Public health emergency in Budapest: decontamination needed

Areas flooded by the Danube urgently need disinfection in Budapest. The NGO Association for the Roman Coast (Egyesület a Római Partért) has called on Gergely Karácsony and the Mayor of Óbuda to immediately start disinfecting the flooded areas.
The Association for the Roman Coast (Egyesület a Római Partért) called on Lord Mayor Gergely Karácsony and the Mayor of Óbuda to immediately start cleaning and disinfecting the public spaces, playgrounds and benches from the Danube sludge on the Kossuth Lajos promenade and the side streets of the largely flooded Roman Coast (Római-part), Economx reports.
According to the association’s statement, “the health of many thousands of visitors is endangered by the Mayor’s inaction”.
According to the NGO, there is a serious risk of contamination for residents and visitors, as confirmed by sludge samples taken in public areas in 2010 and 2013.
“We call on the Municipality to immediately stop the operation of the buffets and restaurants operating in the Danube riverbed without sewerage, until they have adequate sewerage, whose cesspool is washed out by the Danube, which seriously endangers the health of the local population and visitors! Let’s protect our environment from harmful effects,” they wrote.
The association is asking the mayor and the deputy mayor responsible for city management to “do the job they are paid to do instead of taking smiling pictures. Serve and protect the people of Budapest from the dangers that await them”.
Read also:
- PHOTO GALLERY: Danube reached 693cm in Budapest, breaking its banks
- Danube flooding: here is when Budapest’s main traffic route will reopen
Mayo Greg doesn’t care. He’s too busy waging war on drivers, getting into petty fights with the federal government, and “celebrating diversity” (*BARF*)… – all on the orders of his globalist-socialist paymasters.