PHOTO REPORT: Incredible Pride held in Budapest

The 28th pride march was held in Budapest yesterday with more than 35 thousand participants, according to the organisers. Not only several Hungarian leftist politicians, MPs, Budapest mayor Gergely Karácsony, and other district mayors and representatives took part in the march but also the US ambassador, David Pressman. He gave a speech saying that a lot of governments are worried because of the reality in Hungary. Here is our photo report.

In a speech at the event, Gergely Karácsony, the mayor of Budapest, said freedom was indivisible and no one could be free in a city in which the LGBTQ community, the Roma or students were not free. “We must stand together for every group that is a target of power,” he said. “Mutual solidarity is indispensable,” he said in the City Park after the parade.

LGBTQ Pride March Budapest
Budapest mayor Gergely Karácsony on Pride. Photo: MTI

“We live in a country that is not free enough,” the mayor said, “not only for the LGBTQ community, but also for others, too.” He accused the government of trying to hide real problems by stoking “hatred”. Quoting Pope Francis, Karácsony spoke of Budapest as being “a city of bridges” connecting people. “Let’s keep Budapest free…” he said.

Marchers walked from Vajdahunyad Castle in the City Park through Heroes’ Square, Andrássy Avenue, Oktogon, Teréz körút, Király Street, then back along Andrássy Avenue to return to Vajdahunyad Castle. US ambassador David Pressman was among the marchers.

Pressman slammed the government

Pressman told RTL Klub that many countries are worried because of the situation in Hungary. Furthermore, the embassies of 37 countries and the USA issued a statement considering the Hungarian laws condemning the LGBTQ community and the anti-LGBTQ political rhetoric as worrisome. No government member, MP, mayor, or local representative of Orbán’s Fidesz or KDNP participated in the pride march.

LGBTQ Pride March Budapest
US Ambassador David Pressman among the marchers. Photo: MTI
LGBTQ Pride March Budapest
Photo: MTI

The parade was accompanied eight floats, including those of the opposition Socialist, Momentum, Párbeszéd-Greens and Two-tailed Dog parties, and participants danced and waved rainbow flags. At one point, the march was disrupted by counter-protesters who held up banners with the words: “Crime cannot be an object of pride!” and “Let’s stop the corruption of our children!” Here is a photo:

NGOs, petition, Hungarian President

According to the late night statement of the organisers of the Budapest Pride, “40 special people marched with us from more than 17 cities, whose participation was supported by the Budapest Pride application. 40 NGOs, rural LGBTQ associations, political parties and inclusive companies took part as well. In the Civil Village, 15 NGOs presented their activities, and the two-year educational programme, the so called “Befogadó terek” (Inclusive Spaces), a joint project of Budapest Pride, Amnesty International, Háttér Társaság and Labrisz Leszbikus Egyesület, was also on display.

After the march, singer and songwriter Martina Király and guitarist Zsolt Barta performed. Kristóf Steiner introduced he Mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, who gave a supporting speech. Dávid Bedő, President of the Parliamentary Group for a Diverse Hungary, and Szilvia Szénási, Roma activist and head of the Uccu Foundation also gave speeches. Sári Palugyai said a moving farewell to Györgyi Lang, Hungarian singer, her mother and host of our 2021 event.

Viki Radványi, president of Budapest Pride also gave a speech. Together with Phiren Amenca and the Haver Alapítvány, they announced that they will launch a campaign to take joint action against vulnerable minority legislation. In the campaing, they call on Katalin Novák, President of Hungary to be the President of Everybody. HERE is the petition.

Drag queen entertainment

Trinity Bee, drag queen, entertained the audience with her show between speeches. As an indication of the seriousness of the LGBTQ situation in Hungary, 49 embassies and cultural institutes have issued an unprecedented joint statement urging national governments to end discriminatory laws and rhetoric against the LGBTQ community in Hungary. The event was attended by the embassies of the United States of America, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia, the Netherlands, and Kosovo.

This year, the visibility of the participating NGOs was enhanced by a banner on the stage. Rural organisations and groups were also given a special vehicle this year, with a large banner with their logo on it, highlighting the importance of grassroots initiatives outside Budapest. The 28th Budapest Pride March was made possible by thousands of hours of hard work by more than 300 volunteers, nearly 30 project members and 14 organisers. This year, for the first time, the march returned to the same place where it started. We also changed our security concept, replacing static entry points with the tried and tested ribbon-lining at the edges of the march”.

Here are some more photos:


  1. Solidarity – by numbers of Groups, must GROW.
    The objections lodged by embassies of 37 countries plus the U.S.A. – that have JOINTLY ” signed off on” – in support in SOLIDARIRY togetherness agreement, the the Hungarian Laws, that CONDEM the LGBTQ community and the anti- LGBTQ political rhetoric as – WORRISOM.
    Pope Francis – his comments that Budapest, is “a city of bridges” – that CONNECTS people.
    Karacsony – “we live in a Country, that is not FREE enough.”

    Hungary, under Prime Minister – Victor Orban, the DESTRUCTION broadsheet, he and his Government have LITERALLY placed us in, at this present time – our Economy in RUININATION, near COLLAPSE, all “signed off” – that places us – our FUTURE as a country in a cataclysmic MESS.
    It will WORSEN.

