Voters in the European parliamentary elections on June 9 will have to decide “between war or peace, between Brussels’ leash or Hungarian freedom,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his speech marking the March 15 national holiday in front of the National Museum on Friday.
“If we want to retain Hungary’s freedom and sovereignty, we must occupy Brussels and bring change to the European Union,” he said.
Since 1848, “the time always comes for every generation and each Hungarian youth when they must make a decision,” Orbán said. One must make a decision “if you are on the side of truth or join the herd of globalist bleaters,” Orbán said. People need to choose between “the path or truth or the avenue of the Soros empire . toil in a quarry or build a cathedral,” he said. “You cannot hide, you can decide between fighting for your homeland or eating the bread of foreigners,” he added.
“Brussels is not the first empire that had designs on Hungary, but in the past 500 years all such empires realised that oppression, bribery or violence … would not get them anywhere,” the prime minister said referring to the Ottoman and Habsburg empires as well as the Soviet Union. “We are the David that Goliath had better avoid,” Orbán said. He also added, however, that “Hungary demonstrated through the Compromise (of 1867, with Austria) that if we are given respect, we will also pay due respect.”
Brussels cribbing the rights of nations
“Brussels alone would not grasp that … but we will march up to Brussels and we ourselves will bring change to the European Union,” Orbán said. “We cannot accept that Brussels has abandoned Europeans, moreover, turned against them,” he said. “We cannot tolerate their destroying our farmers, impoverishing the middle classes, driving European companies to bankruptcy, cribbing the rights of nations, making our children the slaves or their debts and tossing the whole of Europe into war,” Orbán said.
“Hungary can only benefit from peace and we do not want war,” he said. “We in Budapest know what war is like … hundreds of thousands of dead, disabled, widows and orphans, destroyed bridges … tens of thousands of people that have lost everything … the life of a generation was destroyed in the latest war,” he insisted.
According to Orbán, “what Brussels has given Hungarians was war rather than peace, fuss around the rule of law rather than security, and financial blackmail rather than prosperity.” “They have deceived us and it is time we revolted and restored the self assurance and self esteem of Europe people,” the prime minister said.
“Hungary is not alone, because though the Poles have been caught up in the torrent of Soros’s Left, the Slovaks have risen, the Czech are awakening, the Austrians are getting ready, the Italians are facing the right direction, the Dutch are ready to go and the Americans are in protest,” he said.
Hungarian revolution “constructive, rather than destructive”
Meanwhile, he said, Europe, as well as the United States were “ahead of a sovereigntist turnaround”, which could “restore normal life and open a new, great epoch for Western nations, in which everybody could prosper . with the exception of those that breached their oath to serve their nation. that have worked in Brussels to take away funds from teachers . that would open the gates wide before migrants . and deliver our children to the hands of frenzied gender activist.” Those that “sold themselves by the kilo to gain power . will have the fate of traitors,” Orbán added.
Concerning the events of 1848, Orbán said the Hungarian revolution was “constructive, rather than destructive, it did not deny but create, it was true and beautiful, and it was not concluded in death but yielded life.”
In March 1848 “Europe was engulfed in flames, there was blood in the streets of its capitals, and people were fighting on barricades in Vienna,” Orbán said. Hungarians, however, were “writing poems, wording the 12 points (of the revolution), and marched over from Pest to Buda . we freed political prisoners without a gunshot, we went to the theatre to see a patriotic play . and won a victory by the evening . that’s what revolution is like when it is led by young Hungarians,” he said.
Orbán: EP elections ‘to decide between war or peace’
Orbán said that millions of people in the western world go through life with the notion that “they come from nowhere and are going nowhere, therefore they believe it is not necessary to be considerate with anybody or anything”. “They start wars and destroy worlds, they redraw country borders and devour everything like locusts,” Orbán said. “They neglect to respect the dead and they take away the rights of the unborn,” he added.
“We Hungarians live differently and want to continue living differently, we come from somewhere and are heading to somewhere,” Orbán said.
War or peace, that is at stake of the EP elections, Orbán says:
“Everything we have we received from our forebearers, including a mission which we must preserve and pass on; this is the essence of Hungarian freedom,” he added.
The meaning of freedom for Hungarians is that we are building a country with “no landlord overseeing us”. “Nobody else in the world thinks it is important that something Hungarian should survive,” he added.
“We know that a Hungarian quality of existence is a unique and unmatched, high-level form of human life, and it is the greatest thing to be born a Hungarian,” he added.
“In the western world, people believe they live as individuals and it is up to their free choice to decide which country’s citizens they should be and whether to be a boy or a girl,” he said.
Companions in the home country
“We Hungarians know that if you stand alone in the world, you are lonely, not free,” he added. The youth of March 15 proclaimed to the world that “we Hungarians are companions, not only in friendship and family, but we are also companions in the home country”, he added.
