Shocking proposal: Hungary plans ban on non-EU guest workers starting 1 January
The Hungarian government is poised to implement significant restrictions on the employment of non-EU guest workers, starting 1 January 2025, according to A proposal to tighten regulations could be discussed at Wednesday’s cabinet meeting, marking a sharp shift in policy. The move aims to address growing domestic discontent over the increasing presence of foreign workers.
Key measures in the proposal
As to reports, under the draft regulation, no new work permits would be issued to third-country nationals, except those from Georgia. Additionally, existing two-year work permits with a one-year extension option would lose this renewal flexibility. The new rules could effectively ban non-EU workers from Hungary, with only minimal exceptions.
Political pressure and public sentiment
The issue was a focal point during Monday’s parliamentary session. László Toroczkai, leader of Mi Hazánk, criticized the surge in guest workers, highlighting their dominance in food delivery jobs and accusing the government of prioritising foreign employment over opportunities for Hungarians. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded firmly, asserting:
“If their working hours are up, they must leave the country… As long as I’m Prime Minister, all guest workers will go home.”
Sources suggest the decision is largely political, driven by complaints from influential Fidesz politicians representing rural areas. They face mounting pressure from voters who are uneasy about the sudden influx of guest workers. Concerns include fears over public safety and the perception that foreign labour is taking jobs from locals.
Efforts to delay implementation
The proposal has already sparked behind-the-scenes lobbying. Some are pushing for a later implementation date—1 July 2025—while others advocate for exceptions for workers from countries like the Philippines, a significant source of labour for Hungary in recent years.
Context: Hungary’s guest worker market
Hungary already has the strictest guest worker regulations in Europe, as Orbán emphasised in parliament. If enacted, these new measures would solidify its position further, signalling a strong stance against labour migration from outside the EU.
Read also:
- Tax benefits change, 3rd-country guest workers will earn less in 2025 in Hungary!
- The influx of guest workers in Hungary decreased significantly this year
Featured image:
“The move aims to address growing domestic discontent over the increasing presence of foreign workers.”
And that is how it’s done. The people dislike something; the government’s job is to reduce or remove it. It is such a simple concept. Would that the other Euro and Western governments would do the same, instead of persistently, flagrantly, and mockingly disregarding the will of the people.
That said, it is wrong to lump the likes of Filipinos and Montenegrins with the likes of Pakistanis and Indians, for a wide variety of reasons.
then who will work? Hungarian people themselves work abroad, they don’t want to be paid a low salary, their work ethic is inadequate
What do you mean? Are you saying that Filipinos and Montenegrins are better than Indians?
Immigration / Migration :
Its DEEPER – through the Orban – Fidesz Government, as they HAVE done, by “Rule by Decree” – already in place and being practiced.
FACT – what this Orban Government ARE doing.
WE have lived in Budapest for (7) seven years under the Status of a Residency Permit.
They are issued for a (2) two year period – then a re-application process to stay in Hungary is required – through dealing with the Hungarian Immigration Department.
We are – SELF Funded Retirees.
We have our own – Private Medical Policies.
We are NOT “free loaders” or “drain” – take from the taxes paid to this Orban Government, by the GOOD & Respected people of Hungary.
We pay our WAY – by our SPENDING “power” capability – into the Hungarian Economy.
We DON”T speak nor Write – nor orally understand Hungarian.
PASSPORTS – we hold are from the country that practices is under DEMOCRACY.
Its the country of our birth.
We are Caucasian of “light skin”.
We are advised, by our Hungarian Immigration Lawyer that through the CHANGES already in USE – being “enforced” by the Hungarian Immigration Department, under LAWS passed by the Orban – Fidesz Government – that post 30th June 2025, time of our request submission of documentation – for “another” period of (2) two years living in Hungary under the status of a Residency Permit, that we, in ALL probability – WILL be REJECTED.
It READS has been already INTRODUCED – by this Orban Government, to Illiminate – REFUSE – people, whether you are retirees or “other” – immigrating or migrating to Hungary.
