Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed his best wishes to Mateusz Morawiecki, his Polish counterpart, in a letter on the occasion of Poland’s National Independence Day, Orbán’s press chief Bertalan Havasi said on Thursday.
“Your national holiday is a tribute to brave patriots, to the Polish people fighting for independence,” Orbán said.
“By joining forces across the nation, Poland returned to the map of the world after 123 years and started shaping the fate of Europe as an independent state,”
he added.
“It is my pleasure that Hungary could also contribute to Poland’s 20th century independence,” Orbán said. Since then, he said, the Hungarian-Polish alliance has strengthened further and stands ready to address jointly the challenge of ideologies questioning our countries’ sovereignty and traditional values.
“It is my pleasure that Hungary could also contribute to Poland’s 20th century independence,” Orbán said. Since then, he said, the Hungarian-Polish alliance has strengthened further and stands ready to address jointly the challenge of ideologies questioning our countries’ sovereignty and traditional values.
Orbán assured Morawiecki that
Poles can continue to rely on Hungary’s commitment
to achieving common aims.
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The Polish people are our best friends. Our common histories of fighting against oppressors tie us together.
Hungarians know and revere the memory of Polish General Bem who fought for Hungarian independence in 1848.
The Hungarian Uprising of 1956 started when on October 22, 1956, the students and workers of Hungary marched to the statue of General Bem in support of Poznan uprising and demanding our own freedom and independence form Soviet communist oppression.
We are brothers in arms.
Brussels “sits on the fence” – wonder WHY ?
The EU – does not – as we know have a Military.
Hungary – our “brothers in arms” history with Poland – this “invasion” of the Polish boader by illegal immigrants – is a “catch 22” situation – we are confronted with.
Hungary – we send troops to “assist” Poland – protect there borders – what will the Russian position of our actions be seen as through our Military assistance ?
Hungary – we have a “jittery” relationship with Russia.
Russia – history we know – can “change its moods” and face – quickly and aggressively – to suit it “needs”.
Hungary – do we fear Russia ?
Fear – beleive not totally the correct word usage – but certanly – Hungary treat Russia with a great deal of rightful Trepidation.
Brussels – why not ASK all EU Members – to assist Poland – or look at way(s) – collectively to-gether – the EU – and show a bit of “strength and fibre” – and play a “hands on” roll – in sorting out this deteriorating MESS.
Poland – are they going to be “hung out to dry” – by the Silence or passive position AGAIN we witnesse being taken in Brussels ?
Could the EU – be seen in an act of retribution – scolding and bruising – Poland for there transparency , in recent times, objections – to various EU – Laws and opinions ?
Poland – will need additional military support – and the EU – needs to PROVIDE it.
The expression is ‘as thick as thieves’ and both the governments of countries are robbing the EU blind.