“And we are also companions with those before us and after us,” he said. “The life of Hungarians forms a continuous chain, from Saint Stephen to King Mathias and Petofi, and the Hungarians of ’56, all the way to us and further”.
He said people today feared for their freedom because of Brussels, just like at the time of 19th century revolutionary poet Sandor Petofi. “They want to pressurise us into something that Hungarians cannot bring themselves to … which is damnable for the Hungarian spirit, and … alien from Hungarian life”.
“They want to pressurise us to get involved in a war, they want to force us to take in migrants, and they want to change the upbringing of our children, but we will not enter the war, we will not let the migrants in and we will not give them our children,” Orbán said.
“This is simple like algebra and clear as the sun, because Hungary is a free and sovereign country, and it will stay so,” he added.
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Astounding – the BLAME game.
Orban known as the agitator, the divider, the separator, the “mingler” – or exciter – just “heaping” throwing it back – all the BLAME back onto Brussels.
The “rising” heat on Victor Orban inside Hungary, the head of a Government, that over the course of the last 11 years, has demolished humongous amounts of the core “fabric” – the functionality, going back through history that made Hungary.
Orban has SHAMED, Humiliated and Embarrassed the name Hungary, and continues on.
The growing pressurization on Victor Orban, from not just inside Hungary but Globally, from country’s Governed under Democracy, his “assault” constant repetitive, of NO fact nor substance to back up and justify, his criticism of the United States of America, that see’s our relationship with America – SMASHED.
The INSTIGATOR, the designer all by Orbans introduction(s) of Political Practices in Hungary that are not Democratic, divert BLAME to Brussels, in the “gamble” he buys more time, before his capitulation, his Fall from being the Prime Minister of Hungary.
REMEMBER : the “other” 26 country’s that comprise make up the European Union, who in the 26 – are exercising HUGH attacks on the United States ?
Who in the 26 “other” country’s can MANAGE think they can do without do without an open line friendship of Respect of communication, that is built on and around DIALOGE which is a “creed” of Democracy ?
The European Union can ill afford to un-settle, get into – what Victor Orban has created in the United States of America – Hungary position that being the eradication of RESPECT through Victor Orban’s constant practice of bombardment un-found on the United States of America, that will end for Victor Orban and sadly for Hungary, in a cataclysmic disaster.
The Blame Game, that the growing number of Hungarians not just the BELIEVERS of Fidesz, but there is movement in them, but in millions Hungarians who are SEEING what Victor Orban, his Government his Political Party – Fidesz – over 11 years have DELIVERED us – that being a country that has been Ravaged, bruised and battered – leaving us “dangling” on a cliff edge, that appears we will FALL off / over.
BLAME in propaganda he may Victor Orban in attempting to conceal cover-up his mass FAILINGS but it ALL comes back to the individual of BLAME for our STRUGGLES – our FUTURE that must be under Democracy, that our FUTURE works with, has open honest Dialogue conducted with Candour, with the European Union and the United States of America.
Hungary – we have been FAILED.
Saint Pope John Paul 11 – stood before us in Hero’s Square in August of 1991 – his first visit as the Pope, the “wall” had been “felled” just over 2 years prior 1989, in the front row, the VIP seats sat Victor Orban and his Baptised Catholic Wife.
Saint, in 1991 at this time was The Pontiff / Pope of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in his Pontifical Sermon celebrating the Eucharist in Hero’s Square, – gave Hungary this words :
” Be mindful of the Blessings that Freedom, which you Hungary have Definitively secured – means for your Future.
Cherish it and make good use of your Liberty.”
These words 33 years on are “etched” in stone for ALL Hungarians and “others” to READ – in Hero’s Square.
A member present that day in the congregation of the Eucharistic Pontifical Celebration, that individual has FAILED in the words of Wisdom, given us passed to us in August 1991.
Remember – 1989 what Victor Orban said in his speech from Hero’s Square ?
We have been FAILED.
Hungary – “Animo et Fide” – With Courage and Faith.
The Hungary of Fidesz can best be described as a parasite sucking on the EU. It reaps the benefits of the EU but constantly harms it and absolutely refuses to detach itself and leave.
Navalny’s widow sent a video to Hungary asking for sympathy. Hungarians fought for their own freedom without crying all over the world. Where was Navalny’s widow’s sympathy for the 16-year-old Hungarian boys that the Ukrainian army forced to the front to be killed. These children were untrained. So do not ask for sympathy. Most Russian people did not support your husband and he was not a national hero to the majority of Russians. He like many people was interested in power for the sake of power. The west will support anyone that would upset the Putin regime. Your husband was used for propaganda purposes by the west, and you are being used now. It seems that you are determined to have your 5 minutes of fame.