This Orban Government Law – is TARGETTED at HUMANS – who are from, the holders of PASSPORTS – non European Union Membership countrys that are Governed under DEMOCRACY.
Orban, his Fidesz Government, in this LAW, in its PURPOSE – view people from our background as a THREAT – to the on-going process of the Orban – Fidesz Government – there DISTILLATION of DEMOCRACY in Hungary.
PEOPLE – from European Union country’s – holders of passports of European Union Membership – will get a “hearing” – be considered.
In our CASE – the Hungarian Legal opinion on migration / immigration – outcome(s) – from our status of RESIDENCY – in ALL probability be Rejected / Refused.
Is this NOT another FACTUAL example of the MANUFACTORING of a POPULATION – to STRENGTHEN – its POLITICAL Governance – in the case of Hungary – the CRUSHING, the SMASHING of Democracy – and replacing it under a Dictatorship – Communistic – Law’s of Government ?
Immigration / Migration :
Its DEEPER – through the Orban – Fidesz Government, as they HAVE done, by “Rule by Decree” – already in place and being practiced.
FACT – what this Orban Government ARE doing.
WE have lived in Budapest for (7) seven years under the Status of a Residency Permit.
They are issued for a (2) two year period – then a re-application process to stay in Hungary is required – through dealing with the Hungarian Immigration Department.
We are – SELF Funded Retirees.
We have our own – Private Medical Policies.
We are NOT “free loaders” or “drain” – take from the taxes paid to this Orban Government, by the GOOD & Respected people of Hungary.
We pay our WAY – by our SPENDING “power” capability – into the Hungarian Economy.
We DON”T speak nor Write – nor orally understand Hungarian.
PASSPORTS – we hold are from the country that practices is under DEMOCRACY.
Its the country of our birth.
We are Caucasian of “light skin”.
We are advised, by our Hungarian Immigration Lawyer that through the CHANGES already in USE – being “enforced” by the Hungarian Immigration Department, under LAWS passed by the Orban – Fidesz Government – that post 30th June 2025, time of our request submission of documentation – for “another” period of (2) two years living in Hungary under the status of a Residency Permit, that we, in ALL probability – WILL be REJECTED.
It READS has been already INTRODUCED – by this Orban Government, to Illiminate – REFUSE – people, whether you are retirees or “other” – immigrating or migrating to Hungary.
This Orban Government Law – is TARGETTED at HUMANS – who are from, the holders of PASSPORTS – non European Union Membership countrys that are Governed under DEMOCRACY.
Orban, his Fidesz Government, in this LAW, in its PURPOSE – view people from our background as a THREAT – to the on-going process of the Orban – Fidesz Government – there DISTILLATION of DEMOCRACY in Hungary.
PEOPLE – from European Union country’s – holders of passports of European Union Membership – will get a “hearing” – be considered.
In our CASE – the Hungarian Legal opinion on migration / immigration – outcome(s) – from our status of RESIDENCY – in ALL probability be Rejected / Refused.
Is this NOT another FACTUAL example of the MANUFACTORING of a POPULATION – to STRENGTHEN – its POLITICAL Governance – in the case of Hungary – the CRUSHING, the SMASHING of Democracy – and replacing it under a Dictatorship – Communistic – Law’s of Government ?
my question is who wants to work after we choose this country to work. are hungarians willing to work for low pay with high cost of living, plus new tax regulations. why do we non eu countries have to pay taxes while we are treated like slave workers. may this country be destroyed because you do not treat humans as human beings
my question is who wants to work after we choose this country to work.
are hungaria willing to work for low pay with high cost of living, plus new tax regulations. why do we non eu countries have to pay taxes while we are treated like slave workers. may this country be destroyed because you do not treat humans as human beings
my question is who wants to work after we choose this country to work.
are hungaria willing to work for low pay with high cost of living, plus new tax regulations.
why do we non eu countries have to pay taxes while we are treated like slave workers.
may this country be destroyed because you do not treat humans as human beings
Ez az aggodalom a közbiztonság miatt teljesen alaptalan, hiszen azok a munkavállalók, akik ebbe az országba érkeznek, elkötelezettek, és minden olyan dokumentumot bemutatnak, amelyet a kormány megkövetel (véleményem szerint még erkölcsi bizonyítványt is kérhetnének, én gond nélkül be is nyújtanám). Ez és sok más tény bizonyítja, hogy ezek az emberek nem jelentenek veszélyt!
