PM Orbán: “we are fighting against the Soros empire”

The most important question concerning the European Union migration and asylum package is whether those that want to come to Europe can stay in EU territory while their application is being processed or they must wait outside the EU borders until a decision is made, the Hungarian prime minister said in Brussels on Tuesday. He also said he was fighting the Soros empire.
Viktor Orbán told a public discussion held in the European Parliament with former Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki, and Fabrice Leggeri, the former head of Frontex and leader of the French right-wing National Rally (RN) party’s list that as long as this question was not answered, no measures linked to migration would work.
Regardless of what proposals are made in connection with the EU’s migration package, the issue of where the applicants stay while their request is being assessed must be answered, Orbán said. “This is a red line. If this is not done, everything else remains unresolved,” he said.
“If we are not brave enough to say that everyone must stay outside the borders while a decision is being made on their application, then no matter what other decision is made, that will not work,” he added.

Orbán said that if the approval of the migration package does not require unanimous support, only majority support at the vote, then the entire pact would not work and its implementation would be stymied. The European Commission has taken Hungary to the EU’s court because it considered the Hungarian migration regulations not to comply with EU law, Orbán said. “But Hungary has resisted and will continue to fight,” he added.
Fighting the Soros empire
Orbán said that “one must not forget about the Soros plan which is aimed at organising migration”. “We are fighting against an organised group which is called the Soros empire,” he added. “The Soros empire was paying civil organisations to attack Hungary’s legal system and carried out unlawful activities against Hungary,” he added.
Orbán said the way US businessman George Soros got involved demonstrated how the EU operated.

“This is against us and about how to change Europe; and how to get rid of Christian, conservative, national political leaders and voters, and how to make them insignificant,” he said.
Orbán said the liberals and communists were close to each other because they both liked centrally controlled bureaucratic procedures instead of believing in freedom. He said experience in central Europe showed that former communists could easily turn into liberals.
EU blackmailing member states because of migration?
Speaking about the EU’s policy, Orbán said that the past five years had been dedicated to implementing goals of the current leadership. “Green transition has failed because it has gone against economic and industrial evidences,” said Orbán. He said green transition must not be “politically motivated”, adding that if the opposite was the case, “it would destroy the competitiveness of the European economy”. “That is where we stand today,” he said.
As regards the economic impacts of the war in Ukraine, “decisions may be taken despite all good-will” on measures that could cause difficulties in the European economy “which is prevalent already in the case of farmers,” said Orbán.