Hungary a sovereign country has the right to associate or trade with any other sovereign country and the death of your husband make no difference to the welfare of Hungarians.
Why would the good people of the EU allow 5 million Hungarians call the shots for 650 million EU residents? Delusional.
“We Hungarians live differently and want to continue living differently, we come from somewhere and are heading to somewhere,” Orbán said.
And this BS works on the avarage Hungarian….not the brightest people to say the least.
Orban should be brave enough to request HUXIT. His mindset and lies does not fit with the one from the EU. What is the goal of having someone complaining again and again? He calls for protecting freedom, but still Hungary is free to leave.
The “mindset” mentality of Hungarians just to sit back and TOLERATE the crap that just continues to flow out the mouth of there Prime Minister Victor Orban is embarrassing.
What’s he and his Government delivered Hungary in !! years ?
We are living in an on-going Economic & Financial disaster zone.
Orban has crushed – pushed Hungary, millions of us, into the category of just worry about living today because to-morrow or sooner than later it’s going to be WORSE.
Quality of our Lives in millions – we have been “Pushed” and “Squashed” into just worrying about SURVIVAL.
Victor Orbans – March 15th speech to Hungary just a “fantasized dream” – a gargantuan “heap” jargon that if Hungarians continue to SWOLLOW, we will go deeper into “threatening” perilous time.
It is evident – grows in evidence, and it has to CHANGE if Hungary has the remotest chance of survival or a FUTURE – under Democracy, for without Democracy it will revert back to the times of 1945-1989 – the bleak, black depressive times – no future HOPE times just Governed no population consultation – just do as I say, which will be under a Dictatorship regime.
Hungary we are LEMMINGS in our way of just STAYING quite and just FOLLOW the crowd making no RIPPLES along the way.
That astounds me when you consider what’s going on around us all through the “wacko” named Victor Orban – his lost Political Ideas and Ideology, the collapse and on-going DESTRUCTION of Hungary.
Victor Orban – the pressurization builds and builds on him.
Don’t think there will be an Easter Card from the President of the United States of America – this Easter.
We know there won’t be from Brussels either.
Mahatma Gandhi said:
“It’s easy to stand in a crowd but it takes COURAGE – to stand alone.”
Somethings got to HAPPEN – to SAVE us.
There is always room for improvement. PM. Orban’s criticisms are justified as demonstrated by national elections. EUP’s socialist policies lowered the standard of living in the EU and people are less safe now than before 2015. There is a rise of antisemitism in EU member countries because of migration policies of the EUP; their EUP’s short sighted policies may result in another holocaust.
Portuguese people elected a pro conservative government.
The Dutch people defeated their socialist government.
If election was held today, Le Pen’s party would defeat the Macron regime.
Hungarians are lucky to have a populous, pro-national Christian Conservative government. You critics all forgot the misery under the Soviet communist dictatorship, the struggle to survive under the socialist Gyurcsany government that bankrupted the nation, sold everything to globalist and pocketed the money. The globalist closed the plants, this caused high unemployment. Change takes time. Hungary is at a disadvantage when it comes to natural resources; the price of natural resources is controlled on the world market.
FIDESZ members have worked extremely hard to reinstate a thriving economy and an acceptable standard of living. This government is the only governing body that consult people by issuing referendums when world situations drastically change.
PM. Orban’s decision to keep out the Ukraine/Russia war stopped Russia from bombing Transcarpathia where Hungarians reside. Hungarians, even young boys were beaten by Ukranian police if they spoke Hungarian on the streets. Hungarian churches were destroyed.
The generosity of the Hungarian people helped to keep this minority alive with food, help rebuilding the churches, even sending present for Hungarian children for X-mas. Many critics support Ukrainians and really do not care for the wellbeing of their compatriots that is their choice.
Millions of ethnic Russians live in Ukraine. These ethnic Russians were oppressed and persecuted. A civil war ensued. Zelensky was elected. The few rights that ethnic communities and citizens had were removed. This ruling applied to all ethnic minorities. This ruling with the proposed entry into NATO gave ample reason for Russia to attack. It is time for Zelensky to reinstate the rights of ethnic minorities, including Russians. This may be a good start for peace talks. Before you have a heart attack reading the previous paragraph, I do not believe Russia is innocent in this melee. It is time for diplomacy.
Most of Hungary’s neighbors are Germanic or Slavic. Many believe Hungarian tribes came from outer space.
Hungary’s wealth is in its well-educated population and future is guaranteed by the Hungarian children. Most of Hungarians are well educate and support nationalism and sovereignty and truly believe Hungary is for Hungarians. Change slowly takes place so in the meantime try to contribute to the well-being of citizens; this is not time to be pessimistic.