The most popular Eastern European hotels are in Budapest reports that in Eastern Europe only Austria is more popular than Hungary from the point of view of guest nights.
Almost two million people lodged in commercial quarters in Budapest by the end of June, and domestic tourism is thriving as well. Hotel traffic in Budapest has increased by 19.9 per cent in the first half of the year, and hotels are still cheaper than in Vienna or Prague. Considering the average income per room in hotels, only Austria is ahead of Hungary in the Eastern European region.
1 million 980 thousand guests spent 4 million 563 thousand nights in hotels only in Budapest. This means a 10.4 per cent rise in the number of guests and a 12.8 rise in the capital’s tourism in just one year. Tourists target mainly the hotels and hostels in the fifth district, which is followed by the ones in the seventh.
The Festival and Tourism Centre of Budapest (Budapesti Fesztivál- és Turisztikai Központ) reports that other districts are gaining popularity too. Compared to last year, there was a 30 per cent increase in the number of guest nights in the third district and a 70.9 per cent increase in the twelfth district. The Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants’ trend report on the first half of 2017 shows that the income per room in Hungary was 57.1 EUR net, which is the second highest sum compared to Austria, The Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Among the capitals, Budapest is third best (58.8 EUR per room), behind Vienna and Prague, but ahead of Bratislava and Warsaw.
The average utilisation of hotels in Budapest has increased by 6.6 per cent in the first half of the year. With a 71 per cent reservation rate, the gross room price has become 78.11 EUR, which is a 10.4 increase in price. The income per room has increased by 21.8 per cent and it was 55.49 EUR net at the end of June. 12.3 per cent of the whole income came from the hotels near Lake Balaton, where 65.5 per cent of the guest nights is domestic.