Egy másik fontos szempont, hogy egyszerűen nincs elegendő magyar munkavállaló az összes betöltendő pozícióhoz! A legtöbb fiatal magyar elhagyja az országot! Mi pedig, akik ide jöttünk, hogy hozzájáruljunk az ország fejlődéséhez, minden adót megfizetünk, és elkötelezettek vagyunk abban, hogy együtt növekedjünk Önökkel. És mégis, minket elutasítanak?
Ismernek közelebbről egyetlen külföldit is, aki itt dolgozik Magyarországon? Azt hiszem, nem! Minden magyar család, akivel barátságot kötöttem, bátran kiállna mellettem, ha bárki megkérdezné, mert megértik, hogy azért vagyok itt, hogy segítsek, hogy összefogjunk! Ha viszont hátat fordítanak azoknak a külföldieknek, akik szeretik az országukat, tisztelik a kultúrájukat, és elkötelezettek a magyarországi élet mellett… az országuk lejtőre kerül! Mert maguk a magyarok is elvándorolnak!
Ez nagyon szomorú. Az embereknek össze kellene fogniuk! És amennyire én megismertem a magyarokat, nem igaz, hogy a többség ki akarja zárni a külföldieket!
It makes no sense to worry about public safety, as the workers coming to this country are committed people who present all the documents required by the government (in my opinion, they could even request a criminal record, and I would gladly provide it). This, along with many other factors, proves that these individuals pose no danger!
Another important point is that there are not enough Hungarians to fill all the available job positions! Most young Hungarians are leaving the country! And we, who come here to contribute to your country, pay all taxes and are committed to helping the country grow together with you… are we being discarded?
Do you personally know any of the foreigners working in Hungary? I believe not! Every Hungarian family I’ve become friends with would defend me if asked because they understand I’m here to help, to join forces! Unfortunately, if you turn your back on the foreigners who love your country, your culture, and are committed to living a life in Hungary… your country will collapse! Because even Hungarians themselves are leaving!
This is very sad. The people need to unite! And from what I know about Hungarians, it’s not true that most of them want foreigners out!
All hungarians living and working abroad should also be banned from their host countries.
Yes, most of us don’t want guest workers or immigrants. This is exactly how it started in Western Europe in the 60ties and 70ties. First politicians in cooperation with companies imported a few guest workers, after that family reunion was allowed and many more guest workers arrived, who never left. Look at Western Europe today! No, thanks! Policies must be developed to get our countrymen back home and stop them leaving in the first place. Fidesz will not be the answer, but MH will.
Ask your countrymen to come and work for the current salary your companies are paying in Hungary. I have seen a senior business analyst getting a way low salary in Hungary compared to his Hungarian compatriots who are working overseas and making his life touch both ends meet by driving Uber. He himself have said that this country is ruled by dogs and will not develop. In order for this country have something developed they will need guests workers. So cut the bullshit and focus on what you are getting abroad.
Yes, most of us don’t want guest workers or immigrants. This is exactly how it started in Western Europe in the 60ties and 70ties. First politicians in cooperation with companies imported a few guest workers, after that family reunion was allowed and many more guest workers arrived, who never left. Look at Western Europe today! No, thanks! Policies must be developed to get our countrymen back home and stop them leaving in the first place. Fidesz will not do anything in this regard, but MH will.
Ask your countrymen to come and work for the current salary your companies are paying in Hungary. I have seen a senior business analyst getting a way low salary in Hungary compared to his Hungarian compatriots who are working overseas and making his life touch both ends meet by driving Uber. He himself have said that this country is ruled by dogs and will not develop. In order for this country have something developed they will need guests workers. So cut the bullshit and focus on what you are getting abroad.
