Orbán’s party: Joe Biden and his man in Budapest want to squeeze Hungary into the war
Tamás Menczer, the communications director of Fidesz, has pointed out on his social media page that Joe Biden and David Pressman want to squeeze Hungary into the war.
Here is the full text of the post:
“The situation is known and clear: the Hungarian government wants peace, Joe Biden and his man in Budapest, David Pressman, want the war to continue.
They want to squeeze Hungary into the war.
Joe Biden’s chief of staff has made it clear: they want to send troops to Ukraine. Let there be no doubt, they would take Hungarian soldiers to Ukraine to die.
For us, the peace of Hungary is the most important thing, and we want to protect the peace of our country!
We need an immediate, unconditional ceasefire and peace negotiations.
We are sure that Donald Trump would be able to bring peace, and if he had led America, this war might not have broken out.”
Foreign Minister Szijjártó also said a few days before, War can end if right wing dominates EP and Trump is re-elected
A few days ago Ambassador Pressman’s remarks at the McCain Institute‘s #SedonaForum2024, the US embassy highlighted a few statements:
“Hungary continues to deepen its relationship with the Chinese Communist Party without regard for the risks Beijing presents to the security of Hungary and its NATO and EU partners.”
“I wouldn’t overstate the partisan nature of the relationship… I think there is a surprising amount of bipartisanship with respect to concern with what we’re seeing in Hungary.”
“The clarity with which we are speaking is an outstretched hand. Hungary is not a country we are trying to push away; this is a country we are trying to pull closer.”
“Hungary is our friend. We want Hungary close to us. We do not want Hungary alone.”
Washington Post: US conservatives should not ally with China-friendly Orbán – details HERE
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For whatever reason. Hungary is the only dissonant. Nobody shares our Politicians´ opinion. Even their new Dutch BFF Mr. Wilders and Italy´s Mrs. Meloni are “Pro War!”. Just the Vatican in our corner. And they are neither NATO or the European Union.
I don’t dismiss, that the United States of America, having used this platform prior, to raise the POSSIBILITY, in the MASSIVE “rift” that GROWS between Hungary & the United States of America, that SANCTIONS – could occur “without notice” on Hungary, muchly focused on the Car Manufacturing Industry and associated industry’s.
Orban – his Fidesz Government, his Foreign Minister and now the communications director of Fidesz, keep opening there mouths, worsening deepening the Hungarian / U.S.A. gargantuan RIFT.
Orban – his Fidesz Government, his DISTILLATION of Democracy in Hungary, his / there growing Relationships / Partnerships with China & Russia, the “outsiders” of the European Union and NATO, what a PLACE – what a HORRENDOURS future the Orban – Fidesz Government have DELIVERED to us Hungary, as a country over 14 years.
It will all WORSEN.
Nobody wants wars, only Vladimir. So Fidesz should ask their friends in Moscow to pull their troops out of Ukraine. And respect Ukraine’s sovereignty.
Commentators, you both forgot the result of the referendum. It is the wish of the Hungarian people that the country stays out of the Russia/Ukraine melee. Hungarian policy should always be made in Hungary and not in the US by incompetent State Department employees.
Did you know, Niger a small African country threw out the US forces, the US left behind 100 million dollars’ worth of base. This after the billions lost due to the Afghan withdrawal. Do the commentators really want to listen to a country that was involved in two big failures.
Then there is the Israeli policy. Hamas is responsible for all collateral damage, end of discussion. Biden decided to withhold weapons from Israel, weapon purchases that was approved by the House and Senate. Biden is trying to play both sides in the middle east.
As of today, Zelensky is a dictator. His term expired. Zelensky is so determined to hold onto power that he has cancelled a “fledgling democracy”; this fledgling democracy was the excuse of aiding and abetting Ukraine.
Wars between neighbors occurred all through history. Most sane countries managed to stay out of this melee and allowed the factions make peace when they tired out. The war would have long been over if the US, UK, and EU would not have interfered.
Hungarian people did not cause the difference of opinion between the warring nations. There is no reason for Hungarian taxpayers to pay for a war in a country that persecutes and oppresses the Hungarian minority. By staying out of the war, Russia decided not to bomb and destroy the area of the Hungarian minority. Interesting, could not find any info on the net regarding Russian discrimination against Hungarian minority while the territory belonged to Russia.
Pressman is Hungary’s greatest enemy. He could not dominate the country, now he throws fits and slurs. Pressman, before arriving in the country already hated the government, Pressman a member of LGBT etc. community could not and would not tolerate a whole country that saves the children from gender brainwashing.
Best thing for Hungary is a Trump Presidency and a fair envoy.
