Orbán: Peace will bring economic prosperity

Peace will eliminate wartime inflation; Hungary is pro-peace, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on the sidelines of the two-day NATO summit in Madrid.
Orbán said in a video on Facebook that the summit was tackling weighty issues such as the deteriorating situation in Ukraine, the food crisis, wartime inflation and the looming economic crisis.
“Our stance and Hungarian interests are clear: we must stay out of this war,” he said.
- Read also: Orbán: “We must not get dragged into war”
NATO, a defence organisation, should not be dragged into the war, Orbán said. Brokering peace should be the top priority, he added. Hungary is promoting the swiftest course to a ceasefire and peace talks, he said.
“We propose that NATO focus on bringing about peace,”
he said. At the same time, peace also requires strength, he said. Hungary is raising its defence spending to 2 percent of GDP next year, a year earlier than its commitment to NATO, he said.
“Peace will bring about economic prosperity; there won’t be inflation in peacetime, and the risks threatening Hungary’s security will abate,” he said.
Source: MTI
He missed an opportunity to shut up. Who, aside from Putin, doesn’t want peace and who on earth would happily get dragged into this war?
peace be with us all as god/love is instilled into the minds of oppressors of it. go Hungary
In this respect, one would expect Mr. Orbán to be more appreciative of the EU, since it is institutionally programmed to favor peace and not the use of military force, generally leaving the direct confrontation of violence to other organizations (NATO in particular).
Regarding NATO – deterrence is a core element of NATO’s overall defense strategy. This includes the protection of Allies, which may entail proportional retaliation using credible resources. Which is why NATO battalions are being deployed to us (Hungary), Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia (in addition to the four already present in the Baltic States and Poland). We do not have credible resource or clout – we are fortunate to be part of NATO (and the EU). Ask Mr. Zelensky.
Would also be curious as to our Politicians’ stance on what Ukraine should relinquish to achieve peace… A Trianon-type arrangement, perhaps (which is revisited year in, year out), even though Ukraine was not the aggressor?