Rodrigues and Hernandez. You both belong to the worst class of immigrants. Latinamericans are lazy , racists and bullies. You never integrate in the country you reside. Latinos are always living in enclosed circles and bullying the ones who are not latinos. The best guest workers are asians. They are hardworking and also integrate in the society who receive them.
Im not latin American. And right, go to jozsefvaros plac and tell me how well integrated are the Chinese living and working there, without paying taxes. Fully integrated as you said
Who are you to say that Latin Americans are lazy? I have been working here for three years, and the hardest workers are the foreigners. What do you do for a living? The Hungarians do not want to work and do not have enough skills to fill the open positions, do you speak Spanish and English or another language? Do you know how to fix problems from all around the world with a computer? How many people do you know that can do that?. Those who have the skills prefer to live in another country because they realize that they have better opportunities elsewhere (Money and lifestyle). We are well integrated here. Think better about what you are saying because the companies will leave this country too if it is harder for them to find people. Companies that are paying taxes like the foreigners. Then, the stores and others will close because the immigrants that where buying or consuming there left the country and they cannot maintain the business with just Hungarian. Then, the government cannot get enough money from taxes to maintain security, routes, regular services, etc. Services that the government is paying right now are gonna be expensive, because they do not have enough money because the taxes are less. Also, you will have to pay more taxes because, once again, the government cannot get the same money as before. Etc, etc, etc.
Now for some data and facts:
Our population is decreasing (we need a fertility rate of 2.1, people – long way off, and the very expensive policies of our Politicians are not working), which means our dependency rate is getting worse by the year – we are currently just shy of 53 percent.
The dependency ratio is a demographic measure of the ratio of the number of dependents to the total working-age population in a country or region.
This indicator paints a picture of the make-up of a population compared to its workforce and can shed light on the tax implications of dependency.
As the overall age of the population rises, the ratio can be shifted to reflect the increased needs associated with an aging population.
So – uh. Unless those who oppose immigrants who work, consume and pay taxes want to defer their pensions until they are 80 – you had better start breeding in a hurry. Three kids is good, four is better:
Is there any issue for people who completed their visa submission in November and are waiting for approval in January?
Probably all applications that were submitted before should not be affected. Thes new proposal is not yet approved. You need to wait
Thanks for the response ☺️
Tisza Party – get INVOLVED – let it be KNOWN, just not in Hungary, but EXPLODE it in Brussels, extend it out – Globally – to ALL countrys – that are of DEMOCRACY.
Be a VOICE – of the THOUSANDS – who have – will be EFFECTED by the Orban – Fidesz Government, there on-going DISTILLATION of Democracy in Hungary.
This is ALARMING the subject of this article.
WHAT – are the Tisza Party under the Leadership of Peter Magyar – what are they DOING to HIGHLIGHT, to FIGHT , to expose to ALL Hungarians, to Brussels, to ALL of Europe, to the GLOBAL World – these “Heinous” changes, effected by this Orban – Fidesz Government ???
The Orban – Fidesz Government – changes they through “Right of Decree” process exercised in Parliament, have introduced Migration & Immigration Policies – that focus on ALSO – for whatever PEOPLE – there reason(s) that wish to work and live in Hungary – that are not from European Union member countrys there passports representing – they are from countrys that are DEMOCRACYS – even RETIREES that are “Self – Funded” having there own Private Medical Coverage – in HIGH thousands of number, who have lived in Hungary, for numbers of years – under the status of a Residency Permit, being a (2) two year issued period, then a re-application process, it ALL is WRONG – its DISCRIMINATORY .
In the DISCRIMINTORY that is being PRACTICED – by the Orban – Fidesz Government, the word – DEMOCRACY – through the issued country of PEOPLES pass-ports, if they are non-European Union countrys, but are from DEMOCRATIC Governed countrys – you are either being Rejected to extend your Residency Status, or for the “first timers” – rejected – on the grounds – that you FAIL to meet the – Laws on the Migration / Immigration Policys of Hungary.
