Orbán cabinet: Paris summit ‘a meeting of losers’ – UPDATE

The prime minister’s political director, Balázs Orbán, said about the Paris summit on Monday that the French president’s “Paris rendezvous” is “in fact a meeting of losers.”

Emmanuel Macron convened a summit in Paris to discuss “how European leaders, who have been pro-war so far, should react to the peace talks initiated by the US in the face of protests from the European Union,” Orbán said in a Facebook post.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had warned European leaders to draft an independent peace strategy lest Europe lose out on the war once Donald Trump was elected president, he said. “Everything is going according to the script: the European Union has lost this war, the Americans want peace, and Europe has no sensible proposal three years into the war on how it could find its way out of the conflict — meanwhile, thousands are dying at the front,” Orbán said.

“The leaders who derided Viktor Orbán’s peace mission fervently supported further bloodshed in Ukraine, rejected a ceasefire and negotiations, are now in a panic and trying to make themselves look important…”

Orbán said, adding: “Enjoy your nice little brunch!”

As we wrote today, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in Astana that “pro-war, anti-Donald Trump” European leaders will meet in Paris on Monday to try and thwart achieving peace in Ukraine, details HERE.

Also, we reported that Balázs Orbán said that the fall of the US Democrats exposed the international liberal network, details HERE.


Gathering in Paris is of ‘pro-war European leaders’

European leaders who are gathering in Paris are “pro-war, anti-Trump and frustrated”, Péter Szijjártó, the foreign minister, has said, adding that they “want to prevent a Ukraine peace agreement from being reached”.

“Unlike them, we support Donald Trump’s aspirations,” he said in a video posted on the government’s Facebook page on Monday. “Unlike them, we support the US-Russian negotiations; unlike them, we want peace in Ukraine.” Szijjártó said the US Vice President and the US special representative for Ukraine and Russia had “harshly criticised Brussels” in Munich last week. “In Brussels, they’ve panicked,” he said, adding that “the enemies of peace” had gathered in Paris because “they want to continue the war”.


Orbán points to economic benefits of peace

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán highlighted the economic benefits of peace in a video message posted on Facebook on Monday.

“Peace has economic benefits, another reason we have undertaken a peace mission in the past three years,” Orbán said.

Since the start of preparations by the Russians and Americans for peace talks, Orbán said gas prices had fallen 10pc and the forint was firming. He added that it was “only a matter of time” before the forint traded under 400 to the euro.

If things continue on the same trajectory, he said everybody would see that peace brings economic benefits, too.


  1. The real losers are the Hungarian nation who live under the Fidesz dictatorship with the lowest personal consumption per capita and the highest corruption in the EU.

  2. The rhetoric emerging from this government is jaw dropping. They appear to have egos the size of Jupiter and even if they think they’ve won (which they haven’t, because the war is ongoing and Russia hasn’t won either, it just has a convenient minion in the shape of President Trump who’s amenable to a peace treaty in Russia’s favour), being gracious in victory is part of the art of diplomacy. If this were an unequivocal victory here then Putin would have occupied Kyiv and installed a puppet government of his choosing. He failed and the majority of Ukraine remains free and sovereign with western help. Long may it continue for these people are heroes staring into the abyss of death. The west did absolutely the right thing at the right time, it banded together and spent vast sums of money to help their Ukrainian brothers in their hour of need. I’ll forever be proud of my homeland for stepping up to the plate in the way it did. It emerges from this sorry debacle with its reputation unscathed and can hold its head high for being one of the largest contributors to the war effort, despite its relatively small population, unlike Hungary that has managed to become an international pariah amongst 70% of Europeans which is quite the accomplishment for a nation of 10 million that hitherto most people on the planet hadn’t even heard of. More fool them.

  3. Hahaha. Said by the country who had to take the Trianon deal dictated by…….France!

    Orban should be stand uper

  4. ‘Panic’ in Ukraine as leaked confidential Trump peace plan astounds: report

    As the Telegraph writes, the plan delivered to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last week would “amount to the US economic colonization of Ukraine, in legal perpetuity” and also “implies a burden of reparations that cannot possibly be achieved.”

    In sum the plan would guarantee the United States half of the revenues generated by the extraction of resources in Ukraine going forward, as well as half of revenues generated by “all new licenses issued to third parties” in the country. Article on Microsoft Outlook

    President Trump’s plan for impoverish Ukraine for the rest of its existence. Previous commentators do not realize that and unless the EU comes up with a peace plan, even by losers, all of EU members lose. Ukraine has some rare minerals that the modern economy requires. EU industry will no longer have access to these much-needed mineral, China will be the supplier.

    I wish that some commentators would think outside the box. Your dislike of P.M. Orban colors your outlook.

  5. Great comment from Londonsteve. Unfortunately Hungary from day one obstructed assistance to Ukraine to make it easier for Russia to make war. Hungary will live with that shame for many years to come. Ukraine is fending off the Russian army thereby protecting all of Europe and we should have been arming them to the hilt from the very beginning. When this war is over Putin will turn to his next victim which will be the Balkans and NATO will be fighting Russia directly. Putin is an imperialist mad man who can only be stopped with force.

  6. Europes future is with russia and has been for sometime .russian people are europeans. Like the former communist countries like hungary who were behind the wall , suffered as much or more than the others. Russia is a very different country under Putin. Russian have never been this well off. Its crazy to think the have any plans for eastern Europe. He is by far the most intelligent leader in Europe, along with Orban. The EU are a bunch of arrogant pricks and i wouldnt trust anything coming from them. Vance speech says it all. They are responsible for the strange death of europe. The EU and the US left -destroyed the democracy in Ukraine in 2014- next came blowing up the pipeline – like everything else they blamed Putin. Since the 80s ive watche europe decline along with the UK that is too far gone. The brits who refused to except Brexit are responsible. Brexit should have been a wakeup call to the EU but just went nuttier than ever.

    • This is the most unhinged comment I’ve read on the net in a long time. I recommend a consulation with a medical professional.

  7. TM, I totally agree with you. Europe’s future is with Russia. Russia can provide all of EU’s needs of natural resources and energy requirements. This will allow EU economy to be reinvigorated. It is time to invest in research and development to attain realistic goals, not by ones set in Brussels. Brussels should be reduced to a functioning trading block.

    • I would stake a large bet on the fact that you’re not planning to move to Moscow any time soon, moreover that you live safely esconced in a western country and have no intention to even move to Hungary, much less further east. If you think your future lies with the warm embrace of Russia, go right ahead. Send us a postcard when you’ve settled in.

  8. Dear Larry, the Hungarians are actually the winners, their energy bill is the lowest amongst EU members. Hungary has not and should not spend a penny helping Zelensky to enjoy his extended war. Ukraine is Hungary’s enemy and should be treated as such.


    • Fear not, Europe with its 450 million citizens will screw the US right back if he tries that. Two can play that game.

  10. Bongo, V.P. Vance was totally right. Jailing people for praying silently in front of an abortion clinic does not merit a jail sentence when the UK allows migrants criminals to roam freely.

    German law and order is not enforced, people receiving deportation orders still living off of German people, legally or illegally. The rest of EU is full of unassimilable migrants committing murder in the name of their loyalty to terrorist organizations.

    The V.P. was right, unfortunately hardheaded Europeans will not act until too late and lost their freedoms.

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