Orbán cabinet is reviewing the deadline for the expiry of immunity certificates

The government is examining whether or not to declare Covid-19 immunity certificates as expired six or seven months after the date of the second vaccination, but has taken no decision yet, Antal Rogán, the cabinet chief, said during his annual hearing in parliament’s economic committee on Monday.

Thanks to its vaccination drive, Hungary was the first to relaunch the country, Rogán said.

“It is now a priority that as many people as possible take up a booster jab which is the only way to prevent or flatten the curve of a fifth wave of the coronavirus epidemic,” he said.

To help attain this goal, the government will launch further national coronavirus vaccination campaigns next month and in January, Rogán said, adding that additional “personal campaigns” were also planned in cooperation with health authorities.

“A booster jab is all the more important because most people got inoculated by the end of June and these vaccines lose much of their effectiveness in preventing infection after four to six months,”

he said.

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. Does this mean that the QR code on the certificate card is not in fact linked to the database that goes with the Taj kartya? If it were, then an up to date record of an individual’s vaccine status would be always accessible. If not, it is yet another example of how disorganised and ill thought through the user end of many government IT systems are.

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