The EU should define “what it should do with the issue of the war” in order to find a solution and prevent further crises, Orbán said, adding that it should be handled separately from the issue of Ukraine’s EU integration as much as possible.
Concerning the EU’s Resilience and Recovery Facility (RRF), Orbán said that Hungary had not received “a single penny” from the funds until now, adding that the fund had become “a tool of blackmail” because of its migration policy.
He said every comprehensive initiative of the current leadership of the EU had failed and he called for the “departure” of current EU leaders in office.
Read also:
- Foreign Ministers of Denmark and Hungary meet to discuss stopping illegal migration – Read more HERE
- What’s happening? Police raid trains in Hungary – PHOTOS and more in THIS article
Viktor Orban has been peddling a slanderous myth for years about the “Soros empire.” George Soros controls immigration as much as you or I control the flow of water through the Danube. The EU and its’ collective membership make decisions on immigration control and Soros has nothing to do with it. Fidesz started this slanderous campaign against George Soros in 2010 on the advice of two American political strategists Arthur Finkelstein and George Birnbaum whose method is to promote use of an outside enemy to gain popular support. Birnbaum helped Netanyahu’s campaign in 1996 is now helping the Azerbaijan government.
Ah. Soros! Of course. The Bogeyman! Enemy of the People! All united in the Fight! “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears”! (Orwell – 1984)
The reasons we have not yet received the EU funds is pretty simple – our Politicians are not very good at addressing assessed issues and achieving milestones at remedying the situation:
And I do like the “Orbán said the liberals and communists were close to each other because they both liked centrally controlled bureaucratic procedures instead of believing in freedom” – as our Politicians, yet again, extend Rule by Decree.
Lastly – blackmail … So what do you call a late EU joiner and a major TAKER ( vetoing or threatening to veto what would otherwise be unanimous decisions by the other twenty-six (26) Member States?
Our Politicians, for whatever reason, appear to be incapable of luring another (even one single…) to be reasonable and see it their way. If you´re a member of a club and this is becoming par for the course, perhaps it is a sign?
Victor Mihaly. Orban is “Spooked” by George Saros.
The Orban rhetoric he uses against George Saros is all a BIG Big IMMAGINATION process in Orbans mind.
“When you dont have imaginary friends as a kid, you have imaginary enemies as an adult” Orban Victor
Soros and his empire financed liberal DAs election. Liberal DAs do not enforce the laws. Murderers, rapist, assailants are freed without bail to reoffend again. Chain stores are closing and leaving cities like San Francisco because of looting. The looters are allowed to run free. It is possible to steal up to $900 before being charged. Law and order are something of the past in all cities and states where Soros and his family interfered.
By the way, is the elder Soros still sane, it seems that one of the pictures depicts a frail old goat with a pajama top minus pants. Why would anyone pose for such a picture. Can elder Soros not be convinced to wear pants?
Hungary is right in keeping the Soros’ and its Marxists groups away from Hungary. Soros equals uneducated, criminal illegal aliens in a country to be supported by taxpayers. It also means assault and rape of women. Soros means beheading of priest. Soros equals unassimilable groups, no go zones. Hungary does not need tyranny by sapheads.
@mariavontheresa – the Hungarian people do not elect DAs. It is not how our system of justice works. As in Canada – their equivalents are appointed, with a view to limit political bias (although parties with more autocratic / rule by decree tendencies like to game that system, somewhat).
Re rapists – I believe your icon Mr. Trump was found guilty of sexual abuse by a jury? His own testimony did not help. Please do look at the whole thing again, and tell yourself it is all OK:
Hungary actually released charged and convicted (CONVICTED) people smugglers – this at our Politicians behest, not Mr. Soros (our jails are too full, you see).
Re pictures – Mr. Soros was born in 1930 – hence “holocaust survivor”… Formidable enemy!
Dear Norbert, every somewhat educated person knows that DAs are elected in the US. The name of a city San Francisco would have given you a clue if you ever studied geography. Since you have been on this site quite often you may have taken note of my residency in North America.
Since the Soros and his societies ruined American cities, one hopes that Hungary will prevent the same from this destructive group. Money does not make you politically astute, yet globalist feel that they have all the answers and keep interfering.
Of all the Billionares in world – Soros is the biggest money behind the Biden crime family. You only need to ask what NGOs are Soros funded- there are many with cute names like save democracy something- I’m sur since you live next door to Ukraine – you know his involment there along with the Biden crime family.
Soros NGOs are funding every step of the way of migrants flowing into the US. Weakening the US is the goal. May you didn’t know , 3 times a conservative event was shut down in Brussels over the week-end with Nigel Farage and Orban speakers
We dont want immigrants in Hungary. But we welcome tourist to our most beatiful places, expats to buy our homes and guest workers to take our jobs. But immigrants, no thank you
Gabor is right, we do not want uneducated, criminal, communist voting illegal aliens; aliens to be supported for the rest of their lives. Many Muslim young men do not respect women/girls; therefore, these crimes have risen in countries with Muslim migrants. Muslim migrants also have not assimilated, no go zones are not desirable is small countries like Hungary. No country that has accepted the 2015 migrants had anything good to say about them.
Soros cannot be considered as a Holocaust survivor. Soros denied his religion while he lived with a Hungarian probably SS family. In a 60-minute interview about 8-10 years ago Soros admitted that he went to watch Jewish people dispossessed of their assets and he enjoyed watching the process. Soros was a rat that betrayed the Jewish cause and he and his son still active in supporting protestors in the US, protestors that support hamas.