    Hungary – we continue to be STRANGULATED through Victor Orbans ongoing aggressive ATTACK – to rid us as a country being a DEMOCRACY.
    Freedom & Liberty – the MAJOR core elements of DEMOCRACY.
    Orban – is a destructor of Democracy in Hungary.

    People Power – used ORDERLY.
    SOLIDARITY – the use it to SHAME & BLAME – the wrongfulness – the FUTURE in the eyes of Victor Orban – he DRIVES Hungary into becoming.

    “When the Yoke is BROKEN,
    the BURDEN is REMOVED.”

    Hungary – the yoke – our BURDEN, we MUST in our MILLIONS accelerate using ORDERLY forms of 21st century technology, inclusive of marches & demonstrations conducted ORDERLY, to “smash” open this Hungarian yoke and rid ourselves of the individual – who is our FACTUAL burden, a burden to the European Union, and GLOBAL Democracy.

  2. Foreign countries have nothing better to do than interfere in Hungary’s internal policies. The 38 countries are not utopian. These countries have ignored the fact that Hungary has and had strong laws to protect the alphabet community. However, children are protected from groomers and from mutilation. Information on the subject is available on the net as well as bookstores, although overt showing of some subject matter is not allowed. It is sad that Pressman, an anti-Hungarian US representative has not returned home.

  3. I find it incredible that now with so much to do to protect the planet and the animals in air, land, and water that money & time is allotted to nonsense like parades for a tiny minority of the population. Those who were born with some physical issue of uncertain biological sex, those who later felt out of place no matter what they did, those who are earning money from the pretense…like that beer guy who has claimed to be several sexes thru his pathetic acting career…. So now, there will be parades for every segment of the population that can get a foothold thru propaganda cus there are fools and manipulators out there who will start the fundraising for anything that is anti social.

    Everyone needs to watch Megan Kelly youtube channel about the pedophile JARED THE SUBWAY GUY. His words have forced the FBI to change their protocol w. regard to pedophilia. When he told the woman he’d been in a relationship with for years ‘dress in skimpy clothing, talk about sexual things when around children to groom them for me’ and asked “which of your kids will I prefer?” it made me realize that the behavior that has been allowed in the US, Canada & a couple of other countries of nude, vile, painted up adults in parades and story time is exactly what Jared and his kind are doing to get one over on society, which foolishly try to be open about anything and everything. Low bar for our future.

  4. The only pride flag of Hungary, is the “Piros, Féher, Zöld”, any other else, is a big lie, there are no other flag in Hungary.
    Destruction of the hungarian society, that’s the point.
    The US ambassador (among other hypocrites), have no other legitimate interest in the hungarian government, than to put an opposition politician in the place of the prime minister.
    Political interests, that’s the point of the US ambassador, not the true legitimate will of the hungarian people, and that’s the point of any other governments that are “worried” about the situation, a truly pathetic statement.
    The US ambassador could ask the manifestants and supporters to also fight for Ukraine, in the front lines, something that will never happen for obvious reasons.
    He also could pledge for more US dollars to flow into the hungarian opposition, also to Budapest’s mayor bank account, to help them to acheive his goal of political submission of Hungary, because by the standart way, they are not doing good.

  5. The only “pride” flag of Hungary, is the Piros, Féher, Zöld, anyone else, is a shameful lie.
    The only one i know, the only one i respect, recognize and accept.
    Typical political interest that the American ambassador have over Hungary, only to put an opposition politician in prime minister’s chair, to complete submission of Hungary to his interests.
    He could also haver asked to the supporters, and demonstrators, of the act, to go fight in Ukraine’s front, but It will never happen for clear reasons.
    He could also pledge some more US dollars to the account of the mayor, or anybody else, to help in elections, because the convencional methods are not going good.

  6. What’s a pride parade with no Dicks and tits out. The US ambassador could have flow in some his friends- they are so far ahead in the US. The latest chant is “We are coming for your kids” it’s now LGBTQP.
    Indoctrinating your kids is everywhere in the US with powerful teachers Union leading the charge- they spent more money than Soros to get Biden elected.
    Why doesn’t anyone ask the ambassador about all the children being trafficked at the US border and nothing is being done about it. Pride is a month long event in the US with major company’s giving free blow jobs. Honering those that gave their life for the country,a one day event and ignored by half the country. All the dead in Ukraine and Russia the US is responsible.

  7. 30 years ago SF and LA and many other US cities this was the thing only more skin. You want to see the future – look where it has come to today. It’s celebrated for a whole month. Schools and teachers unions are very much involved. Many teachers decorate for pride. Drag Queen story time and shows are all over the place focus on very young children. I wouldn’t repeat much of what’s in school libraries . I guess DNH didn’t feel comfortable with my comment yesterday they deleted- search for school board meeting where parents were not allowed to read from these childrens books.yet they are in the schools. The FBI started to investigate parents who refused to cooperate. Of course the US ambassador was there. They had a topless women at the White House pride event along with finding cocainne. Open gay sex is not a problem in SF along with human waste everywhere. They have a website to shows every reported case. I know what SF was like 30 years ago – you are fools not to pay attention – you have been given access to all the media in world so you have no one to blame but stupity.

  8. Fabian:

    “The US ambassador could ask the manifestants and supporters to also fight for Ukraine, in the front lines, something that will never happen for obvious reasons.

    Let me translate: I am so in the closet that I must show a robust distaste for this so no one will know”

    I don’t see you on the front lines, because like your fake name and your fake comments, you are just a big pussy, and I do not mean kiss.

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