Orbán cabinet: Europe lost ‘battle to control the narrative’ in the world

Europe has long lost the “battle [to control] the narrative” in connection with the war in Ukraine, as the rest of the world “just want it to be over, regardless of what is causing the fallout”, the Hungarian foreign minister said on Tuesday.

Speaking to news channel M1 ahead of attending a donor conference for Ukraine’s reconstruction in New York, Péter Szijjártó noted that the sanctions imposed on Russia after it attacked Ukraine were now “making life miserable not only in Europe but worldwide”, by causing rising energy and food prices and a fertiliser shortage.

Szijjártó said the EU foreign ministers’ meeting on Monday had mulled ways to “explain that the root cause of the suffering was the war and not the sanctions.” At the same time, Szijjártó said his talks with foreign ministers from outside Europe at the UN General Assembly had made it clear that “they are not interested in what we have to say… they just want it to end.”

“I sincerely hope that European countries and the EU itself will finally table measures that will contribute to ending the war, rather than the ones prolonging and escalating it,” he said.

The foreign minister noted that Hungary had offered 1,000 grants for Ukrainian refugees wishing to study at Hungarian universities, as part of the “largest humanitarian aid programme of Hungary’s history”. The country is also ready to rebuild a school and a GP’s office in Ukraine that have been bombed down, he said.

As we wrote today, Hungarian foreign minister said, the EU should stop talking about an 8th package of Russia sanctions, details HERE.

Putin and Orbán
Read alsoRussia praised the Hungarian government


Source: MTI


  1. The warmonger EU government shot itself in the foot. Now, that the cold weather arrived early, the countries are forced to start using up its gas reserves. Have the idiots in the EU parliament figured out how to heat the homes of its citizens, probably not. It is time to work out a peace solution with Russia.

  2. @maria’bot’theresa
    Having just heard Putin’s speech there is no peace solution, he is prepared to go nuclear if necessary. In his own words “I am not bluffing”. Has turned it round completely to portray Russia as the victim ready to defend the motherland against destruction and its breakup. Your programmer should modify comments accordingly.

  3. Who attacked who – to “liberate”? Should the world just have left Ukraine to it’s lot? This would probably have meant welcoming a new old neighbour and another border to patrol (we would be screaming for NATO support to do so, I’m sure).

    Let’s see. Be mindful with gas and work with the countries supporting Ukraine as well as the EU to mitigate the horrible effects of the war, or potentially subject yourself to another Cold War? Choices – which is easier when you’re in Canada, I suppose.

    This will not end unless there’s some structural reform in Russia, unfortunately. And that will not come cheap.

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