PHOTOS: Illegal migrants brutally attacked Hungarian police, impaled car

Hungarian police patrolling the Southern border of Hungary, where the pressure of illegal migrants is the highest, were brutally attacked. They deliberately damaged a police car with a concrete iron stick. Thankfully, nobody was injured.

This is not the first time

According to Szeretlek Magyarország, a police car was almost impaled with a concrete iron at the Southern border of Hungary. The person who took the photos of the horrific events said that such attacks are common there. So it is fair to say that border guards are exposed to life-threatening conditions on a daily basis while patrolling. The fence was erected by the Hungarian government to keep illegal migrants away from Hungary and the Schengen zone.

It is not the first time such a concrete iron was pierced in a police car’s door or windshield. The event was reported by a Facebook page regularly publishing news about Hungarian law enforcement bodies. They said such attacks committed by the illegal migrants trying to leave Serbia and travel to the Western EU member states via Hungary are never reported by the Hungarian police. Below you may check out the photos. You can see there are protective elements placed on the police car. But they could not have prevented serious injuries provided the perpetrator had aimed better.

The photos were sent to a Facebook page, the police do not talk about such attacks

The person, who sent the photos to the “A kék sisakos megmondja” Facebook page, added that the shocking incident took place near Szeged. He told the page the strike happened on Thursday evening. Illegal migrants standing on ladders on the Serbian side threw the concrete iron into the windshield. Thankfully, nobody was injured. The car was patrolling between the two fences. That is how the Hungarian fence looks like: between the two lines, there is the ‘no man’s land’ for patrols.

Illegal migrants keep Southern borders under pressure

Illegal migrants are swarming in Serbia, mostly in the Northern areas of the Balkan country where the Hungarian communities reside. They cannot get past the fence erected by the Orbán government in 2015-2016. Therefore, there is constant tension which triggers violent attacks among the migrant groups or directed to Hungarian law enforcement forces in the region. We reported about a clash between Afghan and Pakistani migrants close to the Hungarian border, leaving one dead HERE.

Meanwhile, people smugglers are still active in the region and Hungary. There is not a week when police do not catch a truck or a lorry packed with illegal travellers heading towards Austria. HERE is the latest news of Asian refugees found in a cargo truck. Hungarian authorities are also known for their degrading treatment of migrants. As a result, the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights condemned Hungary last week.



  1. As long the Hungarian police or border guard is not5 allowed to use real force, this will continue!

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