The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has called for the introduction of the euro and the European minimum wage as “the only way out of Hungarians’ subsistence crisis”.
László Varjú, the party’s deputy leader, told a press conference on Monday that “the flawed economic policy of the Hungarian government, a record weak forint and skyrocketing prices have led to our money losing its value, and we can afford less and less from the same salary.”
Despite a 4 percent raise in February, the minimum wage is still worth less than last year, Varjú said. Varjú insisted that
the “current subsistence crisis” had been created by the government
and could only be resolved by a change of government in the general election next spring.
Varjú said that should DK’s candidate, MEP Klára Dobrev, become prime minister,
she would work to accelerate Hungary’s accession to the euro zone.
She would also introduce the European minimum wage to ensure that “rather than just surviving on their salary, Hungarians can make a living at almost European levels.” Besides western European countries, the minimum wage in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and “even Romania” is now worth more than that in Hungary, he said.
“Those fighting the introduction of the euro actually mean to say that Hungarians’ work is worth less than that of others,”
he said.
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Not going to happen. Hungarians DO NOT want the Euro. The sausage coalition is dreaming again. Hopefully they help Fidesz and Orban claim 85% of the seats in the Hungarian Parliament.
They just sealed their fate to lose! Lol!
Preserve our national currency! It is a piece and symbol of our independence as a nation!
And, we would end up like Greece.
Hungary – are we rapidly approaching a position that could be best described as that we are in Political Turmoil ???
Who is going to present a Paper – to the Citizens of Hungary – that from a position of Neutrality – gives a balanced – no hidden agendas – to answering – Do we Hungary “retire” our current Sovereign Currency and – Go Euro – OR – continue with our Sovereign Currency – Forint ?
Presenting a paper of this composition – who is out there that Truly could be judged holding no position of bias – but presents to the citizens of Hungary – a Factual analysis – for the Future of Hungary – what currency is best that we USE – for our Future.
The wider picture – not just of our present “vulnerable” membership in the European Union – but what of the Future – is to be the European Union ?
What a conundrum.
“Franchised” supporter that is my Political position – which my out in calling my-self Franchised – is that I do not – ALL the time – agree – with the Ideas and Political Philosophies that come out of the Fidesz Party.
Hungary – if a change of Government was to occur at the National Elections May 2022 – which at this time, indicates Fidesz will be returned/re-elected to office – and this – change of currency – was introduced by the newly elected Government of Hungary – it would have the makings of being a Perilous decision – for the Future of Hungary.
SMILES – likened to Cheshire Cats – would be walking around the hallways of European Union Buildings in Brussels – and the Big 6 – the opposition to Fidesz – are playing a “risky” game of Politics banking on the “Cheshire Cats” and ALL the – Lemmings – that make up the Brussels/European Union scene – jumping on board and supporting there – INTENTIONS.
Is Greece a good example in History – what could be and occur going forward in Hungary – if we Go Euro ?
Not the best of examples but in there to use and ask – what if we “retire” our Sovereign Currency and Go Euro – what if of our FUTURE.
Is it to be – through a decision to change currency – another addition to list of Hungarian History – if we vote WRONGFULLY – to allow it to Happen.
Hungary needs to grow and change for the better! I am sick and tired of poverty, the constant crying over financial issues of working people. Come on everyone don’t you want to live a better life?