that without immigration our societies would live in perfect harmony and peace. However, it’s important to distinguish between the types of social conflicts that we Europeans, hailing overwhelmingly from Jewish and Christian traditions, have grown used to managing in the last millennium and the current challenges posed by mass immigration,” Kovács said, adding that the rise of conservative parties in countries hit by immigration was a sign of people sharing the same views throughout Europe.

We are able to fill in workforce gaps

“Secondly, remedying the economic drawbacks of refusing mass immigration is not all black and white … Take Hungary’s new guest worker regulation, for example: We are able to fill in workforce gaps without sacrificing the foundations of our society and culture along the way,” he said, adding that Hungary’s economic success was based on utilising the potential of the Hungarian labour market.

“The liberal idea of welcoming masses of immigrants from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, who will then seamlessly integrate into our societies, remains a fairy tale. You may not see it from the other side of the Channel, but it’s simply not working,” Kovács said.

To read the full article in English, click HERE.



  1. This is common knowledge. The Western world (incl. E.U.) is being deliberately flooded with millions of lowest-quality illegal aliens every single year: people who are uneducated, who are totally incompatible with us in terms of their language, religion, cultural values, and practices, and who have zero desire to integrate with our culture and become productive citizens.

    We see the fallout absolutely everywhere: skyrocketing crime rates (especially violent assaults, rapes, and anti-Semitism) making once gorgeous super-safe towns and cities no-go areas for ordinary people, social cohesion breaking down, public services disintegrating under the strain of unproductive migrants (ab)using them, taxes going up, and so forth and so on.

    The worst part? A massive number of people STILL keep voting for those who willfully keep enabling all the above. I guess you can’t fix stupid… – or maybe their lives are still too comfortable–what with Netflix and fast-food takeouts–to take notice of what’s going on. Well, they’ll notice it at some point, but by then it might be too late…

  2. Fidesz cannot give on pushing its’ creation of the Soros conspiracy theory that it created about 12 years ago with the help of two American political strategists. This method of politics is to gain support by creating an enemy to rally against. It became a very successful propaganda campaign that took off in the age of social media picked up by the extreme right in the US and other countries. To say that the EU is under the control of Soros in any way is completely absurd but that is what Fidesz wants ignorant Hungarians to believe. This method of creating an enemy to blame for problems is used by Fidesz to distract from its’ own failures to improve the lives of Hungarians. “Brussels” also became an enemy to use as an excuse for Fidesz failure as well as “liberalism”.

  3. Anyone who wants to know who is behind the Fidesz campaign against George Soros can read the article below. George Birnbaum who helped Orban create the Soros conspiracy theory is now working for the Azerbaijan government and helped Netanyahu in his rise to power. Is there anything these people all have in common? Orban has been quite friendly of late with Azerbaijan.

  4. Hungarian government’s main duty is to protect Hungarian citizens; this includes the criminal, uneducated, terrorist aliens must be kept out.

    Germany spends around 7+ billions? a year on migrants. France spends 180+ millions on invaders. The moneys quoted does not include cost of extra border protection, keeping criminals in jail, etc. Housing prices rose so quickly in Holland and Germany that hardworking citizens cannot afford to buy a home. (It is impossible to find exact amounts spent on aliens, figures are not published)

    Illegal immigration is encouraged by Soros and his so-called civil societies. Millions, financed by Soros, are spent on saving criminal illegal migrants from deportation.

    Not all cultures are able to assimilate. Antisemitism greatly increased since the arrival of Muslim migrants in Europe. Not only Jewish people but all Christians are persecuted by the Muslims, and they perform such atrocities as beheading priests, burning down churches (a rumor is going around the destruction of Notre Dame in Paris was carried out by a Muslim arsonist).

    Many EU countries have literally closed their borders to illegal aliens, e.g. Austria, Belgium and Denmark. It seems that no country wants the uneducated, illegal, criminal aliens anymore.

    The question that needs to be answered is why keep paying for FRONTEX if FRONTEX does not protect the borders and allows the garbage of the world to invade EU.

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