WHAT – what are those PASSPORT holders – from DEMOCRACYS – not from European Union Member countrys – either been rejected or Will be – when the need of the re-applying re-application status – of Residency or a Residency Permit – what ACTION plan in the opposing – in OBJECTING – to the WRONGFULNESS, the “Heinous”, the Discriminatory practices, to work and live or retire to live – introduced by the Orban – Fidesz Government ?
Hungary – ” Crumbles” – before our eyes daily, and Migration / Immigration Policy changes, the subject of this article, expanded in the commentary “add on” – just “adds ” onto, the gargantuan FAILINGS, to the people of Hungary, the country of Hungary, our IMAGE, our REPUTATION, the RESPECT – we once where Held – CREDITED with – all that have been SMASHED – taken from us, by the Orban – Fidesz Government.
Crestfallen and FAILED.
Tisza Party – get INVOLVED – let it be KNOWN, just not in Hungary, but EXPLODE it in Brussels, extend it out – Globally – to ALL countrys – that are of DEMOCRACY.
Be a VOICE – of the THOUSANDS – who have – will be EFFECTED by the Orban – Fidesz Government, there on-going DISTILLATION of Democracy in Hungary.
This is ALARMING the subject of this article.
WHAT – are the Tisza Party under the Leadership of Peter Magyar – what are they DOING to HIGHLIGHT, to FIGHT , to expose to ALL Hungarians, to Brussels, to ALL of Europe, to the GLOBAL World – these “Heinous” changes, effected by this Orban – Fidesz Government ???
The Orban – Fidesz Government – changes they through “Right of Decree” process exercised in Parliament, have introduced Migration & Immigration Policies – that focus on ALSO – for whatever PEOPLE – there reason(s) that wish to work and live in Hungary – that are not from European Union member countrys there passports representing – they are from countrys that are DEMOCRACYS – even RETIREES that are “Self – Funded” having there own Private Medical Coverage – in HIGH thousands of number, who have lived in Hungary, for numbers of years – under the status of a Residency Permit, being a (2) two year issued period, then a re-application process, it ALL is WRONG – its DISCRIMINATORY .
In the DISCRIMINTORY that is being PRACTICED – by the Orban – Fidesz Government, the word – DEMOCRACY – through the issued country of PEOPLES pass-ports, if they are non-European Union countrys, but are from DEMOCRATIC Governed countrys – you are either being Rejected to extend your Residency Status, or for the “first timers” – rejected – on the grounds – that you FAIL to meet the – Laws on the Migration / Immigration Policys of Hungary.
WHAT – what are those PASSPORT holders – from DEMOCRACYS – not from European Union Member countrys – either been rejected or Will be – when the need of the re-applying re-application status – of Residency or a Residency Permit – what ACTION plan in the opposing – in OBJECTING – to the WRONGFULNESS, the “Heinous”, the Discriminatory practices, to work and live or retire to live – introduced by the Orban – Fidesz Government ?
Hungary – ” Crumbles” – before our eyes daily, and Migration / Immigration Policy changes, the subject of this article, expanded in the commentary “add on” – just “adds ” onto, the gargantuan FAILINGS, to the people of Hungary, the country of Hungary, our IMAGE, our REPUTATION, the RESPECT – we once where Held – CREDITED with – all that have been SMASHED – taken from us, by the Orban – Fidesz Government.
Crestfallen and FAILED.
It is evident that Orbán introduced 3rd world workers as a cheap alternative for his millionaire brotherhood in expense of the native Hungarian workers.
Deplorable double standard.
Let us hope that Magyar will exploit Orbán’s discrimination against native workers.
are there any restrictions when we coming as (non EU/ third country person ) employment visa?
Who are going to make the batteries for electric cars? I thought they were going to import lots of guest workers to do this? What about foreign language teachers in schools and universities? Are they to be kicked out or refused work visas despite the necessary work they do? This really shows that the government is all over the place. If foreign workers are doing food deliveries, isn’t that because they can’t get enough natives to do this not terribly well-rewarded work? Orbán is intelligent enough to recognise the incoherence of this.
Very informative publication