Pope Benedict passed away – here are Cardinal Erdő’s thoughts
Pope Benedict, as a theologian, cardinal, incumbent and then pope emeritus, was a defining figure in the life of our church, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, said on Saturday.
“Even during years of weakness and ill-health, he radiated serenity,” Erdő wrote in a statement. “The greatest Catholic theologian of our time has left us.” “He felt and understood the signs of the times. He carried the 2nd Vatican Council in his heart,” the head of the Hungarian Catholic Church added. Benedict was aware of the dangers facing the Church, Europe and humanity, Erdő said, but he also saw new vistas and reason for hope.
In his last great encyclical (Caritas in veritate), Benedict saw truth as love manifested in society and he proclaimed the truth of Christ’s love in that spirit. The Cardinal also referred to Benedict as “a true European”. “He knew how to listen to others’ opinions with patience … He was a man of dialogue,” he wrote.
Erdő added that Benedict had “understood the problems and joys” of Hungarians, and had followed the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest “with love and interest”. He cited Pope Francis as saying: “We all feel his spiritual presence … his theological work still bears fruit and is effective.”
In his first papal mass, Benedict spoke of Jesus, who, as a good shepherd, sought out and carried lost sheep — humanity itself — on his shoulders, he wrote. As Jesus’s “collaborator in this great mission … we trust that Pope Benedict will complete this great work with his prayers from the House of the Heavenly Father,” Erdő added.
The Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (MKPK) also paid tribute to Benedict, saying his knowledge and wisdom had guided entire generations “The members of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference were touched to hear that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has completed his earthly journey and returned to the house of the Heavenly Father,” the MKPK said in a statement. “The entire life of Joseph Ratzinger, later known as Benedict XVI, was a testimony to his unwavering personal faith for all of us,” they added.
The MKPK called on “all people of good will” to remember Benedict in their prayers and urged Catholics “to pray for our Holy Father and the whole Church”.
Source: MTI
” We must make the Tenderness of God’s Heart felt – especially by the Weakness and Needless people – and do not forget – that spreading Divine Love – each one of us makes a contribution – to Building – a more – Just and Supporting World.”
Pope Benedict XV!1 – quote.
May he Rest in External Peace & Happiness in the House of the Lord.
“Semper fidelis” – translated Latin to English – meaning Always Faithful.
Pope Benedick XV1 – recognized as the greatest Theologin of the 21st century.
“Well done, good and faithful servant.
Enter come and share your Masters Happiness.”
Matthew: 25:23.
We will read much in the coming days of the Life of Pope Benedict XV1 – but in observations of him, introverted, shy and deep in privacy, that appeared as his demeanour, never forgetting the decades he has lived in Rome – the Vatican City, circa 1981 – walking through St Peters Square, in and out as he did the Gates of St. Anna – to his office of work, as a Cardinal, elevated ignited bought to Rome – Vatican City by Saint Pope John Paul 11 in 1981 – to the position of Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith.
As for his own personal Legacy, that will likely be defined by the one issue that concerned Pope Benedict XV1 the most – how the Holy Roman Catholic Church could/can still make a difference in the modern world.
Its deeply interesting – the study of role played by then Father Ratzinger – in Vatican 11 – 1962-1965 – as a highly thought of Theologian.
Father Ratzingers – engagement was titled a Theologian Consultant, to Cardinal Frings of Cologne.
It was thought at this time that Father Ratzinger – was in support of greater changes – being open in discussions somewhat as a REFORMER – having somewhat radical views in opinions what he saw of the future direction of the Holy Roman Catholic Church – than we know did “mildly” eventuate – out of Vatican 11.
Father Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinal Ratzinger then Pope Benedict XV1 – from early days – ordained in 1951 and through Vatican 11, the role he played, dismissed totally the REFORMIST path that he was reported to have taken, and grew into being KNOWN as a Conservative post Vatican 11 and throughout his priestly life.
Can the Holy Roman Catholic Church make a DIFFERENCE in the modern world?
Don’t look at the Hungarian Cardinal – Peter Erdo to “rock the boat” – as he through Saint Pope John Paul 11 then Pope Benedict XV1 – acknowledged factually as a Staunch Conservative,