Population loss in Hungary accelerates: record-low number of births again

Preliminary data show 6,703 children were born and 10,009 people died in August, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) said on Friday.

There were 1,020 fewer children born in August than in the same month a year earlier. The number of deaths rose by 123 from the base period.

The data show 6,710 couples got married, 128 more than a year earlier.

For the period January-August, the fertility rate was estimated at 1.37 down from 1.52 in the base period. Authorities registered a lower fertility rate only in 2013.

Number of births at historic low

According to 444.hu, August was another historic low concerning the number of births. Fewer than 7,000 kids were never born in any month before. Last August, more than 7,700 babies were born.

Population loss number of births low
Source: depositphotos.com

In the first 8 months, 51,463 kids were born, which is 10% lower than in 2023. The worsening tendency accelerates: between January and March, the number of births was 9.1% lower than in the previous year, but that rate grew to 13% between May and August.

The number of deaths between January and August was 83,400, which is 1.4% lower than in 2023. The natural population loss was 31,937 in the first eight months, which is 18% more than between January and August of 2023. That is the population of Gödöllő or Salgótarján.

Read also:

Featured image: depositphotos.com



  1. Ceuacsecu had a great method of raising the population. He banned birth control. We were bringing birth control pills in from Hungary in the 70s and 80s. The joke was the guy who gets stopped at the border where customs ask him what he is doing with 100 condoms in his luggage. The traveller says it’s all for personal use. “How long are you staying in our country?” “One week.”

  2. Hungary is not so family friendly after all, at least according to ordinary citizens as declinjng nunber of young people do not see Hungary as a good country to raise children.

    Could it be the awful state of public hospitals? Any women here who would want to give birth to their child in a Hungarian public hospital? Make sure your estimated date is not during the hottest summer months as there are no AC in most public hospitals. Better keep your legs crossed now or use 100% contraceptive as it it will be June-July in nine-ten months later.

    Or maybe the declining quality of basic education for young children due to lack of motivated teachers? I wonder why school teachers are not just happy and proud to educate the new Hungarian generation while earning peanuts.

  3. Tamas, explain that to Orban and his “pro family” programs. They are not working, and they will never work. you can not put a gun on the head of a woman to have children. Anyway, tbh, im not sure if i should be worry or happy. My wife is Hungarian, and she is amazing, but almost all the hungarians i know are so selfish. This means that (at least for me) the less people with this sentiment, the better

  4. Whatever the causes, the/a solution is NOT to import third-world invaders and replace Hungarians with them.

  5. It’s happening in all developed countries. The truth is quality of life goes down too much with big families. Women have now joined the work force and choose to get children later in life. In the old days when the women was home and only took care of the children and the home it made it was different. Money will not be enough to make people have more children. I see no way out if this. Developed countries will eventually disappear and there’s not much we can do about it.

  6. Steiner, Orban is importing thousands of “Third World invaders” to work as slaves in his battery factories around Hungary. He is creating migrant ghettos (officially referred to as “guest workers” barracks). Everything this government says is a lie. As far as genuine refugee claimants are concerned who may be considered “invaders” there were a total of 15 new claimants in all of 2023 in Hungary which is the lowest per capita of any EU country. Guess where these 15 claimants came from – 10 from Orban’s ally Russia and 5 from Azerbaijan. There was not a single new claimant in all of 2023 from the “Third World invaders” but for Russians and Azerbaijanis. The whole migrant crisis outcry by Fidesz is a great big propaganda lie designed by Russia to turn Hungarians against the EU.

  7. Slight correction. It was 25 in Hungary all of 2023, 10 Russia, 5 Azerbaijan, 10 Other. That is your “invasion”. They can’t even fill one bus.

  8. August’s birth total was broadly in line with July’s number. No sign of an uptick. OK, lots of developed countries have falling birth rates, but the rate of decline has been much higher in Hungary than elsewhere in the last two or three years. Quite difficult to understand.

  9. Just like I expected, no female answers. Women are quietly not accepting the rules that mostly male polixy makers make. And that is good.

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