@mariavontheresa – funny how you should propagate a man who purports to be “a dictator on day 1”, touts a new “Reich”, and is disavowed by every general (remember Mr. Trump´s Generals?) – except for General Flynn (who, Mr. Trump concluded, lied to the FBI and then VP Mr. Pence – also of Hang Mike Pence fame on Jan. 6).
Then there are many who worked with Mr. Trump who refuse to endorse him https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-former-donald-trump-officials-refusing-endorse-him-1882733 (why believe them? All RINOs!).
Also Buyer Beware – Mr. Trump touts neo-isolationalism. What makes anyone think a landlocked country such as Hungary would be exempt, never mind the knock on effects to any international or supra-national organization on the planet?
Maria, your comments are classic here. Take a look to this article 1st. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6ppl5v1lwzo
Hungary has the obligation to participate in NATO defence if a nato member is attacked 1st. If you dont want to play the game, then leave the club. You want the benefits of the EU and NATO and no obligations, are you serious?
Fidesz and its stupid referendums are as silly as your comments.
I did read the agreement. So far, NATO member was not attacked. Ukraine is not a NATO member and may not be admitted into that club for the next 10 years. I guess Hernandez believes that governments should ignore the will of the people. Referendums are valid. The Hungarian government’s duty is to Hungarians only.
When you and Norbert accept the fact that Hungarian policy should be made in Hungary and all Hungarian policy should be pro Hungarian then I may consider your comments. As things stand, you ignore all data, agreements and spout socialist foreign interest. Your comments show that you can think, so stop with the pro foreign interest support; I am sure you can do better when you consider all facts.
In present day, referendums should be used to ensure the government’s respond to the population. This should be done in all countries.
Dear Norbert, Zelensky’s term expired. Zelensky cancelled elections. This makes Zelensky a dictator.
There was an election in the US and even in Hungary in 1944. If Zelensky was so sure that he has the support of the people, he would call an election.
@mariavontheresa – funny how you should bring up our 1944 elections … They were held in the Soviet controlled part of our country. What joy we had from that democratic process, all the way through 1989.
Re Ukraine and elections: how do you propose voting take place during the current war in their country, with millions of Ukrainians either living in areas under occupation, dispersed as refugees in Europe or serving at the front?
Also … It is not Mr. Zelensky canceling elections. It is due to Ukraine’s martial law, which is periodically renewed with votes in Parliament, which rules out elections, for the time being. You would understand, since our Parliament has kept Hungary in a state of danger (veszélyhelyzet) pretty much from COVID until now, which is basically Rule by Decree! Go figure.
Lastly – as a country, if “Sovereign!” and acting in one´s sole interest is your stated goal, then do not sign up for any treaty or join an international organization, because you invariably end up signing away part of that sovereignty. The British left the European Union for this reason (going just swimmingly, right? Do it all again in a heartbeat), the US the Paris Climate Accords…
Of course Ukraine is not part of NATO, But again, it looks like Hungary is not willing to participate even if a NATO country is attacked. Hungary has enough time to leave both organizations
Pantpurlais Maria Von Theresa
a day ago
The Ukraine has never been close to being a democracy. Years ago, it applied for EU membership but was rejected and told it could not join until it improved its economy, stopped committing serious human rights abuses, and dealt with its very high level of corruption. In the global ranking of democracy by country, the Scandinavians as usual are at the top of the list while the Ukraine is way down in 159th place (31 places from the bottom). By the way, the US is in 27th place in the ‘flawed democracy’ category.
US taxpayers should be delighted to know that 40% of the hundreds of billions of dollars sent by Washington to the Ukraine have gone missing and cannot be accounted for. Did some of the money get stuck in the bank accounts of US ‘elites’ before the rest was transferred to the Ukraine, or did some of it end up in the pockets of top Ukrainian officials and on to their offshore bank accounts? Probably both.
This is some information about Ukraine, the country so vehemently support. Do you really want to waste Hungarian funds and lives in Ukraine?
Neutral countries can and do sign international agreement, agreements that make sense, supporting Ukraine does not. Hungarians elected a populous government, a government that promised to consult the people if there was drastic change. The Ukraine/Russia qualifies as a drastic change. It is time for you also to respect the will of the Hungarian people. I know I should not ask whose side you are on, but you should ask yourself.
As an inhabitant of nearby Transylvania, I cannot be more horrified that our blood relatives (Hungarian, Romanian, and Ruthenian) are being drawn into this Ukrainian Nationalist Pride Madness that started as a differentiator from Moscovite values. We don’t deserve to have our bloodlines cut short by their nazification of Ukraine and their refusal to back down and return land that never belonged to them.